The Atonement: Saints Glorify God For
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 6:20
For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Philippians 1:20,21
According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Confession of the Free-Will Baptists. AD 1834, 1868.
... Though Christ's atonement is the foundation of the sinner's redemption, yet ... will
come again to close the gospel dispensation, glorify his saints, and judge ...
/.../confession of the free-will baptists.htm

God's Glory in Hiding Sin
... it ought to be a great stimulus to saints. ... Still, never be backward to glorify God
for having covered ... ever they offend you, let that atonement which satisfied ...
/.../spurgeon/sermons on proverbs/gods glory in hiding sin.htm

Seeking Richly Rewarded
... which he casts himself upon the great atonement made upon ... was, because it enabled
them to glorify God, a good ... to show forth the patience of the saints, and to ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 60 1914/seeking richly rewarded.htm

The Sovereignty of God in Salvation
... us say that the only limitation in the Atonement we have ... mission of the Spirit is
threefold; to glorify Christ, to vivify the elect, to edify the saints. ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter four the sovereignty of.htm

Knowledge. Worship. Gratitude.
... be forgiven their transgressions through the atonement of his ... from the world, this
unkindness from the saints, and so ... they know God, they do not glorify him as ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 30 1884/knowledge worship gratitude.htm

Why they Leave Us
... to glorify them; it is their glory to glorify him; and it ... The saints are to behold
this, and it will be ... redeemed from the purifying bath of his atonement I see ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 32 1886/why they leave us.htm

Lessons from Nature
... and so amid dignity and honor saints can survive ... man, I think I could then glorify
God." Sir, if ... is a heaven somewhere, there is an atonement somewhere, there ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/lessons from nature.htm

Christ --Perfect through Sufferings
... We know that the saints, without our saying it, will ... and give up the ghost, or else
no atonement for sin ... Oh, my brethren, how this will glorify God at the last ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 8 1863/christperfect through sufferings.htm

God's People Delivered.
... lavished their wealth in order to glorify themselves, are ... made immortal, and with
the risen saints are caught ... now, through the work of the atonement, Adam is re ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /40 gods people delivered.htm

Our Watchword
... By the atonement we are infallibly, effectually, eternally ... this saying should be
universal among the saints. ... were all seeking to glorify God, and, consequently ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/our watchword.htm



Atonement by Incense

Atonement by Jewels

Atonement by Meat offerings

Atonement by Money

Atonement for Tabernacle and Furniture

Atonement for Those Defiled by the Dead

Atonement in Consummation of the Levites

Atonement: Day of How Observed

Atonement: Day of Time of

Atonement: Made by Animal Sacrifices

Atonement: Made by Jesus with Context

Atonement: Made by Jesus: A Mystery

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Divinely Ordained

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Made But Once

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Redemption By

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Typified

Atonement: Made for Houses

Atonement: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

The Atonement was Voluntary

The Atonement: Acceptable to God

The Atonement: Access to God By

The Atonement: Commemorated in the Lord's Supper

The Atonement: Effected by Christ Alone

The Atonement: Exhibits The: Grace and Mercy of God

The Atonement: Exhibits The: Love of Christ

The Atonement: Exhibits The: Love of God

The Atonement: Explained

The Atonement: Faith In, Indispensable

The Atonement: Foreordained

The Atonement: Foretold

The Atonement: Has Delivered Saints from The: Power of Sin

The Atonement: Has Delivered Saints from The: Power of the Devil

The Atonement: Has Delivered Saints from The: Power of the World

The Atonement: Justification By

The Atonement: Made But Once

The Atonement: Ministers should Fully Set Forth

The Atonement: Necessity For

The Atonement: Reconciles the Justice and Mercy of God

The Atonement: Reconciliation to God Effected By

The Atonement: Redemption By

The Atonement: Remission of Sins By

The Atonement: Saints Glorify God For

The Atonement: Saints Praise God For

The Atonement: Saints Rejoice in God For

The Atonement: Sanctification By

The Atonement: Typified

the Day of Atonement: A Day of Humiliation

the Day of Atonement: Atonement Made On for the High Priest

the Day of Atonement: Atonement Made On for the Holy Place

the Day of Atonement: Atonement Made On for the Whole Congregation

the Day of Atonement: Observed As a Sabbath

the Day of Atonement: Offerings to be Made On

the Day of Atonement: Punishment for not Observing

the Day of Atonement: Tenth Day of Seventh Month

the Day of Atonement: The High Priest Entered Into the Holy Place On

the Day of Atonement: The Sins of the People Borne off by the Scapegoat On

the Day of Atonement: Typical

the Day of Atonement: Year of Jubilee Commenced On

Under the Law Atonement by Priests Alone

Under the Law Atonement: Extraordinary Cases of

Under the Law Atonement: Made by Sacrifice

Under the Law Atonement: Necessary For: Propitiating God

Under the Law Atonement: Necessary For: Purifying

Under the Law Atonement: Necessary For: Ransoming

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Sinning Ignorantly

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Sinning Wilfully

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Swearing Rashly

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Unclean

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Withholding Evidence

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Altar

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Congregation

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Healed Leper

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Holy Place

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Leprous House Healed

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Priests

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Women After Childbirth

Under the Law Atonement: Typical of Christ's Atonement

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