Sheep: Flocks of Fed on the Mountains
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Exodus 3:1
Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 34:6,13
My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill: yes, my flock was scattered on all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Sheep and their Shepherd
... it was food to my soul that I fed upon with a ... tests; but certain it is, that the
sheep know Christ's ... have seen sometimes in the country two flocks together on ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the sheep and their shepherd.htm

On the Words of the Gospel, John x. 14, "I am the Good Shepherd ...
... then to whom Thou didst commit Thy sheep to be fed. ... the footsteps," not "of the Flock,"
but, "of the flocks, and feed," not as Peter, "My sheep," but, "thy ...
/.../sermon lxxxviii on the words.htm

Here Beginneth the Story of Judith
... They passed thus the Red Sea, and he fed them with manna forty years ... with plentiful
meiny, and possessions of droves of oxen and flocks of sheep, and she was ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/here beginneth the story of.htm

Palestine under Pagan Kings.
... The elder sons were shepherds, and fed their flocks in Shechem. ... He brought with him
for Alexander gifts of various kinds, flocks of sheep and horses; lions ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/palestine under pagan kings.htm

National Wealth
... water out of the rock of flint; who fed thee in ... whenever any nation has prospered,
and their flocks and herds ... mountains, but on farms where the sheep have been ...
/.../kingsley/the gospel of the pentateuch/sermon xvi national wealth.htm

The Shepherd King of Israel
... streams, the dark glens where he had led his flocks in the ... Life is not a fold for
the sheep to lie down in ... in the leash till the servant of God has fed and been ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/the shepherd king of israel.htm

Here Next Followeth the History of Moses
... All our flocks and beasts shall go with us, there shall ... as ye say ye will, take your
sheep and beasts ... And thus our Lord fed the children of Israel forty years ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/here next followeth the history.htm

... the clear waters brought life, the wearied flocks sheltered from ... little stream, the
refreshment of the sheep by rest ... With such lofty thoughts he fed his youth. ...
// life of david/iii early dayscontinued.htm

The Waldenses.
... and bound to daily toil among their flocks and their ... be ministered unto, but to
minister." They fed the flock ... replied that he must visit the lost sheep of the ...
/.../white/the great controversy between christ and satan /4 the waldenses.htm

The Waldenses
... and bound to daily toil among their flocks and their ... be ministered unto, but to
minister." They fed the flock ... replied that he must visit the lost sheep of the ...
/...// great controversy/chapter 4 the waldenses.htm



Sheep Gate

Sheep Gate: An Ancient Gate of Jerusalem

Sheep Market

Sheep Market of Jerusalem

Sheep of Backsliders

Sheep of Lost Sinners

Sheep of the Defenselessness of Servants of God (Greek: Diakonoi)

Sheep of the Jews

Sheep of the People of Christ

Sheep of the Righteous

Sheep of the Wicked in Their Death

Sheep of Those Under God's Judgment

Sheep Tending

Sheep were Frequently: Cut off by Disease

Sheep were Frequently: Destroyed by Wild Beasts

Sheep were Frequently: Given As Presents

Sheep were Frequently: Given As Tribute

Sheep were Frequently: Taken in Great Numbers in War

Sheep: (In Patience and Simplicity) of Patience, of Christ

Sheep: (In Proneness to Wander) of Those Who Depart from God

Sheep: (Lost) of the Unregenerate

Sheep: (Separation from the Goats) the Separation of Saints

Sheep: (When Found) Restored Sinners

Sheep: Agile

Sheep: Also: Bozrah

Sheep: Also: Jacob's Management of

Sheep: Also: Kedar

Sheep: Also: Nebaioth

Sheep: Also: Sharon

Sheep: Being Covered With a Fleece

Sheep: Bleating of, Alluded To

Sheep: Clean and Used As Food

Sheep: Constituted a Great Part of Patriarchal Wealth

Sheep: False Prophets Assume the Simple Appearance

Sheep: Feasting at the Time of Shearing

Sheep: Females of, Called Ewes

Sheep: Figurative

Sheep: First Wool of, Given to the Priests

Sheep: Firstlings of, Could not be Dedicated As a Free-Will offering

Sheep: Firstlings of, not to be Redeemed

Sheep: Firstlings of, not to be Shorn

Sheep: Flesh of, Extensively Used As Food

Sheep: Flocks of Attended by Members of the Family

Sheep: Flocks of Attended by Servants

Sheep: Flocks of Conducted to the Richest Pastures

Sheep: Flocks of Fed in the Valleys

Sheep: Flocks of Fed on the Mountains

Sheep: Flocks of Fled from Strangers

Sheep: Flocks of Followed the Shepherd

Sheep: Flocks of Frequently Covered the Pastures

Sheep: Flocks of Guarded by Dogs

Sheep: Flocks of Kept in Folds or Cotes

Sheep: Flocks of Made to Rest at Noon

Sheep: Flocks of Watered Every Day

Sheep: Innocent

Sheep: Males of Called Rams

Sheep: Milk of, Used As Food

Sheep: Milk of, Used for Food

Sheep: Offered in Sacrifice by Abel

Sheep: Offered in Sacrifice by Abraham

Sheep: Offered in Sacrifice by Noah

Sheep: Offered in Sacrifice from the Earliest Age

Sheep: Offered in Sacrifice Under the Law

Sheep: Parable of the Lost

Sheep: Places Celebrated For: Bashan

Sheep: Places Celebrated For: Bozrah

Sheep: Places Celebrated For: Kedar

Sheep: Places Celebrated For: Nebaioth

Sheep: Remarkably Prolific

Sheep: Sagacious

Sheep: Shearing of

Sheep: Skins of, Made Into a Covering for the Tabernacle

Sheep: Skins of, Worn As Clothing by the Poor

Sheep: The First Fleece of, Belonged to the Priests and the Levites

Sheep: The Land of Bashan Adapted to the Raising of

Sheep: Time of Shearing, a Time of Rejoicing

Sheep: Tithe of, Given to the Levites

Sheep: Tribute (Taxes) Paid In

Sheep: Under Man's Care from the Earliest Age

Sheep: Washed and Shorn Every Year

Sheep: Wool of, Made Into Clothing

Sheep: Young of, Called Lambs

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