The Atonement: Reconciles the Justice and Mercy of God
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Isaiah 45:21
Tell you, and bring them near; yes, let them take counsel together: who has declared this from ancient time? who has told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Savior; there is none beside me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Romans 3:25,26
Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Existence of Moral Evil, or Sin, Reconciled with the Holiness ...
... hypothesis, before either truth or justice would listen ... infinite goodness and power,
and thus reconciles the fact ... the low view, that the atonement confers its ...
/.../a theodicy or vindication of the divine glory/chapter vi the existence of.htm

Jefferson -- the Reconciliation
... that it is only doctrinal preaching that reconciles the heart ... of theology is found
in the doctrine of the atonement. ... He was just, and His justice had no mercy ...
/.../various/the worlds great sermons volume 10/jefferson the reconciliation.htm

Of the Sacraments.
... we may have incurred by transgression, and reconciles us to ... for paying some satisfaction
to the justice of God ... have been the value of the atonement which the ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 14 of the sacraments.htm

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized
... monarch have equal access to the mercy seat, sacrificing ... worshippers, for which the
Son of God paid the ransom, when he made the atonement for transgression ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/solomons temple spiritualized.htm

A Traveler's Note-Book
... It is a scene which reconciles us to life, and makes us no longer impatient even
of ... The justice he enforces is often injustice and savagery. ... "Have mercy upon me ...
/.../merriam/the chief end of man/iii a travelers note-book.htm

The Theology of St. Hilary of Poitiers.
... Me hath seen the Father.' This doctrine reconciles all our ... It will help us to do
him justice if we ... another great doctrine, that of the Atonement, and remember ...
/.../chapter ii the theology of st.htm



Atonement by Incense

Atonement by Jewels

Atonement by Meat offerings

Atonement by Money

Atonement for Tabernacle and Furniture

Atonement for Those Defiled by the Dead

Atonement in Consummation of the Levites

Atonement: Day of How Observed

Atonement: Day of Time of

Atonement: Made by Animal Sacrifices

Atonement: Made by Jesus with Context

Atonement: Made by Jesus: A Mystery

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Divinely Ordained

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Made But Once

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Redemption By

Atonement: Made by Jesus: Typified

Atonement: Made for Houses

Atonement: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

The Atonement was Voluntary

The Atonement: Acceptable to God

The Atonement: Access to God By

The Atonement: Commemorated in the Lord's Supper

The Atonement: Effected by Christ Alone

The Atonement: Exhibits The: Grace and Mercy of God

The Atonement: Exhibits The: Love of Christ

The Atonement: Exhibits The: Love of God

The Atonement: Explained

The Atonement: Faith In, Indispensable

The Atonement: Foreordained

The Atonement: Foretold

The Atonement: Has Delivered Saints from The: Power of Sin

The Atonement: Has Delivered Saints from The: Power of the Devil

The Atonement: Has Delivered Saints from The: Power of the World

The Atonement: Justification By

The Atonement: Made But Once

The Atonement: Ministers should Fully Set Forth

The Atonement: Necessity For

The Atonement: Reconciles the Justice and Mercy of God

The Atonement: Reconciliation to God Effected By

The Atonement: Redemption By

The Atonement: Remission of Sins By

The Atonement: Saints Glorify God For

The Atonement: Saints Praise God For

The Atonement: Saints Rejoice in God For

The Atonement: Sanctification By

The Atonement: Typified

the Day of Atonement: A Day of Humiliation

the Day of Atonement: Atonement Made On for the High Priest

the Day of Atonement: Atonement Made On for the Holy Place

the Day of Atonement: Atonement Made On for the Whole Congregation

the Day of Atonement: Observed As a Sabbath

the Day of Atonement: Offerings to be Made On

the Day of Atonement: Punishment for not Observing

the Day of Atonement: Tenth Day of Seventh Month

the Day of Atonement: The High Priest Entered Into the Holy Place On

the Day of Atonement: The Sins of the People Borne off by the Scapegoat On

the Day of Atonement: Typical

the Day of Atonement: Year of Jubilee Commenced On

Under the Law Atonement by Priests Alone

Under the Law Atonement: Extraordinary Cases of

Under the Law Atonement: Made by Sacrifice

Under the Law Atonement: Necessary For: Propitiating God

Under the Law Atonement: Necessary For: Purifying

Under the Law Atonement: Necessary For: Ransoming

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Sinning Ignorantly

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Sinning Wilfully

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Swearing Rashly

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Unclean

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Persons Withholding Evidence

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Altar

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Congregation

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Healed Leper

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Holy Place

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Leprous House Healed

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: The Priests

Under the Law Atonement: Offered For: Women After Childbirth

Under the Law Atonement: Typical of Christ's Atonement

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