Assyria: Pul King of Invaded Israel
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Kings 15:19
And Pul the king of Assyria came against the land: and Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of silver, that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his hand.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Assyrian Captivity
... "Menahem gave Pul a thousand talents of ... "In the days of Pekah," who reigned twenty
years, Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, invaded Israel and carried away ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 23 the assyrian captivity.htm

The Assyrian Revival and the Struggle for Syria
... western point of his territory, suddenly invaded Nummi,* and in ... be understood as
referring to Assyria proper: the territory subject to the king is measured ...
/.../chapter ithe assyrian revival and.htm



Assyria: Alliances With, Sought by Judah and Israel

Assyria: An Empire Founded by Nimrod

Assyria: Antiquity and Origin of

Assyria: Armies of, Described

Assyria: Army of, Destroyed by the Angel of the Lord

Assyria: As a Power, Was: An Instrument of God's Vengeance

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Cruel and Destructive

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Intolerant and Oppressive

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Most Formidable

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Proud and Haughty

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Selfish and Reserved

Assyria: As a Power, Was: Unfaithful

Assyria: Called: Asshur

Assyria: Called: Shinar

Assyria: Called: The Land of Nimrod

Assyria: Celebrated For: Extensive Commerce

Assyria: Celebrated For: Extent of Conquests

Assyria: Celebrated For: Fertility

Assyria: Chief Men of, Described

Assyria: Commerce of

Assyria: Condemned for Oppressing God's People

Assyria: Governed by Kings

Assyria: Idolatry of, Brought Into Samaria

Assyria: Idolatry, the Religion of

Assyria: Invaded by Pharaoh-Necho

Assyria: Israel Condemned for Trusting To

Assyria: Israelites Carried Captive Into

Assyria: Israelites Subject To

Assyria: It Extended from East of the Tigris

Assyria: Its Armies Invade the Land of Israel Under Pul

Assyria: Jews Carried Captive To

Assyria: Judah Condemned for Trusting To

Assyria: Manasseh Taken Captive To

Assyria: Nineveh, Chief City of

Assyria: Possibly to Egypt

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Conquest and Captivity of Israel By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Conquest of Syria By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Conquest of the Kenites By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Destruction of

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Invasion of Judah By

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Participation in the Blessings of the Gospel

Assyria: Predictions Respecting: Restoration of Israel From

Assyria: Productiveness of

Assyria: Prophecies Concerning

Assyria: Prophecies of Captivity of Israelites In

Assyria: Pul King of Brought off by Menahem

Assyria: Pul King of Invaded Israel

Assyria: Sennacherib

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Assassinated by his Sons

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Blasphemed the Lord

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Bought off by Hezekiah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of His Army Destroyed by God

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Insulted and Threatened Judah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Invaded Judah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Prayed Against by Hezekiah

Assyria: Sennacherib King of Reproved for Pride and Blasphemy

Assyria: Shalmaneser

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Carried Israel Captive

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Imprisoned Hoshea

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Reduced Israel to Tribute

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Re-Peopled Samaria from Assyria

Assyria: Shalmaneser King of Was Conspired Against by Hoshea

Assyria: Situated Beyond the Euphrates

Assyria: The Greatness, Extent, Duration, and Fall, Illustrated

Assyria: The Jews Condemned for Following the Idolatries of

Assyria: The Re-Peopling of Samaria From, Completed by Asnappar

Assyria: Tiglath

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Asked to Aid Ahaz Against Syria

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Conquered Syria

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Ravaged Israel

Assyria: Tiglathpileser King of Took Money from Ahaz, But Strengthened Him Not

Assyria: Watered by the River Tigris

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