The General Service to a Nun.
At the Vespers, for O Lord, I have cried, the Stichera, Tone 8. Similar to: Thy martyrs, O Lord...

Having endured the pains of asceticism, thou,- O honoured mother (mentioned by name), hast obtained the grace to cleanse the diseases both of the soul and of the body, to drive away unclean spirits by your spirit, and to be a patron unto all afflicted; wherefore with thy supplications entreat healings for all and great mercies.

The shrine of thy relics doth pour unto the blind the recovery of their sight, and the cure for all the sick that come up in faith and implore for thy visitation, O holy and wonder-worthy mother (mentioned by name); wherefore with thy supplications obtain for us great mercy.

Thou hast acquired mercy towards thy neighbour, orthodox faith and love unto God, O God-blissful, honoured (mentioned by name); therefore the spiritual grace of God hath particularly rested with thee, O holy mother; wherefore with thy supplications do preserve in the faith those that bless thee.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion: Held down by afflictions we entreat thee, O most pure one and our intercession, do not forsake thy servants to our utter ruin; but hasten to deliver us from the present anger and misery, O most holy and pure receptacle of God, for thou art unto us an unassailable wall and help.

The Stavro-theotokion: Seeing Thee, O Jesu, nailed to the cross and willingly enduring the passion, the Virgin and Thy Mother, O Master, thus vociferated: Woe unto me, O my sweet Child! How dost Thou unrighteously suffer the sores-Thou, the Physician that hast cured human infirmity and delivered all from corruption through Thy compassion?

If there be Idiomelon, Glory... Tone 2: The spiritual snares and bodily passions hast thou cut down with the sword of abstemiousness, and the transgressions in thoughts hast thou strangled with the silence of fasting; with the streams of thy tears thou hast watered all the desert, and hast germinated unto us the fruits of repentance; wherefore we celebrate, O holy one, thy memory.

Both now... the Theotokion: Save from dangers thy servants, O Theotokos, for, after God, we all resort unto thee, as an indestructible wall and protection.

The Stavro-theotokion. Similar to: When from the tree...

When the undefiled lamb saw her offspring being dragged as a man to the willing slaughter, she thus spake with sobs: Dost Thou strive now, O Christ, to make me childless who gave Thee birth? Wherefore hast Thou done this, O Deliverer of all? Howbeit, I hymn and glorify Thine extreme goodness, O Lover of man, which is above the mind and speech.

If the Celebration be with the Polyeleon, say the Theotokion of the resurrection: Disappeared the shadow... The Entrance. The Prokeimenon of the day. The three Readings of the ascetics (see Appendix.)

With the Versicles the Stichera. Tone 1. Similar to:Of the heavenly orders...

Having truly desired the glory of the fathers, thou hast loved the incorruptible glory; having therefore rejected the sweet things, thou hast given thy body over to all kinds of pains, O(mentioned by name), and having now obtained the reward of thy labours, thou dost reign with Christ.

The Versicle : Wonderful in His holy ones is God, the God of Israel. Having desired the fair beauty of the Bridegroom, even Christ, and having striven with all kinds of good deeds to affiance thyself unto Him, thou, O (mentioned by name), hast adorned thyself with the labours of asceticism; wherefore dost thou now reign with Him in His palace.

The Versicle : Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Having fixed thy course unto the divine haven, thou hast calmly passed over the waves of the worldly agitations, and hast piloted the ship of thy soul, safe from foundering through the bitterness of sweet things, and filled with secret treasures.

Glory... Tone 6: Thy sacred celebration hath shone forth to-day more brightly than the sun, and doth illumine those that are in the darkness, ever driving away the demoniacal mist, O wonder-worthy one.

Both now... the Theotokion: O Theotokos, thou art the true vine...

The Stavro-theotokion: Beholding Thee crucified, O Christ, she that gave Thee birth, vociferated: What is this strange mystery I see, O my Son? How dost Thou die-hung in the flesh, O Giver of life?

The Troparion from the Typicon; but, if there be no Typicon, say this Troparion, Tone 8: In thee, O mother, was manifestly preserved what is in the image of God; for, having taken up the cross, thou didst follow Christ, and by thine own example hast taught that the flesh is to be despised as transient, but that particular care should be bestowed on the soul, as a thing immortal; wherefore together with the angels rejoiceth also thine, O religious (mentioned by name), spirit. Glory... Both now... the Theotokion or the Stavro-theotokion.

