National Sins: Ministers should Testify Against
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Isaiah 30:8,9
Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Isaiah 58:1
Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 2:3-5
And he said to me, Son of man, I send you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even to this very day.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 22:2
Now, you son of man, will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? yes, you shall show her all her abominations.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jonah 1:2
Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Life of Mr. Richard Cameron.
... among them; for if he preached against a national sin among ... That weary promise I
gave to these ministers has lain ... for yourself and yours, and for the sins of a ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of mr richard.htm

Triumphant Prayer
... Are we leavening the national mind ... and when we have purged ourselves from faults
and sins in the ... bride out of her closet; let the priests, the ministers of the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/triumphant prayer.htm

The Life of Mr. James Guthrie.
... their iniquities, and the house of Jacob their sins. ... with a generation of carnal
corrupt time-serving ministers. ... do bear my witness to the national covenant of ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of mr james 3.htm

Hindrances to Revivals.
... It is a great national sin ... time there should be great searchings of heart among
Christians and ministers. ... 2. We must repent and forsake our sins, and amend our ...
/.../finney/lectures on revivals of religion/lecture xv hindrances to revivals.htm

The Life of Sir Rob^T. Hamilton of Preston.
... to no conferences with the ministers and professors ... directory for worship, covenants,
national and solemn ... and covenant, acknowledgment of sins and engagement ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of sir rob%5Et.htm

The Declaration of Faith of the Reformed Church in France. AD 1872 ...
... hundred and eight delegates (forty-nine ministers and fifty ... liturgies, especially
in the Confession of sins, the Apostles ... a list of the French National Synods in ...
/.../ 63 the declaration of.htm

... they would be chargeable with two sins,"that of ... In one case, the ministers of the
Community to whom ... solvent the noble principle in the National Church became ...
// ordinance of covenanting/appendix.htm

The Ordination of Paul and Barnabas; their Missionary Tour in Asia ...
... By the laying on of hands the ministers of Antioch ... to the capital to celebrate the
national solemnities ... Fornication was one of the crying sins of Gentilism, and ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter v the ordination of.htm

The Planting of the Church in New England --Pilgrim and Puritan.
... have been divinely preserved from the besetting sins of radicalism ... to lay the
foundations of a national church for ... The ministers, all or nearly all of whom had ...
/.../bacon/a history of american christianity/chapter viii the planting of.htm

Concerning the Ministry.
... from him, are cut off by their sins, and wither ... of a great abuse of the promiscuous
national gatherings ... all the rest of the holy disciples and ministers of Christ ...
/.../proposition x concerning the ministry.htm


National Sins are a Reproach to a People

National Sins: Aggravated by Privileges

National Sins: Babylon

National Sins: Bring Down National Judgments

National Sins: Cause the Withdrawal of Privileges

National Sins: Children of Israel

National Sins: Defile: National Worship

National Sins: Defile: The Land

National Sins: Defile: The People

National Sins: Denunciations Against

National Sins: Kingdom of Israel

National Sins: Kingdom of Judah

National Sins: Lead the Heathen to Blaspheme

National Sins: Ministers should Mourn Over

National Sins: Ministers should Pray for Forgiveness of

National Sins: Ministers should Testify Against

National Sins: Ministers should Try to Turn the People From

National Sins: Moab

National Sins: National Prayer Rejected on Account of

National Sins: National Worship Rejected on Account of

National Sins: Nations of Canaan

National Sins: Nineveh

National Sins: Often Caused and Encouraged by Rulers

National Sins: Often Caused by Prosperity

National Sins: Pervade all Ranks

National Sins: Punishment For

National Sins: Punishment For, Averted on Repentance

National Sins: Saints Especially Mourn Over

National Sins: should be Confessed

National Sins: should be Mourned Over

National Sins: should be Repented of

National Sins: should be Turned From

National Sins: Sodom and Gomorrah

National Sins: Tyre


Sins of Omission and Commission

Sins of the Father

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