Masters: Benevolent, Blessed
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Deuteronomy 15:18
It shall not seem hard to you, when you send him away free from you; for he has been worth a double hired servant to you, in serving you six years: and the LORD your God shall bless you in all that you do.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


From the Close of the General Conference in 1796, to the ...
... manifested by the masters toward these benevolent efforts to ... insure the confidence
of their masters and the ... revivals of religion which have blessed that region ...
/.../chapter 3 from the close.htm

"Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother. "
... is above all things, and has with benevolent intent given ... coming, in which they shall
say: Blessed are the ... toward their lords and ladies, masters and mistresses ...
/.../luther/a treatise on good works/thou shalt honor thy father.htm

Men Often Highly Esteem what God Abhors.
... worshiping two opposing gods and serving two opposing masters. ... He thinks this is
a very benevolent offering, and it ... It is a blessed thought that the only thing ...
/.../finney/sermons on gospel themes/xxi men often highly esteem.htm

Evidences of Regeneration.
... truths, precepts, and doctrines of the blessed gospel to ... all this may proceed from
either a benevolent or a ... the impulses of his desires are his masters, and he ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xxx evidences of regeneration.htm

Jesus' Last Journey to Jerusalem.
... Then Jesus blessed them, saying, "God's blessing be upon you ... remarked Lazarus; "O
best of masters, dangers threaten ... he said, "I thank thee, benevolent man, for ...
/.../ of the jews/chapter ii jesus last journey.htm

Matt. xv. 21, 22
... calls herself a dog, and them masters; so for ... great displeasure; yet nevertheless
the benevolent and provident ... "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lii matt xv 21.htm

The Sermon on the Mount
... Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute ... the unswerving integrity,
the active, benevolent spirit, the ... "No man can serve two masters." We cannot ...
// desire of ages/chapter 31 the sermon on.htm

Upon Our Lord's SermonOn the Mount
... They are kind, benevolent, compassionate, tender-hearted; and that not ... all thoughts
of obeying two masters, of serving ... to all their dues, our blessed Lord does ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 29 upon our lords.htm

The Domestic Relation.
... A benevolent regard in our hearts for our fellow men must become ... be given you." A
happy home life is the most blessed life on ... Duties Of Masters To Servants. ...
/.../orr/the gospel day /chapter xiii the domestic relation.htm

Love Thy Neighbour
... Christ, blessed be his Father for this commandment, and blessed be the ... Treat your
masters well. ... Kindest of spirits, most benevolent of souls, are you not guilty ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 3 1857/love thy neighbour.htm



Masters: Authority of, Established

Masters: Bad: Amalekite

Masters: Bad: Egyptians

Masters: Bad: Nabal

Masters: Benevolent, Blessed

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Defraud Them

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Keep Back Their Wages

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Rule Over Them With Rigour

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Act Justly

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Deal With Them in the Fear of God

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Esteem Them Highly, If Saints

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Forbear Threatening Them

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Take Care of Them in Sickness

Masters: Good: Abraham

Masters: Good: Centurion

Masters: Good: Cornelius

Masters: Good: Jacob

Masters: Good: Joshua

Masters: should Receive Faithful Advice from Servants

Masters: should Select Faithful Servants

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Fear God

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Observe the Sabbath

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Put Away Idols

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Serve God

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Worship God

Masters: Unjust, Denounced

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