Fasting for the Humbling of the Soul
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 35:13
But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into my own bosom.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Letter v. Prayer and Fasting.
... inevitably bring upon us disappointment and leanness of soul. This is the kind of
fasting so common among ... in which we have received them; humbling ourselves on ...
/.../letter v prayer and fasting.htm

Confession and Penance.
... to pray, and to beseech God with fasting to grant ... of a man's prostrating and humbling
himself, enjoining ... in filthy garments, to afflict his soul with sorrow ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter iv confession and penance.htm

The Comforts Belonging to Mourners
... The comforts of God are humbling. ... Earthiness extinguishes the flame of divine joy
in the soul. ... and beat down your body' by prayer and fasting, shall shortly ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/11 the comforts belonging to.htm

The General Service to a Nun.
... hast thou strangled with the silence of fasting; with the streams ... A sword pierced
thy most holy soul when thou ... The Theotokion:By humbling do save me, living in ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter xxii the general service.htm

A Memorial
... in particular unto God Almighty, humbling ourselves before ... essence and substance
of our soul, and not ... be extraordinary in matter, as long fasting, much watching ...
/.../baker/holy wisdom or directions for the prayer of contemplation/a memorial.htm

Psalm LXIX.
... of the sackcloth, from whence there is this, "But I, when they were troubling Me,
was covering myself with sackcloth, and was humbling My Soul in fasting. ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxix.htm

The Monk Nilus.
... would have possessed themselves of his soul, and bound ... from his life, adds: What
much fasting and watching ... accomplish, was effected by this humbling of himself ...
// in the dark places/the monk nilus.htm

Upon Our Lord's SermonOn the Mount
... gift of his Spirit, lifting the soul to God ... 6. And with fasting let us always join
fervent prayer ... our sins with all their aggravations, humbling ourselves under ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 27 upon our lords.htm

The Trinity.
... Let him not by fasting, by austerity, by any earthly rule ... powers, but by convincing
of sin, by humbling the man ... of our Humanity, that the body, soul, and spirit ...
/.../robertson/sermons preached at brighton/iv the trinity.htm

The Withering Work of the Spirit
... His food and his dress called for fasting and mourning ... This is a humbling revelation
of God's Holy Spirit, but ... The faith which justifies the soul is the gift of ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the withering work of the.htm



Fasting by Paul, at the Time of his Conversion

Fasting for the Chastening of the Soul

Fasting for the Humbling of the Soul

Fasting in Babylon, With Prayer for Divine Deliverance and Guidance

Fasting in his Zeal for Zion

Fasting in Prayer for Himself and his Adversaries

Fasting in Times of Bereavement of Abner's Death

Fasting in Times of Bereavement of David, at the Time of Saul's Death

Fasting in Times of Bereavement of the People of Jabesh-Gilead, for Saul and his Sons

Fasting of Ahab, when Elijah Prophesied the Destruction of Himself and his House

Fasting of Darius, when he Put Daniel in the Lions' Den

Fasting of Ezra, on Account of the Idolatrous Marriages of the Jews

Fasting of Hypocrites: Boasted of, Before God

Fasting of Hypocrites: Described

Fasting of Hypocrites: Ostentatious

Fasting of Hypocrites: Rejected

Fasting of Jehoshaphat, at the Time of the Invasion of the Confederated Armies of the Canaanites and Syrians

Fasting of Nehemiah, on Account of the Desolation of Jerusalem and the Temple

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Anna

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Apostles

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Christians

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Cornelius

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Daniel

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: David

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Disciples of John

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Esther

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Nehemiah

Fasting of Saints Exemplified: Paul

Fasting of the Consecration of the Elders

Fasting of the Disciples, at the Time of the Consecration of Barnabas and Saul

Fasting of the Jews, when Jeremiah Prophesied Against Judea and Jerusalem

Fasting of the Wicked: Ahab

Fasting of the Wicked: Elders of Jezreel

Fasting of the Wicked: Pharisees

Fasting: Accompanied by Confession of Sin

Fasting: Accompanied by Humiliation

Fasting: Accompanied by Mourning

Fasting: Accompanied by Prayer

Fasting: Afflictions

Fasting: Approaching Danger

Fasting: At the Time of his Vision

Fasting: Confession of Sin

Fasting: During Forty Days: Jesus

Fasting: During Forty Days: Moses

Fasting: During the Sickness of the Child Born to Him by Bath-Sheba

Fasting: Extraordinary Exemplified: Elijah

Fasting: Extraordinary Exemplified: Moses

Fasting: Extraordinary Exemplified: Our Lord

Fasting: Fasting in the Conflict Between the Other Tribes With the Tribe of Benjamin

Fasting: Habitual by Anna

Fasting: Habitual by Cornelius

Fasting: Habitual by John's Disciples

Fasting: Habitual by Paul

Fasting: Habitual by Pharisees

Fasting: Humiliation

Fasting: National Exemplified: Israel

Fasting: National Exemplified: Men of Jabesh-Gilead

Fasting: National Exemplified: Ninevites

Fasting: Ninevites, when Jonah Preached to Them

Fasting: Not to be Made a Subject of Display

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Afflictions of Others

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Afflictions of the Church

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Approaching Danger

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Judgments of God

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Ordination of Ministers

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Private Afflictions

Fasting: Observed on Occasions of Public Calamities

Fasting: On Account of the Captivity of the People, With Prayer for Their Deliverance

Fasting: Ordination of Ministers

Fasting: Private Afflictions

Fasting: Prolonged for Forty Days, by Moses

Fasting: Prolonged for Three Weeks, by Daniel

Fasting: Prolonged: Elijah

Fasting: Prolonged: Jesus

Fasting: Promises Connected With

Fasting: should be to God

Fasting: Spirit of, Explained

Fasting: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Fasting: Upon the Death of Saul

Fasting: when They Went to Mizpeh for the Ark of the Covenant

Fasting: While Interceding in Prayer for his Friends

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