The Dog: Unclean
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 16:21
And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Peter 2:22
But it is happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether a Man May Make Oblations of Whatever He Lawfully Possesses ...
... Reply to Objection 2: According to the Law, a dog was deemed an unclean
animal. Yet other unclean animals were redeemed and their ...
// theologica/whether a man may make.htm

... in the stupid game of the prodigal, in drunkenness, and gambling, and unclean living. ...
overstep the line you may depend upon it." "Is thy servant a dog, that he ...
// of the bible some lesser-known/hazael.htm

On the Animals
... Here they think that the lion is the devil, the dog is a true gentile or a ... The frogs
are demons; in the Apocalypse: and I saw three unclean spirits in the form ...
/.../eucherius/the formulae of st eucherius of lyons/iv on the animals.htm

Chapter xx.
... through their anger and wrathfulness. Moreover, both animals are unclean,
the dog as well as the swine. We must therefore be on ...
/.../ lords sermon on the mount/chapter xx 2.htm

The Making of a Prophet
... sharpened to catch His lowest whisper; eyes that, like those of a dog fixed on ... But
divine goodness and love cannot find a way by which the unclean shall dwell ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/the making of a prophet.htm

The Throne of Grace
... God, makes a mistake; he has not brought an offering that God can accept, any more
than if he had struck off a dog's neck, or offered an unclean sacrifice. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the throne of grace.htm

Healing a Phoenician Woman's Daughter.
... a diminutive, such as often used to indicate affection] had an unclean spirit, having ...
He uses the diminutive for the word dog, thus indicating a tame pet, and ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/lxvii healing a phoenician womans.htm

Original Sin
... thou wilt deny Christ, he would have said, Is thy servant a dog?' But alas! ... As whatever
the leper touched became unclean; such a leprosy is original sin; it ...
// body of divinity/3 original sin.htm

Psalm XCVI.
... honour Him by confession of their sins, they vomit the evils which they had greedily
devoured; they return not to their vomit, like the unclean dog; [4431] and ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm xcvi.htm

Appendix xvi. On the Jewish views About Demons' and the Demonised ...
... who remained fasting on graves in order to communicate with an unclean spirit; and ...
a, b). The other remedy proposed is the excrement of a white dog mixed with ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/appendix xvi on the jewish.htm



Dog (Sodomite?): Dumb and Sleeping

Dog (Sodomite?): Epithet of Contempt

Dog (Sodomite?): Figurative

Dog (Sodomite?): Greyhound

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Lapping of

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Licking Blood

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Licking Sores

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Returns to Eat his own Vomit

Dog (Sodomite?): Price of, not to be Brought Into the Sanctuary

Dog (Sodomite?): Shepherd Dogs

The Dog of Apostates

The Dog of Covetous Ministers

The Dog of False Teachers

The Dog of Fools

The Dog of Gentiles

The Dog of Obstinate Sinners

The Dog of Persecutors

The Dog: (Dead) of the Mean

The Dog: (Dumb) of Unfaithful Ministers

The Dog: Carnivorous

The Dog: Dangerous and Destructive

The Dog: Despised by the Jews

The Dog: Fond of Blood

The Dog: Impatient of Injury

The Dog: Infested Cities by Night

The Dog: Manner of, in Drinking Alluded To

The Dog: Nothing Holy to be Given To

The Dog: Price of, not to be Consecrated

The Dog: Sacrificing of, an Abomination

The Dog: Things Torn by Beasts Given To

The Dog: Unclean

The Dog: when Domesticated: Employed in Watching Flocks

The Dog: when Domesticated: Fed With the Crumbs


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