Purifications or Baptisms used by the Devout Before Entering God's House
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 26:6
I will wash my hands in innocence: so will I compass your altar, O LORD:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Purifications or Baptisms by Sprinkling

Purifications or Baptisms by Washing Parts of the Body

Purifications or Baptisms by Washing the Whole Body

Purifications or Baptisms of High Priest on Day of Atonement

Purifications or Baptisms of Individuals Who Were Ceremonially Unclean

Purifications or Baptisms of Israel at the Exodus

Purifications or Baptisms of Israel Before Receiving the Law

Purifications or Baptisms of Levites Before Consecration

Purifications or Baptisms of Nazarites After Vow Expired

Purifications or Baptisms of Priests Before Consecration

Purifications or Baptisms of Priests Performed in the Brazen Laver

Purifications or Baptisms of the Healed Leper

Purifications or Baptisms of Things for Burnt-Offerings

Purifications or Baptisms used by the Devout Before Entering God's House

Purifications or Baptisms: Availed to Sanctifying the Flesh

Purifications or Baptisms: Consequence of Neglecting Those Prescribed by Law

Purifications or Baptisms: Insufficient for Spiritual Purification

Purifications or Baptisms: Means Used for Running Water

Purifications or Baptisms: Means Used for Water Mixed With Blood

Purifications or Baptisms: Means Used for Water of Separation

Purifications or Baptisms: Multiplied by Traditions

Purifications or Baptisms: Purification by the Blood of Christ

Purifications or Baptisms: Regeneration

Purifications or Baptisms: The Jews Laid Great Stress On

Purifications or Baptisms: Vessels in the Houses of the Jews For

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