Insects: Cankerworm
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Joel 1:4
That which the palmerworm has left has the locust eaten; and that which the locust has left has the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm has left has the caterpillar eaten.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Nahum 3:15,16
There shall the fire devour you; the sword shall cut you off, it shall eat you up like the cankerworm: make yourself many as the cankerworm, make yourself many as the locusts.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Locust-Swarms
... prophecy by bitter lamentation over the mischief which the swarms of insects had
done ... the locust had eaten; what the locust had left, the cankerworm had eaten ...
/.../kingsley/the good news of god/sermon xx the locust-swarms.htm



Insects: Ant

Insects: Bald Locust

Insects: Bee

Insects: Beetle

Insects: Cankerworm

Insects: Caterpillar

Insects: Clean and Unclean (Ceremonially Speaking)

Insects: Created by God

Insects: Divided Into: Clean and Fit for Food

Insects: Divided Into: Unclean and Abominable

Insects: Earthworm

Insects: Fed by God

Insects: Flea

Insects: Fly

Insects: Gnat

Insects: Grasshopper

Insects: Hornet

Insects: Lice

Insects: Locust

Insects: Maggot

Insects: Moth

Insects: Palmer-Worm

Insects: Spider

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