People, Places, Outline Elisha Causes the Axhead to Float; Arameans Blinded; Samaria Besieged People Aram, Benhadad, Ben-hadad, Elisha, Shaphat, Syrians Places Dothan, Jordan River, Samaria, Syria Outline 1. Elisha, allowing the young prophets to enlarge dwellings, floats an axhead 8. He discloses the king of Syria's counsel 13. The army which was sent to Dothan to apprehend Elisha, is blinded 19. Being brought into Samaria, they are dismissed in peace 24. The famine in Samaria causes women to eat their own children 30. The king sends to slay Elisha Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |