The Blessed: Who Believe
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 1:45
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Galatians 3:9
So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


That the Gentiles Should Rather Believe in Christ.
... That the Gentiles should rather believe in Christ. ... of thee a great nation, and I
will bless thee, and I will magnify thy name; and thou shalt be blessed: and I ...
/.../three books of testimonies against the jews/21 that the gentiles should.htm

The Want of Power to Believe
... of soul called "faith." But when you find out that you have no strength left, you
will, in blessed despair, cease to work, - and (ere you are aware) - believe! ...
// way of peace/chapter x the want of.htm

That Gospel Sermon on the Blessed Hope
... the blessed appearing of his Lord, who at his coming will take him into his blessed
kingdom. ... Perhaps that is one reason why people do not believe this doctrine ...
/.../moody/that gospel sermon on the blessed hope/that gospel sermon on the.htm

Entrance into Rest.
... What He gives is for every one. I believe that blessed life is waiting for me. It
is meant for me. God is waiting to bestow it, and to work it in me. ...
/...// masters indwelling/iv entrance into rest.htm

But You Will Say, the Good Will of a Friend Towards Me, Although I ...
... And, lo, in Christ, that is, in the seed of Abraham, that all the nations are blessed,
ye see and are amazed: and do ye still fear to believe in Him, in Whom ...
/.../augustine/concerning faith of things not seen /5 but you will say.htm

Though He were Dead
... clear that I, whoever I may be, as I have a right to endeavour to escape from damnation,
have a right to avail myself of the blessed command, "Believe in the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 30 1884/though he were dead.htm

"He Ascended into Heaven:" Believe. "He Sitteth at the Right Hand ...
... In this way, then, believe an inhabiting of Christ on the right hand of God the ... He
is blessed, and from blessedness which is called the right hand of the Father ...
/...// the creeds/section 11 he ascended into.htm

Of the Union of the Blessed Spirits with God, in the vision of the ...
... mirror represented to the eye: whence the great Apostle said that to believe is
to ... promised only, but of which we have a pledge in the Blessed Sacrament, that ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter xi of the union.htm

Those Persons who do not Believe in God, but who are Disobedient ...
... When, however, they believe and are subject to God, and go on and keep His ... ipsis
dictionibus), and the exposition of the Epistles of the blessed apostle, I ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xli those persons who do.htm

"Lo, I am with You Alway. "
... Wait before Him and say: "Lord, helpless as I am, I believe and rest in the blessed
assurance that what Thou hast promised Thou wilt do for me.". ...
// himself/ii lo i am with.htm



The Blessed: Holy Mourners

The Blessed: Saints at the Judgment Day

The Blessed: The Bountiful

The Blessed: The Children of the Just

The Blessed: The Faithful

The Blessed: The Generation of the Upright

The Blessed: The Just

The Blessed: The Meek

The Blessed: The Merciful

The Blessed: The Peace-Makers

The Blessed: The Poor in Spirit

The Blessed: The Pure in Heart

The Blessed: The Righteous

The Blessed: The Undefiled

The Blessed: To Whom God Imputes Righteousness Without Works

The Blessed: Who are not offended at Christ

The Blessed: Who Avoid the Wicked

The Blessed: Who Believe

The Blessed: Who Delight in the Commandments of God

The Blessed: Who Die in the Lord

The Blessed: Who Endure Temptation

The Blessed: Who Favour Saints

The Blessed: Who Fear God

The Blessed: Who Frequent the House of God

The Blessed: Who Have Part in the First Resurrection

The Blessed: Who Have the Lord for Their God

The Blessed: Who Hear and Keep the Word of God

The Blessed: Who Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness

The Blessed: Who Keep the Commandments of God

The Blessed: Who Know Christ

The Blessed: Who Know the Gospel

The Blessed: Who Rebuke Sinners

The Blessed: Who Shall Eat Bread in the Kingdom of God

The Blessed: Who Suffer for Christ

The Blessed: Who Trust in God

The Blessed: Who Wait for the Lord

The Blessed: Who Watch Against Sin

The Blessed: Who Watch for the Lord

The Blessed: Whom God Calls

The Blessed: Whom God Chastens

The Blessed: Whom God Chooses

The Blessed: Whose Sins are Forgiven

The Blessed: Whose Strength is in the Lord

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