Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Cutting off Nose and Ears
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ezekiel 23:25
And I will set my jealousy against you, and they shall deal furiously with you: they shall take away your nose and your ears; and your remnant shall fall by the sword: they shall take your sons and your daughters; and your residue shall be devoured by the fire.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On the Soul and the Resurrection.
... the list of crimes, and highest on the list of punishments. ... being drawn in by their
roots and given off in fruit ... The two kinds of seed grew up together; for it ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/on the soul and the 2.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... saying, Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all ... there was, it would appear, a rapid
falling off in their ... This was met at intervals by other secondary roads, such ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

Fourth Tractate. Problems of the Soul (2).
... of the total of things is not primal but secondary, it does ... For all the Kinds included
in the universe are dominated by ... when the flesh is cut the cutting is an ...
/.../plotinus/the six enneads/fourth tractate problems of the.htm

The Assyrian Revival and the Struggle for Syria
... were familiar with all the different kinds of battering ... which the Assyrian kings
carried off from their ... commemorating his exploits, and of cutting pines, cedars ...
/.../chapter ithe assyrian revival and.htm



Punishments for Murder not to be Commuted

Punishments were Inflicted by Order of Kings

Punishments were Inflicted by Order of Magistrates

Punishments were Inflicted by Soldiers

Punishments were Inflicted by the People

Punishments were Inflicted by the Witnesses

Punishments were Inflicted without Partiality

Punishments were Inflicted without Pity

Punishments were Inflicted: Immediately After Sentence Was Passed

Punishments were Inflicted: On the Guilty

Punishments were Sometimes Commuted

Punishments: Antiquity of

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Beheading

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Bruising in Mortars

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Burning

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Casting Headlong from a Rock

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Casting Into the Sea

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Crucifying

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Cutting in Pieces

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Exposing to Wild Beasts

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Hanging

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Sawing Asunder

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Slaying With the Sword

Punishments: Capital Kinds of Stoning

Punishments: Designed to be a Warning to Others

Punishments: Inflicting of Capital, not Permitted to the Jews by The

Punishments: Power of Inflicting, Given to Magistrates

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Banishment

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Binding With Chains and Fetters

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Confinement in a Dungeon

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Confinement in Stocks

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Confiscating the Property

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Cutting off Hands and Feet

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Cutting off Nose and Ears

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Fine, or Giving of Money

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Imprisonment

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Mutilating the Hands and Feet

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Plucking out the Hair

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Putting out the Eyes

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Restitution

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Retaliation or Injuring According to the Injury Done

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Scourging

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Selling the Criminal

Punishments: Secondary Kinds of Torturing

Punishments: Sometimes Deferred for a Considerable Time

Punishments: Sometimes Deferred Until God Was Consulted

Punishments: Strangers not Exempted From

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