The Call of God is from Darkness
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Abandonment to Divine Providence
... Letter XXIV.--The Call of God a Sign of Predestination. ... Letter XXIX.--To Leave All
to God. ... Letter IV.--Darkness and Doubts. Letter V.--Distractions in Prayer. ...
// caussade/abandonment to divine providence/

Of the Name of God
... In relation to the creatures, we may call him Creator, Redeemer ... This is the most
perfect knowledge of God, that doth not drive away darkness, but increases ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/lecture vii of the name.htm

Demonstration xvii. --Of Christ the Son of God.
... Evidently the day on which they crucified Him, for in the midst of that day there
came darkness, and at the evening time there was ... We call Him God, just as ...
/.../aphrahat select demonstrations/demonstration xvii of christ the son.htm

"If we Say that we have Fellowship with Him, and Walk in Darkness ...
... Papists call it the mother of devotion ... by unavoidable consequence, as clear as the
light, that no man can have fellowship with God that walks in darkness. ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xii if we say.htm

Effectual Calling
... The word to call' signifies to choose out some from ... 3:4). How many millions sit in
the region of darkness! ... in the number of those few whom God has translated ...
// divine cordial/effectual calling.htm

God in Christ
... from the beginning of the world in God, who created ... dying out among us; and many
who call themselves Christians ... though the sun were turned to darkness, and the ...
/.../kingsley/the gospel of the pentateuch/sermon i god in christ.htm

Our Attitude Toward Destructive Criticism.
... passed through every storm of antagonism that the Prince of Darkness could evoke ...
highest education, and has had an open ear to the call of God""Come, let ...
/.../i our attitude toward destructive.htm

A Free Grace Promise
... if the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood"if God shall show ...
most terrible convulsions shall occur, "Whosoever shall call on the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 35 1889/a free grace promise.htm

"This Then is the Message which we have Heard of Him, and Declare ...
... things we see and hear, that fall under our senses, therefore we call him a ... There
is a twofold darkness that hinders us to see God, a darkness of ignorance ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon x this then is.htm

Christ Saves.
... would be blasphemy for me to call on God." "You call on God ... the poor publican, he
lifted up his voice and said, "God be merciful ... I left him still in darkness. ...
/.../moody/moodys anecdotes and illustrations/christ saves.htm



Call: Personal by Christ

Call: To Special Religious Duty of Abraham

Call: To Special Religious Duty,

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Aaron and his Sons

Call: To Special Religious Duty: All Who are Called of God

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Amos

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Apostles

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Cyrus

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Gideon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Jehu

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Joshua

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Moses

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Paul

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Samuel

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Solomon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: The Rich Young Man

The Call of God by Christ

The Call of God by his Gospel

The Call of God by his Ministers

The Call of God by his Spirit

The Call of God by his Works

The Call of God is from Darkness

The Call of God: Addressed to All

The Call of God: Blessedness of Receiving

The Call of God: Condemnation

The Call of God: Destruction

The Call of God: Effectual to Saints

The Call of God: Illustrated

The Call of God: Most Reject

The Call of God: Partakers of, Justified

The Call of God: Praise God For

The Call of God: Rejection by God

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Delusion

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Judicial Blindness

The Call of God: Temporal Judgments

The Call of God: To Man Is of Grace

The Call of God: To Man Is: According to the Purpose of God

The Call of God: To Man Is: Heavenly

The Call of God: To Man Is: High

The Call of God: To Man Is: Holy

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Eternal Life

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Fellowship With Christ

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Glory and Virtue

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Holiness

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Liberty

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Peace

The Call of God: To Man Is: To the Eternal Glory of Christ

The Call of God: Walk Worthy of

The Call of God: Withdrawal of the Means of Grace

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