Zephaniah 1:17
Zephaniah 1:17
"I will bring such distress on all people that they will grope about like those who are blind, because they have sinned against the LORD. Their blood will be poured out like dust and their entrails like dung.

"Because you have sinned against the LORD, I will make you grope around like the blind. Your blood will be poured into the dust, and your bodies will lie rotting on the ground."

I will bring distress on mankind, so that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the LORD; their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung.

I will bring distress on men So that they will walk like the blind, Because they have sinned against the LORD; And their blood will be poured out like dust And their flesh like dung.

And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.

I will bring distress on mankind, and they will walk like the blind because they have sinned against the LORD. Their blood will be poured out like dust and their flesh like dung.

"And I'll bring so much distress to people that they will walk around like the blind. Because they have sinned against the LORD, their blood will be poured out like dust and their intestines will spill out like manure.

I will bring distress on the people and they will stumble like blind men, for they have sinned against the LORD. Their blood will be poured out like dirt; their flesh will be scattered like manure.

"I will bring such distress on humans that they will walk like they are blind, because they have sinned against the LORD." Their blood will be poured out like dust and their intestines like manure.

And I will bring distress upon men that they shall walk like blind men because they have sinned against the LORD, and their blood shall be poured out as dust and their flesh as the dung.

And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh like refuse.

And I will bring distress on men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.

And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against Jehovah; and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as dung.

And I will distress men, and they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as earth, and their bodies as dung.

And I will bring distress upon men, and they shall walk like blind men; for they have sinned against Jehovah; and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as dung:

And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as dung.

And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.

I will bring distress on men, that they will walk like blind men, because they have sinned against Yahweh, and their blood will be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung.

And I have sent distress to men, And they have walked as the blind, For against Jehovah they have sinned, And poured out is their blood as dust, And their flesh is as dung.

Sofonia 1:17
Unë do të sjell fatkeqësinë mbi njerëzit dhe ata do të ecin si të verbër, sepse kanë mëkatuar kundër Zotit; gjaku i tyre do të shpërndahet si pluhur dhe mishi i tyre si jashtëqitje.

ﺻﻔﻨﻴﺎ 1:17
واضايق الناس فيمشون كالعمي لانهم اخطأوا الى الرب فيسفح دمهم كالتراب ولحمهم كالجلّة.

Dyr Zefynies 1:17
Daa ängst i d Leut yso, däß s umaynandlaauffend wie d Hennen, denn sö habnd si gögn önn Herrn versündigt. Iener Bluet werd vergossn, wie wenn s dyr lösste Drök wär und iener Leib ayn Mist.

Софоний 1:17
Аз така ще наскърбя човеците Щото ще ходят като слепи, Защото са съгрешили против Господа; Кръвта им ще се излее като прах, И месата им като нечистотии.

西 番 雅 書 1:17
我 必 使 災 禍 臨 到 人 身 上 , 使 他 們 行 走 如 同 瞎 眼 的 , 因 為 得 罪 了 我 。 他 們 的 血 必 倒 出 如 灰 塵 ; 他 們 的 肉 必 拋 棄 如 糞 土 。

我 必 使 灾 祸 临 到 人 身 上 , 使 他 们 行 走 如 同 瞎 眼 的 , 因 为 得 罪 了 我 。 他 们 的 血 必 倒 出 如 灰 尘 ; 他 们 的 肉 必 抛 弃 如 粪 土 。



Zephaniah 1:17
Prepustit ću ljude nevoljama i vrludat će kao slijepci (jer su protiv Jahve sagriješili), krv će se njihova prosuti kao prašina, njihova trupla bit će bačena kao smeće.

Sofoniáše 1:17
V němž úzkostmi sevru lidi, aby chodili jako slepí, nebo proti Hospodinu zhřešili. I vylita bude krev jejich jako prach, a těla jejich jako lejna.

Zefanias 1:17
Over Menneskene bringer jeg Trængsel; som blinde vanker de om, fordi de synded mod HERREN. Deres Blod øses ud som Støv, deres Livssaft ligesom Skarn.

