821. atimoó
Strong's Concordance
atimoó: handle shamefully.
Original Word: ἀτιμόω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: atimoó
Phonetic Spelling: (at-ee-mo'-o)
Definition: handle shamefully
Usage: I dishonor, treat shamefully.
HELPS Word-studies

Cognate: 821 atimóō – to handle shamefully (dishonorably); to treat with indignity (literally, "without any honor," see Mk 12:4). See 820 (atimos).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
variant reading for atimazó, q.v.

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 821: ἀτιμάω

ἀτιμάω, ἀτίμω: (1 aorist ἠτίμησα; (τιμή); to deprive of honor, despise, treat with contempt or contumely: τινα, Mark 12:4 L Tr text ἠτιμησαν (see ἀτιμάζω and ἀτιμόω). (In Greek writings (chiefly Epic) from Homer down.)

STRONGS NT 821: ἀτιμόωἀτιμόω, ἀτίμω: (perfect passive participle ἠτιμωμένος); (ἄτιμος); from Aeschylus down; to dishonor, mark with disgrace: Mark 12:4 R G, see ἀτιμάω (and ἀτιμάζω).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
handle shamefully.

From atimos; used like atimazo, to maltreat -- handle shamefully.

see GREEK atimos

see GREEK atimazo

Forms and Transliterations
ατιμωθήση ατιμωθήσονται ατιμώρητος ητιμώθη ητιμωμένη ητιμωμένοι ητιμωμένον ητιμωμένος ητίμωσας ητίμωσε ητίμωσεν
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