Joshua 16
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1And the lot of the children of Yosef [(God) He Shall Add] fell from Yarden [Descender] by Yericho [Its Moon], unto the water of Yericho [Its Moon] on the east, to the wilderness that goes up from Yericho [Its Moon] throughout mount Beit-El [House of God], 2And goes out from Beit-El [House of God] to Luz [Almond Tree], and passes along unto the borders of Arki [Lengthy] to ‘Atarot [Crowns], 3And goes down westward to the coast of Yafleti [Let Him Escape], unto the coast of Beit-Horon [House of Hollowness] the lower, and to Gezer [Portion]: and the goings out thereof are at the sea.

4So the children of Yosef [(God) He Shall Add], M’nasheh [Causing to Forget] and Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful], took their inheritance. 5And the border of the children of Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful] according to their families was [thus]: even the border of their inheritance on the east side was ‘Atrot-Adar [Crowns of Glory], unto Beit-Horon [House of Hollowness] the upper; 6And the border went out toward the sea to Mikhm’tat [Hiding Place] on the north side; and the border went about eastward unto Ta’anat-Shiloh [Approach to Shiloh], and passed by it on the east to Yanochah [He Rests]; 7And it went down from Yanochah [He Rests] to ‘Atarot [Crowns], and to Na’arah [Maiden], and came to Yericho [Its Moon], and went out at Yarden [Descender]. 8The border went out from Tapuach [The Apple City] westward unto the river Kanah [Reed]; and the goings out thereof were at the sea. This [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful] by their families. 9And the separate cities for the children of Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful] [were] among the inheritance of the children of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget], all the cities with their villages. 10And they drove not out the Kena’ani [Merchant] that dwelt in Gezer [Portion]: but the Kena’ani [Merchant] dwell among the Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful] unto this day, and serve under tribute.

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