The Call of God: Condemnation
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John 12:48
He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Hebrews 2:1-3
Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Hebrews 12:25
See that you refuse not him that speaks. For if they escaped not who refused him that spoke on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaks from heaven:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Eighth Sunday after Trinity Living in the Spirit as God's Children ...
... love to him; he would always remain in fear and dread of wrath and condemnation,
and, because of such doubt, would flee from God, not daring to call upon him. ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/eighth sunday after trinity living.htm

Moreover, if Sorcerers Call Forth Ghosts, and Even Make what Seem ...
... out as gods would never willingly call themselves demons ... Word, the Reason, the Wisdom,
and the Son of God? ... them at least the mark of ignominy and condemnation. ...
/.../tertullian/apology/chapter xxiii moreover if sorcerers.htm

His Name --The Mighty God
... the Son of God; if he were not so, his condemnation for blasphemy ... As often as we
profess the doctrine of election, we call Christ the mighty God; as often ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/his namethe mighty god.htm

To Cledonius the Priest against Apollinarius. (Ep. Ci. )
... or the assumption of Flesh, as they call it ... If it was in order that God, otherwise
incomprehensible ... it was that He might destroy the condemnation by sanctifying ...
/.../select letters of saint gregory nazianzen/to cledonius the priest against.htm

The Lack of Prayer
... in all things, may abound to all good work." Do let us believe that God's call to
much prayer need not be a burden and cause of continual self-condemnation. ...
/.../murray/the ministry of intercession/chapter i the lack of.htm

The Trial at Caesarea
... Tertullus knew that his flattering words were untrue, but their desire to secure
the condemnation of Paul ... Never was he to receive another call from God. ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 39 the trial at.htm

The vineyard and Its Keepers
... to Jesus was mainly because He would call on them ... terms on which they hold it, and
of God's desire for ... We have next the self-condemnation from unwilling lips. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture b/the vineyard and its keepers.htm

God in the Covenant
... peculiar with regard to his children, for to them the condemnation sentence shall
never ... Furthermore, the Christian can call God his God, from the fact of his ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 2 1856/god in the covenant.htm

Argument. --That God Also Appeared to Jacob as an Angel; Namely ...
... although it was found the stronger, in respect of the condemnation of Christ ... the
same divine Scripture justly does not cease to call the Angel God, and to ...
/.../chapter xix argument that god also.htm

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Gospel Transcends Law.
... calling it a ministration, or doctrine, of death and condemnation. What term
significant of greater abomination could he apply to God's Law than to call it a ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twelfth sunday after trinity gospel.htm



Call: Personal by Christ

Call: To Special Religious Duty of Abraham

Call: To Special Religious Duty,

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Aaron and his Sons

Call: To Special Religious Duty: All Who are Called of God

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Amos

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Apostles

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Cyrus

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Gideon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Jehu

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Joshua

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Moses

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Paul

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Samuel

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Solomon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: The Rich Young Man

The Call of God by Christ

The Call of God by his Gospel

The Call of God by his Ministers

The Call of God by his Spirit

The Call of God by his Works

The Call of God is from Darkness

The Call of God: Addressed to All

The Call of God: Blessedness of Receiving

The Call of God: Condemnation

The Call of God: Destruction

The Call of God: Effectual to Saints

The Call of God: Illustrated

The Call of God: Most Reject

The Call of God: Partakers of, Justified

The Call of God: Praise God For

The Call of God: Rejection by God

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Delusion

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Judicial Blindness

The Call of God: Temporal Judgments

The Call of God: To Man Is of Grace

The Call of God: To Man Is: According to the Purpose of God

The Call of God: To Man Is: Heavenly

The Call of God: To Man Is: High

The Call of God: To Man Is: Holy

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Eternal Life

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Fellowship With Christ

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Glory and Virtue

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Holiness

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Liberty

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Peace

The Call of God: To Man Is: To the Eternal Glory of Christ

The Call of God: Walk Worthy of

The Call of God: Withdrawal of the Means of Grace

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