Zechariah 9:5
Zechariah 9:5
Ashkelon will see it and fear; Gaza will writhe in agony, and Ekron too, for her hope will wither. Gaza will lose her king and Ashkelon will be deserted.

The city of Ashkelon will see Tyre fall and will be filled with fear. Gaza will shake with terror, as will Ekron, for their hopes will be dashed. Gaza's king will be killed, and Ashkelon will be deserted.

Ashkelon shall see it, and be afraid; Gaza too, and shall writhe in anguish; Ekron also, because its hopes are confounded. The king shall perish from Gaza; Ashkelon shall be uninhabited;

Ashkelon will see it and be afraid. Gaza too will writhe in great pain; Also Ekron, for her expectation has been confounded. Moreover, the king will perish from Gaza, And Ashkelon will not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon will see it and be afraid; Gaza too, and will writhe in great pain, as will Ekron, for her hope will fail. There will cease to be a king in Gaza, and Ashkelon will become uninhabited.

Ashkelon will see it happen and will be terrified; Gaza will tremble greatly. Ekron will be ashamed of her expectations, Gaza's king will perish, and Ashkelon will become uninhabited.

Ashkelon will see and be afraid; Gaza will be in great anguish, as will Ekron, for her hope will have been dried up. Gaza will lose her king, and Ashkelon will no longer be inhabited.

Ashkelon will see [this] and be afraid. Gaza will also be in great pain, also Ekron, because its hope will fade. Gaza will lose its king. Ashkelon will no longer be lived in.

Ashkelon shall see it and fear; Gaza also shall see it and be very sorrowful, and Ekron for her hope shall be confounded; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also, and shall be sore pained; and Ekron, for her expectation shall be put to shame; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ascalon shall see, and shall fear, and Gaza, and shall be very sorrowful: and Accaron, because her hope is confounded : and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ascalon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gazah also, and she shall be greatly pained; Ekron also, for her expectation shall be put to shame: and the king shall perish from Gazah, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also, and shall be sore pained; and Ekron, for her expectation shall be ashamed: and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

Ashkelon will see it, and fear; Gaza also, and will writhe in agony; as will Ekron, for her expectation will be disappointed; and the king will perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon will not be inhabited.

See doth Ashkelon and fear, Also Gaza, and she is exceedingly pained, Also Ekron -- for her expectation dried up, And perished hath a king from Gaza, And Ashkelon doth not remain,

Zakaria 9:5
Ashkeloni do ta shohë dhe do të ketë frikë, edhe Gaza do të përpëlitet nga dhëmbja e madhe dhe po kështu Ekroni, sepse shpresa e tij do të pësojë zhgënjim. Mbreti do të zhduket nga Gaza dhe Ashkeloni nuk do të banohet më.

ﺯﻛﺮﻳﺎ 9:5
ترى اشقلون فتخاف وغزة فتتوجع جدا وعقرون. لانه يخزيها انتظارها والملك يبيد من غزة واشقلون لا تسكن.

Dyr Zächeries 9:5
Äschlham sollt s seghn und si ferchtn, und Gäzn aau, und mitaynand mit Ekron sollnd s grad non yso fibern; denn allss, wo sö si drauf gstützt habnd, ist auf aynmaal dyrhin. Gäzn verliest seinn Künig, und Äschlham gaat wonloos werdn.

Захария 9:5
Аскалон ще види и ще се уплаши; И Газа, и ще се наскърби много; И Акарон, защото ще се посрами за това, което очакваше, Царят ще погине от Газа, И Аскалон няма да се насели.

撒 迦 利 亞 9:5
亞 實 基 倫 看 見 必 懼 怕 ; 迦 薩 看 見 甚 痛 苦 ; 以 革 倫 因 失 了 盼 望 蒙 羞 。 迦 薩 必 不 再 有 君 王 ; 亞 實 基 倫 也 不 再 有 居 民 。

亚 实 基 伦 看 见 必 惧 怕 ; 迦 萨 看 见 甚 痛 苦 ; 以 革 伦 因 失 了 盼 望 蒙 羞 。 迦 萨 必 不 再 有 君 王 ; 亚 实 基 伦 也 不 再 有 居 民 。



Zechariah 9:5
Vidjet će to Aškelon i prestrašiti se, a Gaza sva će uzdrhtati, i Ekron, jer ga nada prevari: nestat će kralja iz Gaze, Aškelon će pust ostati,

Zachariáše 9:5
Vida to Aškalon, báti se bude, i Gáza velikou bolest míti bude, též i Akaron, proto že jej zahanbilo očekávání jeho. I zahyne král z Gázy, a Aškalon neosedí.

