642. aporphanizó
Strong's Concordance
aporphanizó: to be bereaved
Original Word: ἀπορφανίζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: aporphanizó
Phonetic Spelling: (ap-or-fan-id'-zo)
Definition: to be bereaved
Usage: I separate from some one, am bereaved.
HELPS Word-studies

642 aporphanízō (from 575 /apó, "separate from" and 3737 /orphanós, "leave as an orphan") – properly, to orphan; (figuratively) deprive, leaving someone defenseless – like an orphan, bereft of a father's care and instruction (used only in 1 Thes 2:17).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from apo and orphanizó (to make orphan, destitute)
to be bereaved
NASB Translation
taken away (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 642: ἀπορφανίζω

ἀπορφανίζω: (1 aorist passive participle ἀπορφανισθεις); (from ὀρφανός bereft, and ἀπό namely, τίνος), to bereave of a parent or parents (so Aeschylus choiëph. 247 (249)); hence, metaphorically, ἀπορφανισθέντες ἀφ' ὑμῶν bereft of your contact and society, 1 Thessalonians 2:17 (here Rec.elz (by mistake) ἀποφανισθεντες.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
to make an orphan of

From apo and a derivative of orphanos; to bereave wholly, i.e. (figuratively) separate (from intercourse) -- take.

see GREEK apo

see GREEK orphanos

Forms and Transliterations
απέσαξε απεσιώπησαν απορφανισθεντες απορφανισθέντες ἀπορφανισθέντες αποσβέννυται αποσβεσθήσεται αποσειόμενος aporphanisthentes aporphanisthéntes
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
1 Thessalonians 2:17 V-APP-NMP
GRK: δέ ἀδελφοί ἀπορφανισθέντες ἀφ' ὑμῶν
NAS: But we, brethren, having been taken away from you for a short
KJV: we, brethren, being taken from you
INT: moreover brothers having been bereaved of you

Strong's Greek 642
1 Occurrence

ἀπορφανισθέντες — 1 Occ.

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