Serpents: Doomed to Creep on Their Belly
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Protevangelium.
... Matthew 12:34, and in the connection of serpents with vipers ... upon dust; but, since
it is to creep on the ... and by the degradation of its whole being, doomed to be ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the protevangelium.htm



Serpents were often Enchanted or Fascinated

Serpents: (Poisonous Bite of) Baneful Effects of Wine

Serpents: (Sharp Tongue of) Malice of the Wicked

Serpents: All Kinds of, Can be Tamed

Serpents: Called Crooked

Serpents: Characterised As Subtle

Serpents: Created by God

Serpents: Cursed Above all Creatures

Serpents: Dangerous to Travellers

Serpents: Doomed to Creep on Their Belly

Serpents: Doomed to Eat Their Food Mingled With Dust

Serpents: Infest: Deserts

Serpents: Infest: Hedges

Serpents: Infest: Holes in Walls

Serpents: Man's Aversion and Hatred To

Serpents: Many Kinds of Poisonous

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Israelites Cured by Looking at One of Brass

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Moses' Rod Turned Into

Serpents: Miracles Connected With: Power Over, Given to the Disciples

Serpents: of Enemies Who Harass and Destroy

Serpents: of Hypocrites

Serpents: of the Devil

Serpents: of the Tribe of Dan

Serpents: Often Sent As a Punishment

Serpents: Produced from Eggs

Serpents: Unclean and Unfit for Food

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