Flattery: Avoid Those Given To
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 20:19
He that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flatters with his lips.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Virtue must Never be Given up for the Sake of a Friend. ...
... It blames not witness given against a friend, but false ... 771] for as friendship ought
to avoid flattery, so, too ... the poor are generally better than those of the ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xxii virtue must never.htm

The Epistle of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria to Alexander ...
... to the Son likewise must be given the honour ... name of peace, and by hypocrisy and
flattery to obtain ... I beseech you, beloved brethren, to avoid those who have ...
/.../chapter iii the epistle of alexander.htm

Meditation and Reflection.
... breathing incessantly the poisoned atmosphere of flattery and adulation ... to her only
confused souvenirs of those days when ... of virtue, in order to avoid the evil ...
/.../serious hours of a young lady/chapter xviii meditation and reflection.htm

Paul Before Felix.
... With this tissue of flattery and falsehood, let us ... domestic comfort, as it will be
prudent to avoid. ... cautiously avoided the repetition of those truths, which ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxvii paul before felix.htm

Letter xiv. --On Reserve with a Director.
... To avoid this danger there is only one means; not to ... those who guide us must be
enlightened by others about ... Examine yourself without any flattery as to this two ...
/.../de caussade/abandonment to divine providence/letter xiv on reserve with a.htm

Works and Letters of St. Ambrose
... who are easily bought over with money or flattery is ... of the book brings an exhortation
to avoid ill-will ... What those who were to be initiated promised on entering ...
//christianbookshelf.org/ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/

The General Service to a Hiero-Confessor or Monk-Confessor.
... of thine instruction, OGod-spoken father, avoid the abyss ... having dried up the streams
of flattery, made incorruption ... of the heavenly joy all those that honour ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter xxv the general service.htm

Epistle Liv. Here Follows the Epistle of Saint Licinianus, Bishop ...
... to hide thyself in order to avoid the weight of ... But put not this down to flattery
or adulation ... determined on maturer consideration to change those homilies into ...
/.../the epistles of saint gregory the great/epistle liv here follows the.htm

Matt. xii. 38, 39
... time moved to anger, nor at the other softened by flattery. ... men, but also by the
time of those days ... the devil, blotting out these truths, to avoid the annulling ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xliii matt xii 38.htm

The Creation of Fowl and Water Animals.
... children of kings, corrupted by luxury and flattery, living in ... out of nothing, think
of all those which my speech has left out, to avoid tediousness, and ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/homily viii the creation of.htm



Flattery by Absalom

Flattery by Adonijah

Flattery by Ahab

Flattery by Darius's Courtiers

Flattery by False Prophets

Flattery by Gideon

Flattery by Herod Agrippa Ii

Flattery by Israel and Judah

Flattery by Jacob

Flattery by Mephibosheth

Flattery by the Herodians

Flattery by the Woman of Tekoah

Flattery by Tyrians

Flattery: Absalom

Flattery: Avoid Those Given To

Flattery: Danger of

Flattery: Darius's Courtiers

Flattery: False Prophets

Flattery: False Prophets and Teachers Use

Flattery: General Scriptures Concerning

Flattery: Hypocrites Use, to God

Flattery: Hypocrites Use, to Those in Authority

Flattery: Ministers should not Use

Flattery: Paul Correctly Informs Felix

Flattery: People of Tyre

Flattery: Pharisees

Flattery: Punishment of

Flattery: Saints should not Used

Flattery: Seldom Gains Respect

Flattery: Tertullus Flatters Felix

Flattery: The Wicked Use, to Others

Flattery: The Wicked Use, to Themselves

Flattery: Wisdom, a Preservative Against

Flattery: Woman of Tekoah

Flattery: Worldly Advantage Obtained By

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