Adoption: should Produce a Spirit of Prayer
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 7:7-11
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Doctrines of Salvation A. Repentance. B. Faith. C. ...
... nature, Justification with our standing, and Adoption with our ... Chastisement ofttimes
is intended to "produce the peaceable ... we know not what we should pray for ...
/.../evans/the great doctrines of the bible/the doctrines of salvation a.htm

The Spirit of Prayer.
... ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we ... Nothing will produce an excitement
and opposition so quick ... If any person should feel burdened with the case ...
/.../finney/lectures on revivals of religion/lecture vi the spirit of.htm

The Perseverance of the Saints
... as t lose the grace of adoption and forfeit ... the consideration of this benefit should
serve as ... does renewed confidence of persevering produce licentiousness or ...
/.../anonymous/synod of dort/the perseverance of the saints.htm

Constant, Instant, Expectant
... Adoption begets prayer, for it brings us the spirit of adoption whereby we cry ... than
they could hold in their hand as the produce of a ... Lord, to whom should we go ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 25 1879/constant instant expectant.htm

Secondly, to Assign Some Reasons Why Christians must Make this the ...
... a disordered and neglected heart should ever produce well ordered ... of God dwelling
in us, is a mark of our adoption. ... of God by which the soul should be refreshed ...
/.../flavel/on keeping the heart/secondly to assign some reasons.htm

They Shall be Called the Children of God
... in the world, yet by virtue of his adoption he is ... If God should say to the deserted
soul, What wilt ... into tears; the clouds of desertion produce spiritual rain ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/19 they shall be called.htm

The Seventh Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans.
... The force of temptation may produce an occasional strong ... you are, and pray for you,
and should show you ... prayer, no communion with God, no evidence of adoption. ...
/.../finney/lectures to professing christians/the seventh chapter of the.htm

On the Formation of the Character of Believers, and on Giving of ...
... beforehand, that ye may be worthy of the adoption of the ... For as He was not unable
to produce different kinds, so ... For how should we abide if we were required to ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/sec ii on the formation of.htm

Book iii. The Words of the Lord, I in the Father...
... recognised as having suffered wounds must needs produce the body ... of the Son is that
you should know the ... a theory of arbitrary action, of creation or adoption. ...
/.../hilary/the life and writings of st hilary of poitiers/book iii the words of.htm

... Leslie was able to produce quotations in plenty from ... any outbursts of religious feelings
which should in any ... in pain until now, awaiting the adoption"to wit ...
/.../abbey/the english church in the eighteenth century/chapter vii enthusiasm.htm



Adoption is According to Promise

Adoption is by Faith

Adoption is of God's Grace

Adoption is Through Christ

Adoption is to be Pleaded in Prayer

Adoption of Esther

Adoption of Gentiles, Predicted

Adoption of Joseph's Sons

Adoption of Moses

Adoption: A Privilege of Saints

Adoption: Being Led by the Spirit is an Evidence of

Adoption: Confers a New Name

Adoption: Entitles to an Inheritance

Adoption: Explained

Adoption: General Scriptures Concerning

Adoption: God is Patience and Merciful Towards the Partakers of

Adoption: Illustrated: Esther

Adoption: Illustrated: Joseph's Sons

Adoption: Illustrated: Moses

Adoption: New Birth Connected With

Adoption: Safety of Those Who Receive

Adoption: Saints Become Brethren of Christ By

Adoption: Saints Predestinated To

Adoption: Saints Receive the Spirit of

Adoption: Saints Wait for Final Consummation of

Adoption: should Lead to Holiness

Adoption: should Produce a Desire for God's Glory

Adoption: should Produce a Forgiving Spirit

Adoption: should Produce a Love of Peace

Adoption: should Produce a Merciful Spirit

Adoption: should Produce a Spirit of Prayer

Adoption: should Produce an Avoidance of Ostentation

Adoption: should Produce Child-Like Confidence in God

Adoption: should Produce Likeness to God

Adoption: Solomon

Adoption: Spiritual

Adoption: Subjects Saints to the Fatherly Discipline of God

Adoption: The Adopted are Gathered Together in One by Christ

Adoption: The Holy Spirit is a Witness of

Adoption: Typified, in Israel

Adoption: Typified: Israel

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