At the Matins, for God is the Lord the same Troparion. After the 1st Stichologia, the Cathisma, Tone 5. Similar to: The Co-unoriginate...

Having valiantly endured the feats of asceticism, thou hast overthrown the multi-snaring one, and having lived piously the life of hardship, thou hast now, O holy (mentioned by name), passed unto God, supplicating for all who sacredly keep thy holy celebration. Twice.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion: O all-undefiled Mother! Shine forth unto me the ray of repentance, disperse the mist of mine enormous evil-doings and drive away from my heart the evil thoughts, O Virgin.

After the 2nd Stichologia, the Cathisma, Tone 4. Similar to: Speedily prevent...

Thy body hast thou crucified with passions, and all thy love hast thou concentrated on Christ, thine eternal Bridegroom, O (mentioned by name); wherefore hast thou obtained the crown and wast numbered unto the choirs of angels, assiduously supplicating Him for those who honour Thee, O, holy one. Twice.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion:The storm of sins doth trouble me, and also the agitation of mine unsuitable thoughts; take compassion on me, O all undefiled one, and stretch out unto me thy helpful arm as gracious one, that having been saved I may magnify thee.

After Praise ye the name of the Lord...this Refrain: We glorify thee, O holy mother (mentioned by name), and honour thy holy memory, for thou dost supplicate for us Christ our God. The selected Psalm: I have patiently waited for the Lord...

After the Polyeleon, the Cathisma, Tone 8. Similar to:The secretly ordained...

O mother fore-ordained of God! Piloted unto the haven of life, thou hast passed the storm of life without agitation; hymning now, together with angels, the Redeemer, thou ever dost supplicate for us Christ that He may grant us grace and mercy, and preserve the flock which thou hast formed by thy labours. Twice.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion:Hail thou that hast from angel received the Joy of the world. Hail thou that hast given birth unto thy Creator and Lord. Hail thou that wast made worthy to become the Mother of God.

The Graduals, the 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone. The Prokeimenon: Wonderful in His holy ones is God, the God of Israel The Verse: In the congregations bless ye God, even the Lord, from the fountains of Israel. Let every breath. The Gospel (St. Matt.25,1-13). After the 50th Psalm the Sticheron, Tone 2: The spiritual snares. (Glory... O Lord, I have cried).

The Canon, Tone 8. Ode 1. The Heirmos:

The pursuing Pharaoh with the chariots did once submerge the cruciformly stretched and dividing the sea miraculous rod of Moses, but it hath saved the fugitive Israel who proceeded on foot singing a chant unto God.

Since I am continually submerged by the storms of passions and my soul is agitated by utterances of thoughts, do thou, O holy (mentioned by name), set me straight unto the serene haven of Christ's will, that I may worthily hymn thee.

Illumined with virginal virtues, God-glorified (mentioned by name), and having divinely lived the life of abstemiousness, thou hast affianced thyself unto the pure Word and followed in His life-bringing footsteps, having suffered the mortification of passions.

Thou, O glorious (mentioned by name), hast followed the instructions of the divine fathers and hast strictly emulated their lives, having lived in abstemiousness as a bodiless one, in purity and virginity and in true humility, O holy one.

The Theotokion: As the divine pot and table that hath borne the Bread of life, as the unploughed land and holy mount we glorify the Theotokos-Virgin in hymns.

Ode 3. The Heirmos;

O Lord, the Roofer of the heavenly firmament and the Founder of the church, do Thou stablish me in Thy love, Thou-the end of desires, the stablishing of the faithful, the only Lover of man.

Having been selected as a bride unto the Almighty, thou hast found thine abode in the heavenly resplendent palaces, and dost cause rivers of healings to flow and to dry up in us the flow of passions, O (mentioned by name).

Thou wast adorned with thine extreme desire for Christ Who, through the superabundance of compassion, didst undergo bodily impoverishment, and thou hast followed His words of life, rejecting with contempt all the sweets of this life.

Having acquired the golden wings of virtue, thou hast flown up the heavenly heights as an immortal dove, O blissful (mentioned by name).

The Theotokion: The race of man was saved, O Virgin, through the grace of Him Who hath undergone impoverishment in the body which was ineffably taken in thy womb; wherefore we honour and piously bless thee, O most pure Virgin, God-greeted.