Zakarias 9:5
Askalon ser det og frygter, Gaza og Ekron skælver voldsomt, thi Haabet brast. Gaza mister sin Konge, i Askalon skal ingen bo,

Zacharia 9:5
Askelon zal het zien, en zal vrezen; desgelijks Gaza, en zal grote smart hebben, mitsgaders Ekron, dewijl hetgeen, waar zij op zagen, hen heeft te schande gemaakt; en de koning van Gaza zal vergaan, en Askelon zal niet bewoond worden.

זכריה 9:5
תֵּרֶ֨א אַשְׁקְלֹ֜ון וְתִירָ֗א וְעַזָּה֙ וְתָחִ֣יל מְאֹ֔ד וְעֶקְרֹ֖ון כִּֽי־הֹבִ֣ישׁ מֶבָּטָ֑הּ וְאָ֤בַד מֶ֙לֶךְ֙ מֵֽעַזָּ֔ה וְאַשְׁקְלֹ֖ון לֹ֥א תֵשֵֽׁב׃

ה תרא אשקלון ותירא ועזה ותחיל מאד ועקרון כי הביש מבטה ואבד מלך מעזה ואשקלון לא תשב

תרא אשקלון ותירא ועזה ותחיל מאד ועקרון כי־הביש מבטה ואבד מלך מעזה ואשקלון לא תשב׃

Zakariás 9:5
Meglátja [ezt] Askalon és megretten; Gáza is és igen bánkódik; Ekron is, mert megszégyenült reménységében. Mert kivész a király Gázából, és Askalon lakatlan marad.

Zeĥarja 9:5
Asxkelon tion vidos kaj ektimos, Gaza forte ektremos, ankaux Ekron, cxar gxia fido kovrigxos per honto; pereos la regxo de Gaza, kaj Asxkelon ne plu estos logxata.

Kuin Askalon sen näkee, niin hän peljästyy, ja Gatsan pitää kovin surullisen oleman, niin myös Ekron, että hänen toivonsa on häpiään tullut; sillä ei Gatsassa pidä kuningasta oleman, eikä Askalonissa asuttaman.

Zacharie 9:5
Askalon le verra et aura peur; Gaza aussi, et elle sera fort angoissée; Ékron aussi, car elle sera honteuse de sa confiance; et le roi sera retranché de Gaza, et Askalon ne sera pas habitée;

Askalon le verra, et elle sera dans la crainte; Gaza aussi, et un violent tremblement la saisira; Ekron aussi, car son espoir sera confondu. Le roi disparaîtra de Gaza, Et Askalon ne sera plus habitée.

Askelon le verra, et craindra; Gaza aussi le verra, et en sera comme en travail d'enfant; et Hékron aussi, parce que ce à quoi elle regardait, l'aura rendue confuse; et il n'y aura plus de Roi à Gaza, et Askelon ne fleurira plus.

Sacharja 9:5
Wenn das Asklon sehen wird, wird sie erschrecken, und Gasa wird sehr angst werden; dazu Ekron wird betrübt werden, wenn sie solches siehet. Denn es wird aus sein mit dem Könige zu Gasa, und zu Asklon wird man nicht wohnen.

Wenn das Askalon sehen wird, wird sie erschrecken, und Gaza wird sehr Angst werden, dazu Ekron; denn ihre Zuversicht wird zu Schanden, und es wird aus sein mit dem König zu Gaza, und zu Askalon wird man nicht wohnen.

Askalon soll es schauen und schaudern; Gaza aber - vor Angst wird es sich heftig winden; ebenso Ekron - denn seine Hoffnung ist zu Schanden geworden. Aus Gaza wird der König verschwinden; Askalon wird nimmer bewohnt sein,

Zaccaria 9:5
Askalon lo vedrà e avrà paura; anche Gaza, e si torcerà dal gran dolore; e così Ekron, perché la sua speranza sarà confusa; e Gaza non avrà più re, e Askalon non sarà più abitata.

Aschelon lo vedrà, e temerà; Gaza anch’ella, e sentirà gran doglia; come anche Ecron; perciocchè quella a cui ella riguardava sarà confusa; e il re perirà di Gaza, ed Aschelon non sarà più abitata.

Bahwa Askelon akan melihatnya lalu takut, dan Gazapun akan merasai sakit sangat, demikianpun Ekeron, karena barang yang diharapnya itu memberi malu kepadanya; maka raja Gaza akan binasa dan Askelon tiada akan diduduki lagi.

