The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Delusion
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Isaiah 66:4
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears on them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear: but they did evil before my eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Thessalonians 2:10,11
And with all delusion of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Doctrine of Christ.
... And now we shall call to our remembrance other passages ... are coming upon this age
according to God's Word! With the rejection of the doctrine of Christ this age ...
// lord of glory/the doctrine of christ.htm

Exposition of Chap. Iii. (ii. 28-32. )
... was much more intimately connected with a total apostasy and rejection, than was ...
not depend upon any human cause, but solely upon the call of God"upon His ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/exposition of chap iii ii.htm

The Gospel of Matthew
... He brings out clearly the future rejection of Israel ... of Hebrew words, as: "They shall
call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us," 1 ...
/.../drummond/introduction to the new testament/the gospel of matthew.htm

"Is the Spirit of the Lord Straitened?"
... He can still call some Saul of Tarsus without a Bible and ... Spirit shall not always
strive with man," saith the Eternal God; and continual rejection will, at ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/is the spirit of the.htm

On the Councils, Or, the Faith of the Easterns.
... We shall not call God Father for having a creature ... other than God is born of God,
and who ... particular perversions, and countenance no opportunity for delusion. ...
/.../the life and writings of st hilary of poitiers/on the councils or the.htm

Later English Reformers.
... call for him when you will, he is ever at home ... character of men, had led many to
a virtual rejection of the ... is impossible:' but we see a promise of God to give ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /14 later english reformers.htm

Later English Reformers
... He is never out of his diocese; call for him when you ... of men, had led many to a virtual
rejection of the ... is impossible;' but we see a promise of God to give ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 14 later english reformers.htm

Of Faith. The Definition of It. Its Peculiar Properties.
... many fall away from the common faith (I call it common ... For as in that rejection of
the Jews there still ... confidence, and so abused the goodness of God to their ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 2 of faith the.htm

The Unity of the Divine Essence in Three Persons Taught, in ...
... the passage of Joel, "Whosoever shall call upon the ... being the special property of
God alone, and yet ... in the ordinary way of salutation, his rejection of false ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 13 the unity of.htm

Book vii. This is the Seventh Book of Our Treatise against the ...
... 2. We call to mind that in the preceding books the ... of being led by means of truth
into a rejection of truth ... we cannot, as true believers, assert that God is One ...
/.../hilary/the life and writings of st hilary of poitiers/book vii this is the.htm



Call: Personal by Christ

Call: To Special Religious Duty of Abraham

Call: To Special Religious Duty,

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Aaron and his Sons

Call: To Special Religious Duty: All Who are Called of God

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Amos

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Apostles

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Cyrus

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Gideon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Jehu

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Joshua

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Moses

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Paul

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Samuel

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Solomon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: The Rich Young Man

The Call of God by Christ

The Call of God by his Gospel

The Call of God by his Ministers

The Call of God by his Spirit

The Call of God by his Works

The Call of God is from Darkness

The Call of God: Addressed to All

The Call of God: Blessedness of Receiving

The Call of God: Condemnation

The Call of God: Destruction

The Call of God: Effectual to Saints

The Call of God: Illustrated

The Call of God: Most Reject

The Call of God: Partakers of, Justified

The Call of God: Praise God For

The Call of God: Rejection by God

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Delusion

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Judicial Blindness

The Call of God: Temporal Judgments

The Call of God: To Man Is of Grace

The Call of God: To Man Is: According to the Purpose of God

The Call of God: To Man Is: Heavenly

The Call of God: To Man Is: High

The Call of God: To Man Is: Holy

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Eternal Life

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Fellowship With Christ

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Glory and Virtue

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Holiness

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Liberty

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Peace

The Call of God: To Man Is: To the Eternal Glory of Christ

The Call of God: Walk Worthy of

The Call of God: Withdrawal of the Means of Grace

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