Ministers: should be Disinterested
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Corinthians 12:14
Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not your's but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Thessalonians 2:6
Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Men Often Highly Esteem what God Abhors.
... All men agree in requiring that ministers should be really ... For example, they require
ministers to be benevolent ... for the sake of souls and from disinterested love ...
/.../finney/sermons on gospel themes/xxi men often highly esteem.htm

... of the mind, or in a change from selfishness to disinterested benevolence; and. ... 6.
Ministers should lay themselves out, and press every consideration upon the ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xxviii regeneration.htm

Be Ye Therefore Perfect, Even as Your Father which is in Heaven is ...
... is naturally penurious and selfish, and reluctant to act in a disinterested manner:
he ... You see the necessity there is that ministers should be persons of deep ...
/.../finney/lectures to professing christians/be ye therefore perfect even 2.htm

Laymen Called to the Field of Missions.
... of enriching themselves, but with the disinterested intention of ... They should be men
who cheerfully throw themselves ... up the hands of Christ's ministers, and by ...
/.../dibble/thoughts on missions/chapter v laymen called to.htm

... of the universe; or in other words, that it consists in disinterested benevolence ...
It is certainly of great importance that ministers should be definite in their ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xxxvii sanctification.htm

... completeness, as a condition of abiding in a state of disinterested consecration
to God ... I do not wonder, that such professors and ministers should be totally in ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xxxix sanctification.htm

Justice and the Reason of Effects
... There should be a third, who is disinterested. ... different kind, do not follow the
majority of their ministers. ... so that the just and the strong should unite, and ...
// v justice and the.htm

The Last Interview of Paul with the Elders of Ephesus.
... And to whom is it so fit, that Christians, whether ministers or people, should be
commended ... all, that I might gain the more." In this disinterested manner he ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxiv the last interview.htm

The First Great Deception.
... makes all nations drink.(939) That ministers of Christ ... Should we be surprised that,
with such instruction ... not acceptable to the corrupt; disinterested love does ...
/.../33 the first great deception.htm

The Ordinances of the Apostles, that There Might be no Contention ...
... of this, they appointed those [ministers] already mentioned ... asleep, other approved
men should succeed them ... in a humble, peaceable, and disinterested spirit, and ...
/.../chapter xliv the ordinances of the.htm



Ministers are Bound to Build up the Church

Ministers are Bound to Comfort

Ministers are Bound to Convince Gainsayers

Ministers are Bound to Endure Hardness

Ministers are Bound to Exhort

Ministers are Bound to Feed the Church

Ministers are Bound to Pray for Their People

Ministers are Bound to Preach the Gospel to All

Ministers are Bound to Rebuke

Ministers are Bound to Strengthen the Faith of Their People

Ministers are Bound to Teach

Ministers are Bound to War a Good Warfare

Ministers are Bound to Warn Affectionately

Ministers are Bound to Watch for Souls

Ministers: Ambassadors for Christ

Ministers: Authority of, is for Edification

Ministers: Called by God

Ministers: Commissioned by Christ

Ministers: Compared to Earthen Vessels

Ministers: Defenders of the Faith

Ministers: Entrusted With the Gospel

Ministers: Excellency of

Ministers: Faithful: Archippus

Ministers: Faithful: Barnabas

Ministers: Faithful: Epaphroditus

Ministers: Faithful: Matthias

Ministers: Faithful: Paul

Ministers: Faithful: Philip

Ministers: Faithful: Simeon

Ministers: Faithful: The Eleven Apostles

Ministers: Faithful: The Seventy

Ministers: Faithful: Timothy

Ministers: Faithful: Titus

Ministers: Faithful: Tychicus

Ministers: Have Authority from God

Ministers: Labours of, Vain, Without God's Blessing

Ministers: Ministers of Christ

Ministers: Necessity For

Ministers: Pray for the Increase of

Ministers: Qualified by God

Ministers: Sent by the Holy Spirit

Ministers: Separated to the Gospel

Ministers: should Avoid Giving Unnecessary Offense

Ministers: should be Affectionate to Their People

Ministers: should be Apt to Teach

Ministers: should be Blameless

Ministers: should be Devoted

Ministers: should be Disinterested

Ministers: should be Ensample to the Flock

Ministers: should be Gentle

Ministers: should be Holy

Ministers: should be Hospitable

Ministers: should be Humble

Ministers: should be Impartial

Ministers: should be Patient

Ministers: should be Prayerful

Ministers: should be Pure

Ministers: should be Self-Denying

Ministers: should be Sober, Just, and Temperate

Ministers: should be Strict in Ruling Their own Families

Ministers: should be Strong in Grace

Ministers: should be Studious and Meditative

Ministers: should be Watchful

Ministers: should be Willing

Ministers: should Make Full Proof of Their Ministry

Ministers: should not Be: Contentious

Ministers: should not Be: Crafty

Ministers: should not Be: Easily Dispirited

Ministers: should not Be: Entangled by Cares

Ministers: should not Be: Given to Wine

Ministers: should not Be: Greedy of Filthy Lucre

Ministers: should not Be: Lords Over God's Heritage

Ministers: should not Be: Men-Pleasers

Ministers: should Preach with Boldness

Ministers: should Preach with Consistency

Ministers: should Preach with Constancy

Ministers: should Preach with Faithfulness

Ministers: should Preach with Good Will and Love

Ministers: should Preach with Heedfulness

Ministers: should Preach with Plainness of Speech

Ministers: should Preach with Zeal

Ministers: should Preach without Charge, If Possible

Ministers: should Preach without Deceitfulness

Ministers: should Preach: According to the Oracles of God

Ministers: should Preach: Christ Crucified

Ministers: should Preach: Everywhere

Ministers: should Preach: Fully, and Without Reserve

Ministers: should Preach: Not Setting Forth Themselves

Ministers: should Preach: Not With Enticing Words of Man's Wisdom

Ministers: should Preach: Repentance and Faith

Ministers: should Seek the Salvation of Their Flock

Ministers: Specially Protected by God

Ministers: Stewards of the Mysteries of God

Ministers: The Servants of Christ's People

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Attend to Their Instructions

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Follow Their Holy Example

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Give Them Joy

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Help Them

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Hold Them in Reputation

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Imitate Their Faith

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Love Them

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to not to Despise Them

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Obey Them

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Pray for Them

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Regard Them As God's Messengers

Ministers: Their People are Bound, to Support Them

Ministers: when Faithful are Rewarded

Ministers: when Faithful: Approve Themselves As the Ministers of God

Ministers: when Faithful: Commend Themselves to the Consciences of Men

Ministers: when Faithful: Glory in Their People

Ministers: when Faithful: Rejoice in the Faith and Holiness of Their People

Ministers: when Faithful: Thank God for his Gifts to Their People

Ministers: when Unfaithful: Deal Treacherously With Their People

Ministers: when Unfaithful: Delude Men

Ministers: when Unfaithful: Described

Ministers: when Unfaithful: Seek Gain

Ministers: when Unfaithful: Shall be Punished

Ministers: Woe to Those Who do not Preach the Gospel

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