Anointing was Used for Refreshing the Body
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Chronicles 28:15
And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them on asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers: then they returned to Samaria.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Concerning the Communion, or Participation of the Body and Blood ...
... and anointing of the sick with oil, for the reasons and ... [1187] They did eat for
refreshing the body ... Why the custom of supping in common was used among Christians ...
/.../proposition xiii concerning the communion.htm

Eucharistic Doctrine.
... upon the identity of the language used on the ... and at the same time strengthening
and refreshing the soul ... have (1) the res sacramenti,' the anointing of Christ ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/chapter vii eucharistic doctrine.htm

Fresh Supplies of Power.
... as the dew is to the earth"a daily refreshing of new ... at such times is just such as
Mr. Moody used, a fresh ... power is to one as a fresh act of anointing on His ...
/...// talks on power/fresh supplies of power.htm

The Sermon on the Mount.
... or on the housetop, but it is here used to indicate ... His words allude to the practice
of anointing. ... This was refreshing, and prevented many of the disease which ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xlii the sermon on the 5.htm

The Main Road --Experiences of Power and Privilege
... to find out that power, that thing that used to be ... special waiting on God, and the
fresh anointing by the ... of not being holy and sweet and pure and refreshing. ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks on following the christ/2 the main roadexperiences of.htm

Philippians i. 1, 2
... by attending on him that laboreth in them, and refreshing and anointing him constantly ...
524] Diakonos, usually [translated] in EV "Minister," when thus used. ...
/.../homily i philippians i 1.htm

A Woman's Memorial
... forth flows a stream of the most precious ointment, with a very refreshing fragrance ...
What wonders they used to do ... This woman thought she was just anointing Christ ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 6 1860/a womans memorial.htm

Life of Bunyan
... the merry peals with which they used to desecrate ... side of some high mountain, there
refreshing themselves with ... baptism, laying on of hands, anointing with oil ...
// of bunyan/life of bunyan.htm

A Discourse of Mercifulness
... This is like physic used in a desperate case and often ... light with it, but eye-salve,
anointing the eyes ... charity and then how welcome and refreshing would those ...
/.../15 a discourse of mercifulness.htm

The Oration on Holy Baptism.
... And so is the anointing of the doorposts, [4096] which ... and not for a short while
refreshing that baneful ... of Christ, [4168] from which the whole body is fitly ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xl the oration on.htm



Anointing in Consecration of High Priests

Anointing in Consecration of Kings

Anointing in Consecration of Priests

Anointing in Consecration of Prophets

Anointing in Consecration of the Tabernacle

Anointing in Consecration: Altars of

Anointing in Consecration: Cyrus

Anointing in Consecration: David

Anointing in Consecration: Hazael

Anointing in Consecration: Jacob's Pillar: At Beth-El

Anointing in Consecration: Jehoahaz

Anointing in Consecration: Jehu

Anointing in Consecration: Joash

Anointing in Consecration: Saul

Anointing in Consecration: Solomon

Anointing in Consecration: Vessels of

Anointing of Christ's Kingly and Priestly office

Anointing of Guests

Anointing of Jesus, As a Token of Love

Anointing of Spiritual Gifts

Anointing of the Body

Anointing of the Dead

Anointing of the Holy Spirit is Abiding in Saints

Anointing of the Holy Spirit is from God

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: God Preserves Those Who Receive

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Guides Into all Truth

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Saints Receive

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: That Christ should Receive: Foretold

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: That Christ should Receive: Fulfilled

Anointing of the Holy Spirit: Typified

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing Oil

Anointing Oil: Formula of, Given by Moses

Anointing was Applied to The Eyes

Anointing was Applied to The Face

Anointing was Applied to The Feet

Anointing was Applied to The Head

Anointing was Used for Curing the Sick

Anointing was Used for Decorating the Person

Anointing was Used for Healing Wounds

Anointing was Used for Preparing the Dead for Burial

Anointing was Used for Preparing Weapons for War

Anointing was Used for Purifying the Body

Anointing was Used for Refreshing the Body

Anointing was Used for The Jews Were Very Fond of

Anointing with Oil

Anointing with Ointment

Anointing: A Token of Joy

Anointing: Deprivation of, Threatened As a Punishment

Anointing: God Preserves Those Who Receive

Anointing: Neglect of, to Guests, a Mark of Disrespect

Anointing: Ointment For: An Article of Commerce

Anointing: Ointment For: Most Expensive

Anointing: Ointment For: Neglected in Times of Affliction

Anointing: Ointment For: Prepared by the Apothecary

Anointing: Ointment For: Richly Perfumed

Anointing: Omitted in Mourning

Anointing: Saints Receive

Anointing: Symbolical of Jesus

Anointing: Typified

Anointing: Why Recommended by Christ in Times of Fasting

Sacred Anointing: Antiquity of

Sacred Anointing: Consecrates to God's Service

Sacred Anointing: Illustrative of the Anointing of Christ With the Holy Spirit

Sacred Anointing: Illustrative of the Anointing of Saints With the Holy Spirit

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: An Holy Anointing Oil for Ever

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Compounded by the Priests

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Divinely Prescribed

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Jews Condemned for Imitating

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: Not to be Imitated

Sacred Anointing: Oil or Ointment For: To be Put on No Stranger

Sacred Anointing: Persons Who Received: Kings

Sacred Anointing: Persons Who Received: Priests

Sacred Anointing: Persons Who Received: Prophets

Sacred Anointing: Things Which Received: Brazen Altar

Sacred Anointing: Things Which Received: Brazen Laver

Sacred Anointing: Things Which Received: Tabernacle

Sacred Anointing: Those Who Partook of not to be Injured or Insulted

Sacred Anointing: Those Who Partook of Protected by God

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