Zefanja 1:17
En Ik zal de mensen bang maken, dat zij zullen gaan als de blinden; want zij hebben tegen den HEERE gezondigd; en hun bloed zal vergoten worden als stof, en hun vlees zal worden als drek.

צפניה 1:17
וַהֲצֵרֹ֣תִי לָאָדָ֗ם וְהָֽלְכוּ֙ כַּֽעִוְרִ֔ים כִּ֥י לַֽיהוָ֖ה חָטָ֑אוּ וְשֻׁפַּ֤ךְ דָּמָם֙ כֶּֽעָפָ֔ר וּלְחֻמָ֖ם כַּגְּלָלִֽים׃

יז והצרתי לאדם והלכו כעורים--כי ליהוה חטאו ושפך דמם כעפר ולחמם כגללים

והצרתי לאדם והלכו כעורים כי ליהוה חטאו ושפך דמם כעפר ולחמם כגללים׃

Sofoniás 1:17
És megszorongatom az embereket és járnak, mint a vakok, mert vétkeztek az Úr ellen, és kiontatik vérök, mint a por, és testök, mint szemét.

Cefanja 1:17
Mi premos la homojn, kaj ili irados kiel blinduloj pro tio, ke ili pekis antaux la Eternulo; ilia sango estos dissxprucigita kiel polvo, kaj ilia karno kiel sterko.

Minä tahdon ihmisille ahdistuksen tehdä, ja heidän pitää käymän niinkuin sokiat, että he ovat Herraa vastaan syntiä tehneet; heidän verensä pitää vuodatettaman, niinkuin tomu, ja heidän lihansa niinkuin loka.

Sophonie 1:17
Et je ferai venir la détresse sur les hommes, et ils marcheront comme des aveugles; car ils ont péché contre l'Éternel; et leur sang sera répandu comme de la poussière, et leur chair comme de la fiente;

Je mettrai les hommes dans la détresse, Et ils marcheront comme des aveugles, Parce qu'ils ont péché contre l'Eternel; Je répandrai leur sang comme de la poussière, Et leur chair comme de l'ordure.

Je mettrai les hommes dans la détresse, et ils marcheront comme des aveugles, parce qu'ils ont péché contre l'Eternel; et leur sang sera répandu comme de la poussière, et leur chair comme de la fiente.

Zephanja 1:17
Ich will den Leuten bange machen, daß sie umhergehen sollen wie die Blinden, darum daß sie wider den HERRN gesündiget haben. Ihr Blut soll vergossen werden, als wäre es Staub, und ihr Leib, als wäre es Kot.

Ich will den Leuten bange machen, daß sie umhergehen sollen wie die Blinden, darum daß sie wider den HERRN gesündigt haben. Ihr Blut soll ausgeschüttet werden, als wäre es Staub, und ihr Leib als wäre es Kot.

Da werde ich die Menschen ängstigen, daß sie wie Blinde umhergehen, weil sie wider Jahwe gesündigt haben, und ihr Blut soll wie Staub hingeschüttet werden und ihr Gedärme dem Kote gleich.

Sofonia 1:17
E io metterò gli uomini nella distretta, ed essi cammineranno come ciechi, perché han peccato contro l’Eterno; e il loro sangue sarà sparso come polvere, e la loro carne come escrementi.

Ed io metterò gli uomini in distretta, e cammineranno come ciechi; perciocchè han peccato contro al Signore; e il lor sangue sarà sparso come polvere, e la lor carne come sterchi.

Pada hari itu Aku akan menakuti manusia, sehingga mereka itu berjalan keliling seperti orang buta, sebab mereka itu sudah berdosa kepada Tuhan, dan darah mereka itu akan tertumpah seperti lebu dan dagingnyapun seperti tahi.

스바냐 1:17
내가 사람들에게 고난을 내려 소경 같이 행하게 하리니 이는 그들이 나 여호와께 범죄하였음이라 또 그들의 피는 흘리워서 티끌같이 되며 그들의 살은 분토 같이 될지라

Sophonias 1:17
et tribulabo homines et ambulabunt ut caeci quia Domino peccaverunt et effundetur sanguis eorum sicut humus et corpus eorum sicut stercora

Sofonijo knyga 1:17
Aš varginsiu žmones, jie vaikščios kaip akli, nes nusidėjo Viešpačiui, jų kraujas bus pralietas kaip dulkės, jų kūnai bus išmesti kaip mėšlas”.

