The Ascension of Christ: Prophecies Respecting
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Psalm 24:7
Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be you lift up, you everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 68:18
You have ascended on high, you have led captivity captive: you have received gifts for men; yes, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ephesians 4:7,8
But to every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
... 3. THE PROPHECIES. ... ARTICLE X It cannot be proved from Scripture, that believers under
the Old Testament, before the ascension of Christ, were in Heaven. ...
// works of james arminius vol 1/

New Testament History and Prophecy.
... The prophecies take the form of symbolical images and ... The Revelation of Bartholomew,"
and "The Ascension of Isaiah ... to the second coming of Christ, and set forth ...
/.../gladden/who wrote the bible/chapter x new testament history.htm

Against Heresies
... Their views as to the prophecies. ... Chapter XXXI.--The preservation of our bodies is
confirmed by the resurrection and ascension of Christ: the souls of the ...
// heresies/

Summary view of the Pre-Existence and Divinity of Our Saviour and ...
... the divine Spirit says in the prophecies, "Who shall ... the all-wise and all-virtuous
teaching of Christ. ... the dead, and, finally, his divine ascension into heaven ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter ii summary view of the.htm

Different Degrees of Knowledge.
... in addition, His powers proclaimed and openly shown after His ascension. ... for they
discover another God, and receive Christ not as the prophecies deliver. ...
/.../the stromata or miscellanies/chapter xv different degrees of knowledge.htm

... fulfils the types, the symbols and the prophecies of the ... of it, "and our Saviour
Jesus Christ;" he who ... the angels said, (who spoke of his ascension, session and ...
// christianity and the bible/christ.htm

Paul in Malta and Rome.
... different degrees of information; some, who had considered the prophecies with more ...
tracing the history of the Church, from the ascension of Christ to the ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxix paul in malta.htm

The Christ of the Gospels. By Rev. Professor Schaff.
... miracles performed by him, and the prophecies fulfilled in ... charged on the twilight,
not upon Christ; the daughter ... a trance or swoon; and the ascension of the ...
/.../the christ of the gospels.htm

Catalogue of his Works.
... Sancto, 29, as Difficulties respecting the Polygamy ... Christ's death, resurrection,
and ascension, and the ... because in discussing Christ's prophecies of victory ...
/.../ history/section 2 catalogue of his.htm

Introductory Notice to the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
... priests, the wonderful concomitants of His death, His resurrection, and ascension. ...
the Jews, on account of the evident prophecies about Christ which are ...
/.../introductory notice to the testaments.htm



Ascension of Elijah

Ascension of Isaiah

Ascension of Jesus

Ascension of Two Witnesses

The Ascension of Christ was to Supreme Power and Dignity

The Ascension of Christ was Triumphant

The Ascension of Christ: As the Forerunner of his People

The Ascension of Christ: Described

The Ascension of Christ: Foretold by Himself

The Ascension of Christ: Forty Days After his Resurrection

The Ascension of Christ: from Mount Olivet

The Ascension of Christ: His Second Coming Shall be in Like Manner As

The Ascension of Christ: Prophecies Respecting

The Ascension of Christ: To Intercede

The Ascension of Christ: To Prepare a Place for his People

The Ascension of Christ: To Receive Gifts for Men

The Ascension of Christ: To Send the Holy Spirit

The Ascension of Christ: Typified

The Ascension of Christ: when he had Atoned for Sin

The Ascension of Christ: While Blessing his Disciples

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