The Calf: Patient Endurance
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ezekiel 1:7
And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf's foot: and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Revelation 4:7
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Heroic Women of Early Indiana Methodism.
... Did not the patient endurance, which for years added new ... of no ordinary character,
full of faith, patient, quiet, cheerful ... not merely kill the fatted calf for a ...
/.../the heroic women of early indiana methodism/the heroic women of early.htm

The Letter of the Church of Rome
... the holy place and became the greatest example of patient endurance. ... Love puts up
with everything and is always patient. ... him more than a young calf with horns ...
/.../richardson/early christian fathers/the letter of the church.htm

An Advance Step in the Royal Programme
... All the struggles and difficulties, the hard road, the endurance, the patient suffering
for His ... are four faces as of a man, a lion, an ox or calf, a flying ...
/.../quiet talks on the crowned christ of revelation/v an advance step in the.htm

Faustus States his Objections to the Morality of the Law and the ...
... Paul, when he says of our God," He spared not His own Son, but gave Him up for us
all;" [811] or of Peter, when, in exhorting the saints to be patient in the ...
/.../faustus states his objections to.htm

The Rise of the Assyrian Empire
... lotus, the papyrus, the cow standing in a thicket and suckling her calf, the sacred ...
lies buried in such sites, and is waiting only for a patient and wealthy ...
/.../chapter iithe rise of the.htm



Calf Image

Calf of Gold was Made of the Ornaments of the Women

Calf of Gold was Made: After an Egyptian Model

Calf of Gold was Made: To Go Before the Congregation

Calf of Gold was Made: To Represent God

Calf of Gold: An Altar Built Before

Calf of Gold: Destroyed by Moses

Calf of Gold: Fashioned With a Graven Tool

Calf of Gold: Made on Account of the Delay of Moses in the Mount

Calf of Gold: Making of a Forgetting of God

Calf of Gold: Making of a Turning Aside from the Divine Command

Calf of Gold: Making of a Very Great Sin

Calf of Gold: Making of Caused Moses to Break the Tables of the Testimony

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Aaron

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Israel

Calf of Gold: Making of Israel Punished For

Calf of Gold: Molten in the Fire

Calf of Gold: Moses Interceded for Those Who Worshipped

Calf of Gold: Punishment of Those Who Worshipped a Warning to Others

Calf of Gold: Sacrifices offered To

Calf of Gold: Worshipped With Profane Revelry

Calf: "Calves of the Lips" a Metaphor Signifying Worship

Calf: Altars of, Destroyed

Calf: Golden, Made by Aaron

Calf: Images of, Set up in Beth-El and Dan by Jeroboam

Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

Calf: Prophecies Against the Golden Calves at Beth-El

Calf: Worshiped by Jehu

The Calf of a Year Old Best for Sacrifice

The Calf: Eaten in the Patriarchal Age

The Calf: Fattened in Stalls

The Calf: Fed On: Branches of Trees

The Calf: Fed On: Milk

The Calf: If First-Born not Redeemed

The Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

The Calf: Patient Endurance

The Calf: Playfulness of, Alluded To

The Calf: Sacrifices of Praise

The Calf: Saints Nourished by Grace

The Calf: The Young of the Herd

The Calf: when Fattened Considered a Delicacy

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