Arrows of the Word of Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 45:5
Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


A Sheaf of Prayer Arrows
... We have here a sheaf of arrows out of a good ... It is the Hebrew equivalent of the word
employed by Paul ... God shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.' The ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/a sheaf of prayer arrows.htm

Christ is All
... be the man who robbed his neighbours to feather his own nest; such feathers will
help the flight of the arrows which shall ... Let the word of Christ dwell in ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 61 1915/christ is all.htm

Figurative Style of Certain Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms ...
... on prosperously in Thy majesty [3293] ""advancing His word into every ... of Thy spiritual
grace, whereby the knowledge of Christ is spread ... "Thine arrows are sharp ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xiv figurative style of certain.htm

It is an Annoyance to the Jew that Christ is Said to be Adored ...
... I answered, "I know that, as the word of God ... words are in like manner referred to
Christ: My heart ... Thine arrows are sharpened, O mighty One; the people shall ...
/.../chapter xxxviii it is an annoyance.htm

Death to Sin through Christ
... men to their own unaided reading of God's word, for this ... life, and in part alive
to God through Jesus Christ. ... the piercings of an arrow, as if arrows from the ...
/.../finney/sermons on gospel themes/xxiii death to sin through.htm

Psalm XLV.
... for the Bridegroom, from whom she received the arrow of the Word. "Thine arrows
are sharp ... have also "fallen." We see the nations subdued unto Christ; we do not ...
/.../ on the book of psalms/psalm xlv.htm

The Return of Christ to the Earth Itself.
... The Greek word intimates a-war-horse or "charger." Note its ... to destroy evil doers,
to overthrow Anti-christ and to ... Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the ...
// redeemers return/7 the return of christ.htm

Psalm CXX.
... Christ thou mayest keep me away from Christ, saying, What ... The "sharp arrows of the
Mighty One," are the ... we must plead with examples also...The word coals, then ...
/.../ on the book of psalms/psalm cxx.htm

The High Priest's Prayer
... has given barbs and feathers to its arrows of scorn. ... which shone through the covering
when the Incarnate Word 'became flesh.' It is the Christ-given Christ ...
/.../the high priests prayer.htm

Letter xi. --For 339. Coss. Constantius Augustus ii, Constans I ...
... sword, and their teeth spears and arrows [4295] .' But ... increase unto more ungodliness,
and their word takes hold ... will live godly in Jesus Christ shall suffer ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter xi for 339 coss constantius.htm



Arrows of Bitter Words

Arrows of Christ

Arrows of Devices of the Wicked

Arrows of False Witnesses

Arrows of God's Judgment

Arrows of Lightnings

Arrows of Severe Afflictions

Arrows of Slanderous Tongues

Arrows of the Word of Christ

Arrows of Young Children

Arrows: (Broken), of Destruction of Power

Arrows: (Falling from the Hand), of the Paralysing Power

Arrows: Bright and Polished

Arrows: Called Shafts

Arrows: Carried in a Quiver

Arrows: Deadly and Destructive Weapons

Arrows: Discharged with Great Force

Arrows: Discharged: Against Enemies

Arrows: Discharged: At a Mark for Amusement

Arrows: Discharged: At the Beasts of the Earth

Arrows: Discharged: from a Bow

Arrows: Discharged: from Engines

Arrows: Fleetness of, Alluded To

Arrows: Sharp

Arrows: Sometimes Poisoned

Arrows: The Ancients Divined By

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