Divination: Effected Through: Enchantments
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 7:11
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Numbers 24:1
And when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he went not, as at other times, to seek for enchantments, but he set his face toward the wilderness.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Infallibility of God's Purpose
... he has one great purpose which extends through all ages ... on your part, certainly it
never would be effected. ... Four times did he vainly attempt a false divination. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 7 1861/the infallibility of gods purpose.htm



Divination: A System of Fraud

Divination: All Who Practised It, Abominable

Divination: An Abominable Practice

Divination: Could not Injure the Lord's People

Divination: Effected Through: A Lucrative Employment

Divination: Effected Through: Books of, Numerous and Expensive

Divination: Effected Through: Connected With Idolatry

Divination: Effected Through: Cups

Divination: Effected Through: Dreams

Divination: Effected Through: Enchantments

Divination: Effected Through: Inspecting the Inside of Beasts

Divination: Effected Through: Observing Heavenly Bodies

Divination: Effected Through: Observing Times

Divination: Effected Through: Raising the Dead

Divination: Effected Through: Rods

Divination: Effected Through: Sorcery

Divination: Effected Through: The Flight of Arrows

Divination: Frustrated by God

Divination: Practised by Astrologers

Divination: Practised by Charmers

Divination: Practised by Consulters of Familiar Spirits

Divination: Practised by Diviners

Divination: Practised by Enchanters

Divination: Practised by False Prophets

Divination: Practised by Magicians

Divination: Practised by Necromancers

Divination: Practised by Soothsayers

Divination: Practised by Sorcerers

Divination: Practised by Witches

Divination: Practised by Wizards

Divination: The Jews Prone To

Divination: The Law: Forbade Seeking To

Divination: The Law: Forbade to the Israelites the Practice of

Divination: The Law: Punished Those Who Sought To

Divination: The Law: Punished With Death Those Who Used

Divination: Those Who Practised used Mysterious Words and Gestures

Divination: Those Who Practised: Consulted in Difficulties

Divination: Those Who Practised: Regarded As Wise Men

Divination: Those Who Practised: Regarded With Awe

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