Assurance: David
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 23:4
Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 73:24-26
You shall guide me with your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


... (3.) If you would have assurance, cherish the Holy Spirit of God. When David would
have assurance, he prayed, Take not away thy Spirit from me.' Psalm 51:11. ...
// body of divinity/6 assurance.htm

David's Cry for Pardon
... Cross of Christ lead us to as trustful a penitence as David had, to ... effort to
appropriate, the divine promise of forgiveness; and that the assurance of pardon ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/davids cry for pardon.htm

The Promised King and Temple-Builder
... Saul's sad reign. Then, finally, the assurance is reiterated of the perpetuity
of David's house and throne. The remarkable expression ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture f/the promised king and temple-builder.htm

The Secret of Courage
... by which this assurance is attained and sustained. The words of the original convey
even more forcibly than those of our translation the thought of David's own ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the secret of courage.htm

The Dying King's Last vision and Psalm
... view, a triumphant question, expressing the strongest assurance, and the next clause
would then lay bare the foundation of that relation of David's house as ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the dying kings last vision.htm

David's Dying Song
... With divine assurance knowing ... David could put his hand upon his heart and say, "Yet
hath he made a covenant with ME." I fear I shall not be wrong in condemning ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 1 1855/davids dying song.htm

The New Garment Bent
... David and his house may be his. The whole closes with the assurance that
the affliction of the seed of David is not to be for ever. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the new garment bent.htm

Christ's Interpretation of Psalm cx. , 1 (Mark, xii. , 35-37. )
... Even though it be proved that David was not the' author of the Psalm quoted ... founded
upon the other, raised up to God, and looking, with calm assurance, for the ...
/.../section251 christs interpretation of psalm.htm

The History of the Psalter
... Moreover, the early historical books vividly portray the faults of David, the
limitations ... found in the Psalter; and to point out with assurance those passages ...
/.../the origin and permanent value of the old testament/xii the history of the.htm

Note F. --Chap. xviii the Whole Heart
... That assurance will prepare us for turning to the Omnipotence of God to work in
us ... Hear David repeating God's promise to Solomon (1 Kings 2:4) "If thy children ...
/.../ two covenants/note f chap xviii the whole.htm



Assurance is Abundant in the Understanding of the Gospel

Assurance is the Effect of Righteousness

Assurance: Confident Hope in God Restores

Assurance: Confirmed by Love

Assurance: David

Assurance: Give Diligence to Attain To

Assurance: Made Full by Hope

Assurance: Paul

Assurance: Produced by Faith

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have by David

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have by Paul

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have of Their Election

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of a Crown

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of a Glorious Resurrection

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of a Kingdom

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Answers to Prayer

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Comfort in Affliction

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Continuance in Grace

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Eternal Life

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Peace With God by Christ

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Preservation

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Support in Death

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of The Unalienable Love of God

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Their Adoption

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Their Election

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Their Redemption

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Their Salvation

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have, of Union With God and Christ

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: A Crown

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: A Glorious Resurrection

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: A Kingdom

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: A Support in Death

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Answers to Prayer

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Comfort in Affliction

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Confident Hope in God Restores

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Continuance in Grace

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Eternal Life

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Peace With God by Christ

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Preservation

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Saints Give Diligence to Attain

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Strive to Maintain

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: The Unalienable Love of God

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Their Adoption

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Their Redemption

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Their Salvation

Assurance: Saints Privileged to Have: Union With God and Christ

Assurance: Strive to Maintain

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