The Cathisma, Tone 4. Similar to: Thou that was lifted on the cross...

With the beauties of the ascetic, sacred feats hast thou appeared adorned as a virgin and undefiled bride of Christ, and having entered with Him into the incorruptible chamber, dost thou delight in the contemplation of the beauties thereof; but supplicate that we may be saved from every misfortune, lovingly hymning thee.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion:O pure, all-undefiled and innocent of marital life, the only one that hast in time given birth unto the Ever-living Son and Word of God! Him supplicate, together with the holy and honourable apostles and martyrs, prophets and religious, to grant unto us cleansing and great mercy.

The Stavro-theotokion: O Virgin most undefiled, Mother of Christ the God! A sword pierced thy most holy soul when thou beheldst thy Son and God being voluntarily crucified. Do not cease supplicating Him, O most blessed one, to grant unto us the remission of sins.

Ode 4. The Heirmos:

I have hearkened, O Lord, unto the mystery of Thine Economy, comprehended Thy works and glorified Thy Godhead.

Thy bright festival which shineth with the light of God's Spirit, doth illumine our souls who in faith hymn thee, O holy (mentioned by name).

With divine miracles hast thou brought unto the faith those who were ignorant of the Master, and unto the knowledge of Him didst turn those who left the darkness of enchantment.

As gifts hast thou brought unto Christ -- complete mortification of limbs and labours of abstemiousness, and in return thou hast obtained the Kingdom of heaven and the never-ending delight.

The Theotokion:By humbling do save me, living in arrogance, O most pure one, who hast given birth unto Him that hath exalted our humbled nature.

Ode 5. The Heirmos:

Watching early we call unto Thee, O Lord: Save us, for Thou art our God, beside Thee we know no other.

Thine arms, O mother (mentioned by name), raised up unto the Creator, have put down the rage of the enemies.

The Highest holding thee by thy right hand, hath conducted thee, O mother, unto His heavenly delight.

Having passed the narrow path of asceticism, thou, O all honoured (mentioned by name), hast succeeded unto the breadth of paradise.

The Theotokion: Those that do not know thee, O God's Mother, as the Theotokos, shall not see the Light that was born of thee, O most pure one.

Ode 6. The Heirmos:

A bright garment do grant me Thou that puttest on light as a garment, O Multi-merciful Christ, our God.

Having mortified the bodily agitations, thou becamest a thorough mistress of thy passions; and now, O all-honoured (mentioned by name), hast thine abode in passionless serenities.

Thou, O glorious one, wast accustomed to adore the image of the Saviour, in thy deeds and words observing His saving teaching.

Christ hath shewn thee, O mother (mentioned by name), as a cloud that sheddeth the rain of life unto those who in faith ask thee for it, O glorious one.

The Theotokion: Thy Son, O most pure one, is the fairest above all men in the beauty of Divinity, although He was flesh for our sake.

The Contakion from the Typicon; but if there be no Typicon, say this Contakion, Tone 2. Similar to: Having received the grace...

For the love of God thou didst, O religious one, detest the device for rest, having by fasting made thy spirit luminous, for thou didst inflict a severe defeat on the beasts; but through thine intercessions destroy the plots of the enemies.

The Oikos: Streams of speech grant me, O my God, make my mind a fountain of piety and bless my tongue that I may hymn thy lamb whom Thou hast crowned with Thy graciousness. For if Thou Thyself do not impart unto me a worthy word, how can I, a beggar, bring a gift unto her who is so rich both in words and deeds? Wherefore do grant me strength to declare her combats, for she hath capitally vanquished the beasts; but through her intercessions destroy the plots of the enemies.

Ode 7. The Heirmos:

The Hebrew youths have boldly trodden the flame in the furnace and have changed the fire into dew, vociferating : Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

On corrupt qualities hast thou, O holy (mentioned by name), bestowed no care, fixing thy mind on the above existing rewards and light, God's glory and beauty never-growing old, and the divine abode.

This corrupt world hast thou exchanged for life above the world and never-growing old, the temporal food for permanent substance and the carnally betrothed for the heavenly Bridegroom.

