Adoption: should Produce Child-Like Confidence in God
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 6:25-34
Therefore I say to you, Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Doctrines of Salvation A. Repentance. B. Faith. C. ...
... Justification with our standing, and Adoption with our ... even your sanctification,
that ye should abstain from ... ofttimes is intended to "produce the peaceable ...
/.../evans/the great doctrines of the bible/the doctrines of salvation a.htm

They Shall be Called the Children of God
... in the world, yet by virtue of his adoption he is ... melted into tears; the clouds of
desertion produce spiritual rain ... He not only teaches us what we should do but ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/19 they shall be called.htm

A Treatise of the Fear of God;
... not received it again, that is, after the Spirit, as a spirit of adoption, is come ...
sin (John 16:8,9). For it cannot be that the Spirit of God should convince us ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a treatise of the fear.htm

Alive or Dead --Which?
... the Spirit, godly fear, the spirit of adoption, brotherly love ... life; and even if
that life should be somewhat ... he has no inward life to produce these priceless ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 13 1867/alive or deadwhich.htm

The Gentle Boy
... yet within a week after his adoption of Ilbrahim ... were brooding within him when they
should naturally have ... of his kindness to Ilbrahim was to produce a softened ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/the gentle boy.htm

The Christ of the Gospels. By Rev. Professor Schaff.
... The annals of history produce no other example of such ... of God only by derivation
or adoption, after a ... poets of classic Greece and Rome, should have composed ...
/.../the christ of the gospels.htm

The Close of the Theban Empire --(Continued)
... of the highest types which Egyptian art could produce at its ... relationship to the
sun made its adoption a duty ... this favour to those whom they should deem worthy ...
/.../chapter ithe close of the.htm

Introduction. Chapter i. --The Life and Writings of St. Hilary of ...
... of doctrine, but it has been through the adoption of his ... could put us in sympathy
with him, produce the effect ... It was only natural that he should obtain the ...
/.../introduction chapter i the life and.htm

part i
... He wishes that we should always belong to Him ... moments must proceed from the being
that works against God, for the same cause cannot produce opposite actions ...
// life in christ/part i.htm

part ii
... interests of the soul require that we should oftener rise ... Our Lord God is pleased
with us for our ... alms of us"even with poor children, whose confidence in men ...
// life in christ/part ii.htm



Adoption is According to Promise

Adoption is by Faith

Adoption is of God's Grace

Adoption is Through Christ

Adoption is to be Pleaded in Prayer

Adoption of Esther

Adoption of Gentiles, Predicted

Adoption of Joseph's Sons

Adoption of Moses

Adoption: A Privilege of Saints

Adoption: Being Led by the Spirit is an Evidence of

Adoption: Confers a New Name

Adoption: Entitles to an Inheritance

Adoption: Explained

Adoption: General Scriptures Concerning

Adoption: God is Patience and Merciful Towards the Partakers of

Adoption: Illustrated: Esther

Adoption: Illustrated: Joseph's Sons

Adoption: Illustrated: Moses

Adoption: New Birth Connected With

Adoption: Safety of Those Who Receive

Adoption: Saints Become Brethren of Christ By

Adoption: Saints Predestinated To

Adoption: Saints Receive the Spirit of

Adoption: Saints Wait for Final Consummation of

Adoption: should Lead to Holiness

Adoption: should Produce a Desire for God's Glory

Adoption: should Produce a Forgiving Spirit

Adoption: should Produce a Love of Peace

Adoption: should Produce a Merciful Spirit

Adoption: should Produce a Spirit of Prayer

Adoption: should Produce an Avoidance of Ostentation

Adoption: should Produce Child-Like Confidence in God

Adoption: should Produce Likeness to God

Adoption: Solomon

Adoption: Spiritual

Adoption: Subjects Saints to the Fatherly Discipline of God

Adoption: The Adopted are Gathered Together in One by Christ

Adoption: The Holy Spirit is a Witness of

Adoption: Typified, in Israel

Adoption: Typified: Israel

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