Zephaniah 1:17
Ka mamae ano i ahau nga ngakau o nga tangata, ka rite ratou ki te matapo ina haere, mo ratou i hara ki a Ihowa: ka ringihia o ratou toto ano he puehu, o ratou kikokiko ano he paru.

Sefanias 1:17
Da vil jeg sette slik angst i menneskene at de går der som blinde, fordi de har syndet mot Herren; og deres blod skal utøses som støv, og deres kjøtt som møkk.

Sofonías 1:17
Traeré angustia sobre los hombres, y andarán como ciegos, porque han pecado contra el SEÑOR; su sangre será derramada como polvo, y su carne como estiércol.

Traeré angustia sobre los hombres, Y andarán como ciegos, Porque han pecado contra el SEÑOR. Su sangre será derramada como polvo, Y su carne como estiércol.

Y atribularé a los hombres, y andarán como ciegos, porque pecaron contra Jehová; y la sangre de ellos será derramada como polvo, y su carne como estiércol.

Y atribularé los hombres, y andarán como ciegos, porque pecaron contra Jehová: y la sangre de ellos será derramada como polvo, y su carne como estiércol.

Y atribularé a los hombres, y andarán como ciegos, porque pecaron contra el SEÑOR; y la sangre de ellos será derramada como polvo, y su carne como estiércol.

Sofonias 1:17
Então afligirei sobremaneira a humanidade, e os homens vaguearão sem nada enxergar, porque pecaram contra o SENHOR; seu sangue se derramará como pó, e suas entranhas como esterco.

E angustiarei os homens, e eles andarão como cegos, porque pecaram contra o Senhor; e o seu sangue se derramará como pó, e a sua carne como esterco.   

Tefania 1:17
Atunci voi pune pe oameni la strîmtoare, şi vor bîjbăi ca nişte orbi, pentru că au păcătuit împotriva Domnului; de aceea le voi vărsa sîngele ca praful, şi carnea ca gunoiul!

Софония 1:17
И Я стесню людей, и они будут ходить, как слепые, потому что они согрешили против Господа, и разметана будеткровь их, как прах, и плоть их – как помет.

И Я стесню людей, и они будут ходить, как слепые, потому что они согрешили против Господа, и разметана будет кровь их, как прах, и плоть их--как помет.[]

Sefanja 1:17
Då skall jag bereda människorna sådan ångest att de gå där såsom blinda, därför att de hava syndat mot HERREN. Deras blod skall spridas omkring såsom stoft, och deras kroppar skola kastas ut såsom orenlighet.

Zephaniah 1:17
At aking dadalhan ng kahapisan ang mga tao, na sila'y magsisilakad na parang mga bulag, sapagka't sila'y nangagkasala laban sa Panginoon; at ang kanilang dugo ay mabububo na parang alabok, at ang kanilang katawan ay parang dumi.

เศฟันยาห์ 1:17
เราจะนำทุกข์ภัยมาสู่มนุษย์ เขาจะได้เดินไปเหมือนคนตาบอด เพราะเขาได้กระทำบาปต่อพระเยโฮวาห์ โลหิตของเขาจะถูกเทออกเหมือนฝุ่น และเนื้อของเขาจะถูกเทออกเหมือนมูลสัตว์

Sefanya 1:17
RAB'bin öfke gününde,
Altınları da gümüşleri de
Onları kurtaramayacak.
RAB'bin kıskançlık ateşi bütün ülkeyi yakıp yok edecek.
RAB ülkede yaşayanların hepsini korkunç bir sona uğratacak.[]

Soâ-phoâ-ni 1:17
Ta sẽ đem sự hoạn nạn trên loài người, chúng nó sẽ đi như kẻ mù, vì đã phạm tội nghịch cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va; máu chúng nó sẽ đổ ra như bụi, và thịt như phân.

Zephaniah 1:16
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