Modern Judea: Towns of Azotus or Ashdod
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 8:40
But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Judea: (The Southern Division of Palestine): The Term Applies to all of Palestine In

Judea: It Applies to the Territory East of the Jordan River In

Judea: It Extended from the Jordan River and the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea

Judea: Wilderness of Assigned to Benjamin

Judea: Wilderness of Called Beth-Arabah

Judea: Wilderness of John the Baptist Preaches In

Modern Judea: A Mountainous District

Modern Judea: Called: Jewry

Modern Judea: Called: The Land of Judah

Modern Judea: Comprised the Whole of the Ancient Kingdom of Judah

Modern Judea: Jerusalem the Capital of

Modern Judea: John the Baptist Preached In

Modern Judea: One of the Divisions of the Holy Land Under the Romans

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Born In

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Frequently Visited

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Often Left, to Escape Persecution

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Tempted in the Wilderness of

Modern Judea: Parts of, Desert

Modern Judea: Several Christian Churches In

Modern Judea: Towns of Arimathea

Modern Judea: Towns of Azotus or Ashdod

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethany

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethlehem

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethphage

Modern Judea: Towns of Emmaus

Modern Judea: Towns of Ephraim

Modern Judea: Towns of Gaza

Modern Judea: Towns of Jericho

Modern Judea: Towns of Joppa

Modern Judea: Towns of Lydda

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