Fishes used As Food by the Egyptians
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 11:5
We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Plagues of Egypt
... and which formed then, and forms still, the staple food of the ... Why not even into
fishes or serpents? ... Whatsoever means, or no means at all, God used to produce ...
/.../kingsley/the gospel of the pentateuch/sermon x the plagues of.htm

About Antony the Great and St. Paul the Simple.
... His food was bread and salt, his drink water, and ... friendly in disputations, even
when others used the controverted ... for, he said, that as fishes are nourished ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of sozomenus/chapter xiii about antony the great.htm

Whether There was any Reasonable Cause for the Ceremonial ...
... Of fishes they were allowed to partake of the drier ... was to prevent excessive care
about food: wherefore they ... to be cruel to other men, through being used to be ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether there was any reasonable.htm

Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... Consequently it was unfitting for fishes to be excluded from ... to slay these animals,
wherefore they used not to ... and partake of a most clean food: whereas other ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm

1 John iv. 16-Dec
... whether "diligere" or "amare:" for this latter word the Lord used when He ... And whatever
we love in the way of food, to this end love we it ... over the fishes of the ...
/.../ten homilies on the epistle of john to the parthians/homily viii 1 john iv.htm

I Know that My Redeemer Liveth
... own sure resurrection, I cannot see what better words he could have used; and if ...
of beasts, if it be swallowed up in the sea and become food for fishes! ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/i know that my redeemer.htm

Letter cvii. To Laeta.
... wheaten bread [2712] with now and then one or two small fishes. ... to week and even
oil and apples are forbidden as food. ... [2694] The letter Y used by Pythagoras ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cvii to laeta.htm

Heaven's Nurse Children
... are afraid of laying too much doctrinal food before the ... mountain upon mountain, as
the old classics used to say ... not whether the barley loaves and fishes are in ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/heavens nurse children.htm

Book ii. Jerome Answers the Second, Third, and Fourth Propositions ...
... so may we say that other beasts, fishes, birds, were ... the monks in their cells, at
first used the same ... perpetual abstinence from certain kinds of food on the ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/book ii jerome answers the.htm

Book ii.
... table before him, full of dainties, from the [fishes of the ... the meaning of those
various sorts of food that were ... a set time every year: that they used to catch ...
// apion/book ii.htm



Fishes of Men Ignorant of Future Events

Fishes of the Visible Church

Fishes of the Whole Population of Egypt

Fishes of Those Ensnared by the Wicked

Fishes used As Food by the Egyptians

Fishes used As Food by the Jews

Fishes: (Bad) of Mere Professors

Fishes: (Good) of Saints

Fishes: Cannot Live Without Water

Fishes: Catching of, a Trade

Fishes: Created by God

Fishes: Different in Flesh from Beasts

Fishes: Distinction Between Clean and Unclean

Fishes: Inhabit: Ponds

Fishes: Inhabit: Rivers

Fishes: Inhabit: Seas

Fishes: Leviathan

Fishes: Made for God's Glory

Fishes: Man Given Dominion Over

Fishes: Man Permitted to Eat

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Dressed on the Shore

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Immense Draughts of

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Multiplying a Few

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Procuring Tribute Money From

Fishes: Mode of Cooking Alluded To

Fishes: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Fishes: Number and Variety of

Fishes: Sold Near the Fish Gate at Jerusalem

Fishes: Solomon Wrote the History of

Fishes: Taken With: Hooks

Fishes: Taken With: Nets

Fishes: Taken With: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Fishes: Taken With: Spears

Fishes: The People of Tyre Traded In

Fishes: Whale

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