Midianites: Governed by Kings
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 31:8
And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Judges 8:5
And he said to the men of Succoth, Give, I pray you, loaves of bread to the people that follow me; for they be faint, and I am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Nations of the South-East
... Midian alone is mentioned as adjoining Edom; the Midianites who had ... Midian was
originally governed by high-priests ... In Assyria the kings were preceded by the high ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter iii the nations of.htm

Israel in Canaan.
... thought the only colour fit for kings, and these ... Priest, while judges and elders
governed in the ... sometimes the robber shepherds, the Midianites, would burst in ...
//christianbookshelf.org/yonge/the chosen people/lesson v israel in canaan.htm

... Ebed-Asherah and his son Aziru governed the Amorites ... duly paid their tribute to the
Jewish kings. ... Amalekite bands joined with the Midianites in devastating the ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter ii canaan.htm

The Israelites
... entered Egypt when the country was governed by the ... into his hands; the confederate
kings of southern ... Moabites and Midianites, Ammonites and Bedawin, even the ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter i the israelites.htm

And ii.
... to think only of that branch of the Midianites who had ... and none maketh you afraid;"
and 1 Kings 5:5 ... For, although God governed the ancient people by the hand ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/chap i and ii.htm

The First Chaldaean Empire and the Hyksos in Egypt
... properly speaking, it was a country of Semitic speech, and was governed by viceroys ...
to the time of Khammurabi, rather than to that of the kings of Telloh. ...
/.../chapter ithe first chaldaean empire.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... came and fought;"then fought the kings of Canaan ... Out of the spoil taken from the
Midianites he formed ... of his father, and from thence governed the territories ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm



Midianites were Merchantmen

Midianites with Amalek Opposed Gideon

Midianites with the Moabites: Punished for Seducing Israel

Midianites with the Moabites: Seduced Israel to Idolatry

Midianites with the Moabites: Sent for Balaam to Curse Israel

Midianites: A Small Part of Dwelt Near Horeb

Midianites: A Small Part of Retained the Knowledge and Worship of Jehovah

Midianites: A Snare to the Israelites

Midianites: Allowed to Oppress Israel

Midianites: And Rich Spoil Taken

Midianites: Buy Joseph and Sell Him to Potiphar

Midianites: Called Ishmaelites

Midianites: Completeness of Their Destruction, Alluded To

Midianites: Conquered by Hadad

Midianites: Defeated by Gideon

Midianites: Descendants of Midian, Son of Abraham by Keturah

Midianites: Descended Form Midian, Son of Abraham by Keturah

Midianites: Dwelt East of Jordan, Beside Moab

Midianites: Dwelt in Tents

Midianites: Engaged in Commerce

Midianites: Excited by Moab Against Israel

Midianites: Gideon Raised up Against

Midianites: Governed by Kings

Midianites: Miraculously Defeated and Destroyed by Gideon

Midianites: Owned Multitudes of Camels, and Dromedaries, and Large Quantities of Gold

Midianites: Princes of, Slain

Midianites: Prophecies Concerning

Midianites: Shall Minister to Future Glory of the Church

Midianites: Terrified at Approach of Israel

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