Burial: Perfumes Burned At
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Chronicles 16:14
And they buried him in his own sepulchers, which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odors and divers kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries' are: and they made a very great burning for him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 34:5
But you shall die in peace: and with the burnings of your fathers, the former kings which were before you, so shall they burn odors for you; and they will lament you, saying, Ah lord! for I have pronounced the word, said the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Concerning Persecution
... Cheerfulness perfumes martyrdom and makes it the sacrifice of ... temples should be razed
down, their Bibles burned. ... hath prepared this against my burial' (Mark 14 ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/21 concerning persecution.htm

Letter xxii. To Eustochium.
... whose name means iniquity"was once more burned in fire ... body of a sister to be carried
to its burial? ... nothing but their dress; they use perfumes freely, and ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter xxii to eustochium.htm

The Political Constitution of Egypt
... his hand, probably recalls the human victims formerly sacrificed at the burial of
a ... of prayer and sistrum, she poured libations and offered perfumes and flowers ...
/.../chapter ithe political constitution of.htm

Syria at the Beginning of the Egyptian Conquest
... of Car-chemish or Assur: the same articles of toilet, the same ranks of servants
and scribes, the same luxurious habits, and the same use of perfumes were to ...
/.../chapter iisyria at the beginning.htm

The Oration on Holy Baptism.
... out of Fire to Moses, when it burned the bush ... merely thy body that is washed for
burial; and before ... sprinkled with dust instead of sweet perfumes, [4162] but ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xl the oration on.htm

The First Theban Empire
... had for some time provided the Pharaohs with slaves, certain perfumes, cedar wood ...
When he began to despair, "the desert burned like summer, the mountain was on ...
/.../chapter iiithe first theban empire.htm

The Iranian Conquest
... Those altars on which burned, a perpetual fire were ... of flowers, bread, fruit, and
perfumes, but these ... body and gave it a magnificent burial.* Another legend ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm

The Last Days of the Old Eastern World
... the entreaties of the priests, forced an entrance into the ancient burial-place
of ... and, rather than allow it to fall into his hands, they burned their vessels ...
/.../chapter iithe last days of 2.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... a certain humour in the chronicler's account of the weapons which he employed:
"with the jawbone of an ass have I smitten a thousand men;" he burned up their ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

The Medes and the Second Chaldaean Empire
... This, doubtless, means that the Mushku and Tabal had been so utterly defeated that
they could not procure honourable burial for their dead, ie with their ...
/.../chapter iiithe medes and the.htm



Burial for Criminals, Marked by Heaps

Burial of Enemies, Sometimes Performed by the Conquerors

Burial of Persons Embalmed, Deferred for Seventy Days

Burial of Persons Hanged, Always on the Days of Execution

Burial of the Friendless, a Kind Act

Burial were Ceremonially Unclean

Burial with Spices

Burial: An Ignominious, Compared to the Burial of an Ass

Burial: Antiquity of Coffins For

Burial: Antiquity of Purchasing Places For

Burial: Attended by Family of the Dead

Burial: Attended by Female Friends

Burial: Attended by Great Lamentation At

Burial: Attended by Hired Mourners

Burial: Attended by Numbers of Friends

Burial: Attended by Relatives and Friends of Jacob

Burial: Attended by Relatives and Friends: Abner

Burial: Attended by Relatives and Friends: Child of Jeroboam

Burial: Attended by Relatives and Friends: Stephen

Burial: Attended by Relatives and Friends: The Son of the Widow of Nain

Burial: Bier (Coffin) Used At

Burial: Burial of Gog (Multitude) Requiring Seven Months

Burial: Burying Places for Poor and Strangers

Burial: Burying Places in Caves

Burial: Burying Places in Gardens

Burial: Burying Places in Houses

Burial: Burying Places in Valleys

Burial: Burying Places of Kings

Burial: Burying Places with Shelves

Burial: Burying Places: A Place of Honor

Burial: Burying Places: And Inscriptions

Burial: Burying Places: Anyone Who Touched, Were Unclean

Burial: Burying Places: Asa

Burial: Burying Places: Bought by Abraham

Burial: Burying Places: Closed With Stones

Burial: Burying Places: Demoniacs Lived In

Burial: Burying Places: Family

Burial: Burying Places: Jacob

Burial: Burying Places: Joseph

Burial: Burying Places: King Saul's

Burial: Burying Places: Marked With Pillars, Rachel's

Burial: Burying Places: On Hills

Burial: Burying Places: Painted and Garnished

Burial: Burying Places: Refused to the Dead

Burial: Burying Places: Robbed

Burial: Burying Places: Sealed

Burial: Burying Places: Under Trees, Deborah's

Burial: Design of

Burial: Directions Given About, Before Death by Jacob

Burial: Directions Given About, Before Death by Joseph

Burial: Figurative

Burial: Followed by a Feast

Burial: Frequently Prepared and Pointed out During Life

Burial: Held in High Veneration

Burial: Illustrative of Regeneration

Burial: Lack of, a Disgrace

Burial: Members of a Family Interred in the Same

Burial: Often Desecrated by Idolatry

Burial: Often Took Place Immediately After Death

Burial: Orations Sometimes Made At

Burial: Perfumes Burned At

Burial: Pillars Erected On

Burial: Places Used for Caves Hewn out of Rocks

Burial: Places Used for Gardens

Burial: Places Used for Houses of the Deceased

Burial: Places Used for Natural Caves

Burial: Places Used for The City of David for the Kings of Judah

Burial: Places Used for Tops of the Hills

Burial: Places Used for Under Trees

Burial: Privation of, Considered a Calamity

Burial: Privation of, Threatened As a Punishment

Burial: Probable Origin of

Burial: Provided for Aliens and Strangers

Burial: Provided for the Common People

Burial: Rites of

Burial: Sometimes had Inscriptions

Burial: Sometimes not Apparent

Burial: Soon After Death

Burial: The Body Was: Anointed For

Burial: The Body Was: Carried on a Bier To

Burial: The Body Was: Preserved With Spices

Burial: The Body Was: Sometimes Burned Before

Burial: The Body Was: Washed Before

Burial: The Body Was: Wound in Linen For

Burial: The Jews Anxious to be Interred in Their Family Places of

Burial: The Right of all Nations

Burial: Tombs Erected Over

Burial: Visited by Sorrowing Friends

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