The Beard: Corners of, not to be Marred for the Dead
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 19:27
You shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shall you mar the corners of your beard.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Leviticus 21:5
They shall not make baldness on their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Political Constitution of Egypt
... has injured both the nose and beard, and the ... at this aperture were received by the
dead in person. The statues were not mere images, devoid of consciousness. ...
/.../chapter ithe political constitution of.htm

The Rise of the Assyrian Empire
... Egyptian fashions had influenced the better classes so far as to change even their
mode of dealing with the dead, of which we find in not a few places clear ...
/.../chapter iithe rise of the.htm



Beard: Beards of David's Ambassadors Half Shaven by the King of the Amorites

Beard: Cut

Beard: David

Beard: Idolatrous Practice of Marring, Forbidden

Beard: Lepers Required to Shave

Beard: Plucked

Beard: Samson

Beard: Shaven by Egyptians

Beard: Untrimmed in Mourning

Beard: Worn Long by Aaron

The Beard in Affliction was Clipped

The Beard in Affliction was Neglected and Untrimmed

The Beard in Affliction was Shorn

The Beard in Affliction: Sometimes Plucked Out

The Beard of the Healed Leper to be Shaved

The Beard: Corners of, not to be Marred for the Dead

The Beard: Dribbling On, a Sign of Derangement

The Beard: Laying Hold of, a Token of Respect

The Beard: Plucking of, a Sign of Scorn

The Beard: Shaving of, a Great Offense

The Beard: Shaving, Illustrative of Severe Judgments

The Beard: Subject to Leprosy

The Beard: The Jews Never Appeared Without

The Beard: Worn Even by the Priests

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