The Calf: when Fattened Considered a Delicacy
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Samuel 28:24,25
And the woman had a fat calf in the house; and she hurried, and killed it, and took flour, and kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Amos 6:4
That lie on beds of ivory, and stretch themselves on their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the middle of the stall;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 15:23,27
And bring here the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Calf Image

Calf of Gold was Made of the Ornaments of the Women

Calf of Gold was Made: After an Egyptian Model

Calf of Gold was Made: To Go Before the Congregation

Calf of Gold was Made: To Represent God

Calf of Gold: An Altar Built Before

Calf of Gold: Destroyed by Moses

Calf of Gold: Fashioned With a Graven Tool

Calf of Gold: Made on Account of the Delay of Moses in the Mount

Calf of Gold: Making of a Forgetting of God

Calf of Gold: Making of a Turning Aside from the Divine Command

Calf of Gold: Making of a Very Great Sin

Calf of Gold: Making of Caused Moses to Break the Tables of the Testimony

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Aaron

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Israel

Calf of Gold: Making of Israel Punished For

Calf of Gold: Molten in the Fire

Calf of Gold: Moses Interceded for Those Who Worshipped

Calf of Gold: Punishment of Those Who Worshipped a Warning to Others

Calf of Gold: Sacrifices offered To

Calf of Gold: Worshipped With Profane Revelry

Calf: "Calves of the Lips" a Metaphor Signifying Worship

Calf: Altars of, Destroyed

Calf: Golden, Made by Aaron

Calf: Images of, Set up in Beth-El and Dan by Jeroboam

Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

Calf: Prophecies Against the Golden Calves at Beth-El

Calf: Worshiped by Jehu

The Calf of a Year Old Best for Sacrifice

The Calf: Eaten in the Patriarchal Age

The Calf: Fattened in Stalls

The Calf: Fed On: Branches of Trees

The Calf: Fed On: Milk

The Calf: If First-Born not Redeemed

The Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

The Calf: Patient Endurance

The Calf: Playfulness of, Alluded To

The Calf: Sacrifices of Praise

The Calf: Saints Nourished by Grace

The Calf: The Young of the Herd

The Calf: when Fattened Considered a Delicacy

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