God-loving understanding hast thou, O (mentioned by name), acquired, in thy body thou didst become like unto the angels, with love fervently watching and singing: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

The Theotokion: Behold, O Virgin, mine affliction which the multitude of my evil deeds hath brought over me, and snatch me out of the firelike flame, vociferating: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

Ode 8. The Heirmos:

The God-spoken youths, whilst treading down in the furnace the flame with the fire, sung: Bless the Lord, ye the works of the Lord.

The God-spoken youths treading down the flame in the fiery furnace, sung: Bless the Lord, O ye the works of the Lord.

Adorned with the radiance of purity and illumined by the purity of thy life, thou, O mother, dost stand before thy Bridegroom, even Christ, our God.

Thy holy body, most gloriously preserved in the shrine, doth cure various diseases of men and driveth away demons with their villanies.

As a sacred sacrifice and a bright offering, wast thou, O holy mother (mentioned by name), brought unto the Master of all, even Christ our God, for a sweet-smelling incense.

The Theotokion: Without corruption and above word hast thou given birth unto the Word that delivereth us all from corruption; wherefore we do in faith magnify thee, O Virgin.

Ode 9. The Heirmos:

Everyone became terrified at hearing of the ineffable God's condescension, that the Most High did voluntarily come down even unto the flesh itself, having become man in the Virgin's womb ; wherefore we the faithful magnify the most pure Theotokos.

Thou hast desired the intellectual beauty of the Bridegroom and hast purely loved Him. " Where dost Thou take Thy rest?" or " where dost Thou tend? "-hast thou ardently called out. Let me rest with Thee and take delight in Thy serenities, magnifying Thy graciousness.

In thy soul thou didst have both understanding and humility, divine benignness, undoubting faith, hope and love that is unto God, approaching Him in thine all-night prayers and being both illumined and enlightened by the above existing serenities, O blessed (mentioned by name).

People are gathered to-day with lauds to magnify the Lord that hath glorified this thy holy festival; whereon standing before Christ, thy Bridegroom, O holy and all-honoured (mentioned by name), do remember us who are remembering thee.

The Theotokion:Spare me, O God, that wast born of the Virgin and hast preserved her that bare Thee incorrupt after the birth, when Thou willst sit to judge my deeds; do overlook my wickednesses and sins, as sinless and gracious God and Lover of man.

The Photagogicon: Having suppressed thy shame before the prince, thou hast shown him foolish in the most inglorious manner, being a virgin in thy soul and body thou wast a man in thine understanding and faith, O holy (mentioned by name), beauty of chaste men, adornment of black garmented ones.

The Theotokion: Do shine unto me a day of intellectual joy, for thou, O pure one, art the light and the life of those sitting in darkness. Unto thy desire and what thou hast to do, art thou mistress, since thou art the Sovereign-Lady of all; do deliver all from misfortunes and all the afflicted from temptations of the evil one.

With the Lauds, the Stichera, Tone 4. Similar to: As a virtuous...

The impulses of the body hast thou duly subjugated unto the soul and hast followed Christ; thou hast taken thine abode among ascetic women, with all kinds of fasting, extinguishing the flames of sweet things with the divine clouds of tears and heating up to yet greater degree thy desire for the Creator. Twice.

A sacred abode for the benefit of many hast thou erected unto God, having seen in the purity of thy soul, O all-wise one, the temple of the Holy Spirit; thou hast also guided the souls unto the beneficial exertions in abstemiousness and hast as dowry brought them saved unto the Master; with these we in faith honour thee, O (mentioned by name).

Following thy teaching, maidens loved their Bridegroom and Lord, and having in spirit contemned the bodily weakness, with assiduity have piously kept down their passions; together with thee, O (mentioned by name), they were also brought into the heavenly and divine palace, ever rejoicing,

Glory... Tone 8: O most glorious wonder! With what fervour hast thou given thyself up unto God in ascetic labours and ascetic tears? Thou past fulfilled the divine love, vanquished the bodily passions, trodden under thy feet the demons through abstemiousness and wast a Bride unto the Almighty.

Both now... the Theotokion: Taking up the voice of archangel Gabriel, let us say: Hail, O Mother of God, since thou hast brought forth unto the world the Life-giver, even Christ.

The Stavro-theotokion: When the most pure one beheld Thee hanging in flesh on the cross, her heart was breaking, and she vociferated tearfully: O Word, how art Thou gone down, O most beloved Jesu, my Son and Lord? Do not leave me alone that gave Thee birth.

chapter xxi the service common
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