Fools: Hear the Gospel and Obey It Not
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 7:26
And every one that hears these sayings of mine, and does them not, shall be likened to a foolish man, which built his house on the sand:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Three Important Precepts
... Hear the gospel, but be not hearers only ... for he that preaches any other than the
one gospel is accursed ... were not made of things which do appear" downright fools? ...
/.../spurgeon/sermons on proverbs/three important precepts.htm

The Wisdom of God in the Means Used to Propagating the Gospel.
... by those who "professed themselves wise had become fools." Yet they ... nor cry, nor
cause any man to hear his voice ... heaven to compel men to obey the gospel, or to ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon ii the wisdom of.htm

The Waterpots at Cana
... "But I may hear thousands of ... saved or not; fill them to the brim; preach the gospel
with all ... it into wine, for otherwise he would have been making fools of them ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 26 1880/the waterpots at cana.htm

Making Light of Christ
... Tell that to fools, we do not believe any such thing ... Sinner, this night I preach
the gospel to thee ... E'er thou goest, hear it, and believe it; may God grant thee ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 2 1856/making light of christ.htm

The Clean and the Unclean
... Fools make a mock of sin. ... I would not say a hard thing, but there are some people
who appear to chew the cud, they love to hear the gospel preached; their ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/the clean and the unclean.htm

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Gospel Transcends Law.
... For this season they are blind fools of first magnitude and ... when he compares it with
the ministry of the Gospel. ... It matters not whether you hear them, read them ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twelfth sunday after trinity gospel.htm

Answer to the Objection of the Heathen, that it was not Right to ...
... With fans duly placed, fools that ye are ... Hear me, and do not stop your ears; do not
block up the avenues of hearing, but ... [1002] [The impact of the Gospel on the ...
/.../clement/exhortation to the heathen/chapter x answer to the objection.htm

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity the Careful Walk of the Christian.
... it must be with us as with the unwise and fools; we will have to hear the declaration ...
and wickedness, the cause whereof the world attributes to the Gospel. ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twentieth sunday after trinity the.htm

Our Compassionate High Priest
... know all things, and, professing themselves to be wise, they become fools. ... in places
where they cannot often hear the gospel, and when they do hear it, it ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 38 1892/our compassionate high priest.htm

Divine Impartiality Considered.
... "They are fools and without excuse ... his enmity against God, and opposition to his
law and gospel. ... God chooseth those who hear his voice, and cherish the divine ...
/.../sermon vi divine impartiality considered.htm



Fools: All Men Are, Without the Knowledge of God

Fools: Are: A Grief to Parents

Fools: Are: Angry

Fools: Are: Contentious

Fools: Are: Corrupt and Abominable

Fools: Are: Full of Words

Fools: Are: Given to Meddling

Fools: Are: Liars

Fools: Are: Mere Professors of Religion

Fools: Are: Self-Confident

Fools: Are: Self-Deceivers

Fools: Are: Self-Sufficient

Fools: Are: Slanderers

Fools: Are: Slothful

Fools: Avoid Them

Fools: Blaspheme God

Fools: Cling to Their Folly

Fools: Come to Shame

Fools: Delight not in Understanding

Fools: Deny God

Fools: Depend Upon Their Wealth

Fools: Despise Instruction

Fools: Destroy Themselves by Their Speech

Fools: Exhorted to Seek Wisdom

Fools: God Has No Pleasure In

Fools: Hate Knowledge

Fools: Hate to Depart from Evil

Fools: Hear the Gospel and Obey It Not

Fools: Honor is Unbecoming For

Fools: Israel

Fools: Lips of, a Snare to the Soul

Fools: Make a Mock at Sin

Fools: Pharisees

Fools: Punishment of

Fools: Rehoboam

Fools: Reproach God

Fools: Shall not Stand in the Presence of God

Fools: Sport Themselves in Mischief

Fools: The Company of, Ruinous

Fools: The Mouth of, Pours out Folly

Fools: Trust to Their own Hearts

Fools: Walk in Darkness

Fools: Worship Idols

Fools: Worship of, Hateful to God

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