Angels: Announced: The Ascension and Second Coming of Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 1:11
Which also said, You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


From the Birth to the Ascension of Jesus.
... From the resurrection to the ascension. ... of John the Baptist his forerunner, was
announced to Zacharias ... and incidents, (a) The appearance of the angels to the ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter xviii from the birth.htm

The Second Epistle of St. Peter
... transfiguration is blended with the ascension, whilst Peter ... children, which sinned
against the angels of God ... the apostolic tradition which announced the rise ...
/.../moffat/the general epistles james peter and judas/the second epistle of st.htm

Definitive Form of the Ideas of Jesus Respecting the Kingdom of ...
... in three years and a half.[7] The "Ascension of Isaiah ... and that men would be like
the angels.[4] Sometimes ... The world has not ended, as Jesus announced, and as ...
/.../renan/the life of jesus/chapter xvii definitive form of.htm

His Future Work
... His kingly work was announced by Gabriel to the Virgin. ... through the heavens in His
glorious ascension and entered ... in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him ...
// work of christ/iii his future work.htm

... therefore, "Before Abraham was"I AM," Jesus announced himself to be ... and this wonder
he is, as the angels said, (who spoke of his ascension, session and ...
// christianity and the bible/christ.htm

God his Own Interpreter.
... The time of his coming was not announced, and the ... eighteen hundred years ago that
the angels said to ... who were steadfastly watching his ascension: "This same ...
/.../x god his own interpreter.htm

Light through Darkness
... neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities ... for them; when, before His
ascension, Jesus led ... by Miller and his associates announced the termination ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 19 light through darkness.htm

Light through Darkness.
... neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities ... for them; when, before His
ascension, Jesus led ... by Miller and his associates announced the termination ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /19 light through darkness.htm

To John the Oeconomus.
... God." [2078] Moreover the chorus of the angels announced to the ... 2100] Why indeed
do I mention the angels and the ... It is after the ascension that the divine Paul ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/cxlvi to john the oeconomus.htm

General Index.
... Ascension of Christ, 350, 351 ... see also Angels, evil; Satan; Spiritualism ... the
investigative: 352, 353, 422-429, 436, 479-491; opening of, announced by message ...
/.../white/the great controversy between christ and satan /general index.htm



Angels and Humans

Angels are Elect

Angels are Examples of Meekness

Angels are Holy

Angels are Innumerable

Angels are Mighty

Angels are Ministering Spirits

Angels are of Different Orders

Angels are Subject to Christ

Angels are Wise

Angels of the Seven Churches

Angels Singing

Angels: Announced: The Ascension and Second Coming of Christ

Angels: Announced: The Birth of Christ

Angels: Announced: The Conception of Christ

Angels: Announced: The Conception of John the Baptist

Angels: Announced: The Resurrection of Christ

Angels: Celebrate the Praises of God

Angels: Communicate the Will of God and Christ

Angels: Created by God and Christ

Angels: Execute the Judgments of God

Angels: Execute the Purposes of God

Angels: Have Charge Over the Children of God

Angels: Know and Delight in the Gospel of Christ

Angels: Minister to Christ

Angels: Ministration of, Obtained by Prayer

Angels: Not to be Worshipped

Angels: Obey the Will of God

Angels: Rejoice Over Every Repentant Sinner

Angels: Shall Attend Christ at his Second Coming

Angels: Shall Execute the Purposes of Christ

Angels: The Law Given by the Ministration of

Angels: Worship God and Christ

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