2245. hélikos
Strong's Concordance
hélikos: how great, how small
Original Word: ἡλίκος, η, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: hélikos
Phonetic Spelling: (hay-lee'-kos)
Definition: how great, how small
Usage: of which size, of what size, how small, how much.
HELPS Word-studies

2245 hēlíkos (from hēlix, "adult comrade") – properly, fully grown (adult); (figuratively) "great" by "coming of age," i.e. fully grown ("grown up"). See also 5082 /tēlikoútos ("so great").

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
akin to root of hélikia
how great, how small
NASB Translation
how great (2), such a small (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 2245: ἡλίκος

ἡλίκος, ἡλικη, ἡλίκον (ἧλιξ, see ἡλικία), properly, as old as, as tall as; universally, (Latinquantus): how great, Colossians 2:1; James 3:5 (cf. Buttmann, 253 (217)); how small (Lucian, Hermot. 5), ἡλίκον πῦρ, James 3:5 L T Tr WH (Buttmann, the passage cited).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
how great.

From helix (a comrade, i.e. One of the same age); as big as, i.e. (interjectively) how much -- how (what) great.

Forms and Transliterations
ηλικην ηλίκην ἡλίκην ηλικον ηλίκον ἡλίκον eliken ēlikēn elikon ēlikon heliken helíken hēlikēn hēlíkēn helikon helíkon hēlikon hēlíkon
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
Colossians 2:1 Adj-AMS
GRK: ὑμᾶς εἰδέναι ἡλίκον ἀγῶνα ἔχω
NAS: you to know how great a struggle
KJV: knew what great conflict
INT: you to know how great conflict I have

James 3:5 Adj-NNS
GRK: αὐχεῖ ἰδοὺ ἡλίκον πῦρ ἡλίκην
NAS: See how great
KJV: Behold, how great a matter
INT: boasts Behold a little fire how large

James 3:5 Adj-AFS
GRK: ἡλίκον πῦρ ἡλίκην ὕλην ἀνάπτει
NAS: See how great a forest is set aflame
INT: a little fire how large a forest it kindles

Strong's Greek 2245
3 Occurrences

ἡλίκην — 1 Occ.
ἡλίκον — 2 Occ.

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