Assyria: Sennacherib King of Insulted and Threatened Judah
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2 Kings 18:17-32
And the king of Assyria sent Tartan and Rabsaris and Rabshakeh from Lachish to king Hezekiah with a great host against Jerusalem. And they went up and came to Jerusalem. And when they were come up, they came and stood by the conduit of the upper pool, which is in the highway of the fuller's field.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Kings 19:10-13
Thus shall you speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying, Let not your God in whom you trust deceive you, saying, Jerusalem shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Iranian Conquest
... The evil spirit, whose supremacy he threatened, endeavoured to ... He borrowed in such
case from Assyria the symbol ... portrayed under the form of a king of imposing ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm



Assyria: Alliances With, Sought by Judah and Israel

Assyria: An Empire Founded by Nimrod

Assyria: Antiquity and Origin of

Assyria: Armies of, Described

Assyria: Army of, Destroyed by the Angel of the Lord

Assyria: As a Power, Was: An Instrument of God's Vengeance

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Cruel and Destructive

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Intolerant and Oppressive

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Most Formidable

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Proud and Haughty

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Selfish and Reserved

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Unfaithful

Assyria: Called: Asshur

Assyria: Called: Shinar

Assyria: Called: The Land of Nimrod

Assyria: Celebrated For: Extensive Commerce

Assyria: Celebrated For: Extent of Conquests

Assyria: Celebrated For: Fertility

Assyria: Chief Men of, Described

Assyria: Commerce of

Assyria: Condemned for Oppressing God's People

Assyria: Governed by Kings

Assyria: Idolatry of, Brought Into Samaria

Assyria: Idolatry, the Religion of

Assyria: Invaded by Pharaoh-Necho

Assyria: Israel Condemned for Trusting To

Assyria: Israelites Carried Captive Into

Assyria: Israelites Subject To

Assyria: It Extended from East of the Tigris

Assyria: Its Armies Invade the Land of Israel Under Pul

Assyria: Jews Carried Captive To

Assyria: Judah Condemned for Trusting To

Assyria: Manasseh Taken Captive To

Assyria: Nineveh, Chief City of

Assyria: Possibly to Egypt

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Conquest and Captivity of Israel By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Conquest of Syria By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Conquest of the Kenites By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Destruction of

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Invasion of Judah By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Participation in the Blessings of the Gospel

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Restoration of Israel From

Assyria: Productiveness of

Assyria: Prophecies Concerning

Assyria: Prophecies of Captivity of Israelites In

Assyria: Pul King of Brought off by Menahem

Assyria: Pul King of Invaded Israel

Assyria: Sennacherib

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Assassinated by his Sons

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Blasphemed the Lord

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Bought off by Hezekiah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of His Army Destroyed by God

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Insulted and Threatened Judah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Invaded Judah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Prayed Against by Hezekiah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Reproved for Pride and Blasphemy

Assyria: Shalmaneser

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Carried Israel Captive

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Imprisoned Hoshea

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Reduced Israel to Tribute

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Re-Peopled Samaria from Assyria

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Was Conspired Against by Hoshea

Assyria: Situated Beyond the Euphrates

Assyria: The Greatness, Extent, Duration, and Fall, Illustrated

Assyria: The Jews Condemned for Following the Idolatries of

Assyria: The Re-Peopling of Samaria From, Completed by Asnappar

Assyria: Tiglath

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Asked to Aid Ahaz Against Syria

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Conquered Syria

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Ravaged Israel

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Took Money from Ahaz, But Strengthened Him Not

Assyria: Watered by the River Tigris

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