스가랴 9:5
아스글론이 보고 무서워하며 가사도 심히 아파할 것이며 에그론은 그 소망이 수치가 되므로 역시 그러하리라 가사에는 임금이 끊칠 것이며 아스글론에는 거민이 없을 것이며

Zacharias 9:5
videbit Ascalon et timebit et Gaza et dolebit nimis et Accaron quoniam confusa est spes eius et peribit rex de Gaza et Ascalon non habitabitur

Zacharijo knyga 9:5
Aškelonas, tai matydamas, nusigąs; taip pat Gaza ir Ekronas didžiai sielvartaus, nes niekais nuėjo jų viltis. Gazos karalius žus, Aškelonas bus nebegyvenamas.

Zechariah 9:5
Ka kite a Ahakerono, a ka wehi, a Kaha, nui atu te mamae, me Ekerono ano; no te mea he whakama to tana i tumanako ai; ka kore hoki to Kaha kingi; e kore ano a Ahakerono e nohoia.

Sakarias 9:5
Askalon ser det og frykter, og Gasa, som vrir sig i angst, likeså Ekron, fordi dets håp* er blitt til skamme; Gasa skal miste sin konge, og i Askalon skal ingen bo.

Zacarías 9:5
Ascalón lo verá y temerá, también Gaza, y se retorcerá con gran dolor, lo mismo Ecrón, pues su esperanza ha sido confundida. Además perecerá el rey de Gaza, y Ascalón no será habitada.

Ascalón lo verá y temerá, También Gaza, y se retorcerá con gran dolor, Lo mismo Ecrón, pues su esperanza ha sido confundida. Además perecerá el rey de Gaza, Y Ascalón no será habitada.

Ascalón verá, y temerá; Gaza también, y se dolerá en gran manera: asimismo Ecrón, porque su esperanza será confundida; y de Gaza perecerá el rey, y Ascalón no será habitada.

Ascalón verá, y temerá; Gaza también, y se dolerá en gran manera: asimismo Ecrón, porque su esperanza será confundida; y de Gaza perecerá el rey, y Ascalón no será habitada.

Ascalón verá, y temerá; Gaza también, y se dolerá en gran manera; asimismo Ecrón, porque su esperanza será confundida; y de Gaza perecerá el rey, y Ascalón no será habitada.

Zacarias 9:5
Ao observar esse assombro, Ascalom sentirá grande pavor; Gaza, de igual modo, se contorcerá de pavor e agonia, assim como Ecrom, porque a sua esperança fracassou. Gaza perderá o seu rei, e Ascalom ficará desabitada.

Asquelom o verá, e temerá; também Gaza, e terá grande dor; igualmente Ecrom, porque a sua esperança será iludida; e de Gaza perecerá o rei, e Asquelom não será habitada.   

Zaharia 9:5
Ascalonul va vedea lucrul acesta, şi se va teme; Gaza de asemenea, şi o va apuca un puternic cutremur; Ecronul deasemenea, căci nădejdea lui va fi dată de ruşine; va pieri împăratul din Gaza, şi Ascalonul nu va mai fi locuit.

Захария 9:5
Увидит это Аскалон и ужаснется, и Газа, и вострепещет сильно, и Екрон; ибо посрамится надежда его: не станетцаря в Газе, и Аскалон будет необитаем.

Увидит это Аскалон и ужаснется, и Газа, и вострепещет сильно, и Екрон; ибо посрамится надежда его: не станет царя в Газе, и Аскалон будет необитаем.[]

Sakaria 9:5
Askelon må se det med fruktan, och Gasa med stor bävan, så ock Ekron, ty dess hopp skall komma på skam. Gasa mister sin konung, Askelon bliver en obebodd plats

Zechariah 9:5
Makikita ng Ascalon, at matatakot; ng Gaza rin, at mamamanglaw na mainam, at ng Ecron, sapagka't ang kaniyang pagasa ay mapapahiya; at ang hari ay mamamatay sa Gaza, at ang Ascalon ay hindi tatahanan.

เศคาริยาห์ 9:5
เมืองอัชเคโลนจะเห็นและกลัว เมืองกาซาจะเห็น และมีความเศร้าโศกอย่างยิ่ง เมืองเอโครนด้วยเหมือนกัน เพราะความหวังของเมืองนี้จะเป็นที่น่าละอาย กษัตริย์จะพินาศจากเมืองกาซา เมืองอัชเคโลนจะไม่มีคนอาศัยอยู่

Zekeriya 9:5
Aşkelon bunu görünce korkacak;
Gazze acıdan kıvranacak,
Ekron da öyle, çünkü umudu sönecek.
Gazze kralını yitirecek,
Aşkelon ıssız kalacak.[]

Xa-cha-ri 9:5
Ách-ca-lôn sẽ thấy và sợ; Ga-xa cũng thấy và rất đau đớn, Éc-rôn cũng vậy, vì sự nó trông mong sẽ nên xấu hổ; vua Ga-xa sẽ bị diệt và Ách-ca-lôn sẽ không có dân cư.

Zechariah 9:4
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