Zechariah 8:19
Zechariah 8:19
This is what the LORD Almighty says: "The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and peace."

"This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says: The traditional fasts and times of mourning you have kept in early summer, midsummer, autumn, and winter are now ended. They will become festivals of joy and celebration for the people of Judah. So love truth and peace.

“Thus says the LORD of hosts: The fast of the fourth month and the fast of the fifth and the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth shall be to the house of Judah seasons of joy and gladness and cheerful feasts. Therefore love truth and peace.

"Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'The fast of the fourth, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth months will become joy, gladness, and cheerful feasts for the house of Judah; so love truth and peace.'

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.

The LORD of Hosts says this: The fast of the fourth month, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth will become times of joy, gladness, and cheerful festivals for the house of Judah. Therefore, love truth and peace."

"This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: 'The fasts that occur in the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth months will be joyful and glad times for the house of Judah, replete with cheerful festivals. Therefore, love truth and peace.'"

"The LORD who rules over all says, 'The fast of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth months will become joyful and happy, pleasant feasts for the house of Judah, so love truth and peace.'

This is what the LORD of Armies says: The fast in the fourth month, the fast in the fifth month, the fast in the seventh month, and the fast in the tenth month will become joyful and glad occasions as well as happy festivals for the nation of Judah. So love truth and peace.

Thus hath the LORD of the hosts said, The fast of the fourth month and the fast of the fifth and the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.

Thus says the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.

Thus said the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.

Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: The fast of the fourth month , and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love truth and peace.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts: The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth shall be to the house of Juda, joy, and gladness, and great solemnities: only love ye truth and peace.

Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: The fast of the fourth month and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful gatherings. Love ye then truth and peace.

Thus saith the LORD of hosts: The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love truth and peace.

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.

Thus says Yahweh of Armies: "The fasts of the fourth fifth, seventh, and tenth months shall be for the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts. Therefore love truth and peace."

Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: The fast of the fourth, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth months, are to the house of Judah for joy and for rejoicing, and for pleasant appointed seasons, and the truth and the peace they have loved.

Zakaria 8:19
Kështu thotë Zoti i ushtrive: Agjërimi i muajit të katërt, agjërimi i të pestit, agjërimi i të shtatit dhe agjërimi i të dhjetit do të bëhen për shtëpinë e Judës një periudhë gëzimi, hareje dhe festash të gëzuara; prandaj duajeni të vërtetën dhe paqen.

ﺯﻛﺮﻳﺎ 8:19
هكذا قال رب الجنود. ان صوم الشهر الرابع وصوم الخامس وصوم السابع وصوم العاشر يكون لبيت يهوذا ابتهاجا وفرحا واعيادا طيبة. فاحبوا الحق والسلام.

Dyr Zächeries 8:19
Yso spricht dyr Hörerherr: Der Fasttag in n viertn, fümftn, sibtn und zöntn Maanet gaand für d Judauer Fösttäg sein, daa wo s jublnd und si freund. Freilich werd dös grad öbbs, wenntß waarhaftig bleibtß und ünter enk önn Frid wartß.

Захария 8:19
Така казва Господ на Силите: Постът на четвъртия [месец], постът на петия, постът на седмия и постът на десетия ще станат на Юдовия дом радост и веселие и весели празници; затова обичайте истината и мира.

撒 迦 利 亞 8:19
萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 如 此 說 : 四 月 、 五 月 禁 食 的 日 子 , 七 月 、 十 月 禁 食 的 日 子 , 必 變 為 猶 大 家 歡 喜 快 樂 的 日 子 和 歡 樂 的 節 期 ; 所 以 你 們 要 喜 愛 誠 實 與 和 平 。

万 军 之 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 四 月 、 五 月 禁 食 的 日 子 , 七 月 、 十 月 禁 食 的 日 子 , 必 变 为 犹 大 家 欢 喜 快 乐 的 日 子 和 欢 乐 的 节 期 ; 所 以 你 们 要 喜 爱 诚 实 与 和 平 。



Zechariah 8:19
Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: Post četvrtoga, post petoga, post sedmoga i post desetoga mjeseca postat će za Dom Jahvin radost, veselje i veseli blagdani. Ali ljubite istinu i mir!

Zachariáše 8:19
Takto praví Hospodin zástupů: Půst čtvrtého měsíce, a půst pátého, a půst sedmého, a půst desátého obrátí se domu Judskému v radost a veselí, i v slavnosti rozkošné, ale pravdu a pokoj milujte.

Zakarias 8:19
Saa siger Hærskarers HERRE: Fasten i den fjerde, femte, syvende og tiende Maaned skal blive Judas Hus til Fryd og Glæde og gode Højtidsdage. Elsk Sandhed og Fred!

Zacharia 8:19
Alzo zegt de HEERE der heirscharen: Het vasten der vierde, en het vasten der vijfde, en het vasten der zevende, en het vasten der tiende maand, zal den huize van Juda tot vreugde, en tot blijdschap, en tot vrolijke hoogtijden wezen; hebt dan de waarheid en den vrede lief.

זכריה 8:19
כֹּֽה־אָמַ֞ר יְהוָ֣ה צְבָאֹ֗ות צֹ֣ום הָרְבִיעִ֡י וְצֹ֣ום הַחֲמִישִׁי֩ וְצֹ֨ום הַשְּׁבִיעִ֜י וְצֹ֣ום הָעֲשִׂירִ֗י יִהְיֶ֤ה לְבֵית־יְהוּדָה֙ לְשָׂשֹׂ֣ון וּלְשִׂמְחָ֔ה וּֽלְמֹעֲדִ֖ים טֹובִ֑ים וְהָאֱמֶ֥ת וְהַשָּׁלֹ֖ום אֱהָֽבוּ׃ פ

יט כה אמר יהוה צבאות צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה לששון ולשמחה ולמעדים טובים והאמת והשלום אהבו  {פ}

כה־אמר יהוה צבאות צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית־יהודה לששון ולשמחה ולמעדים טובים והאמת והשלום אהבו׃ פ

Zakariás 8:19
Ezt mondja a Seregeknek Ura: A negyedik [hónapnak] bõjtje, az ötödiknek bõjtje, a hetediknek bõjtje és a tizediknek bõjtje vígalommá, örvendezéssé és kedves ünnepekké lesznek Júda házában. Csak a hûséget és a békességet szeressétek.

Zeĥarja 8:19
Tiele diras la Eternulo Cebaot:La fastotago de la kvara monato kaj la fastotago de la kvina kaj la fastotago de la sepa kaj la fastotago de la deka estos por la domo de Jehuda gxojo kaj gajeco kaj agrablaj festoj; tial amu la veron kaj la pacon.

Näin sanoo Herra Zebaot: neljännen, viidennen, seitsemännen ja kymmenennen kuukauden paastot pitää kääntymän Juudan huoneelle iloksi ja riemuksi ja ihanaiseksi vuoden juhlaksi. Rakastakaat ainoasti totuutta ja rauhaa.

Zacharie 8:19
Ainsi dit l'Éternel des armées: Le jeûne du quatrième mois, et le jeûne du cinquième, et le jeûne du septième et le jeûne du dixième mois seront pour la maison de Juda allégresse et joie, et d'heureuses assemblées. Aimez donc la vérité et la paix.

Ainsi parle l'Eternel des armées: Le jeûne du quatrième mois, le jeûne du cinquième, le jeûne du septième et le jeûne du dixième se changeront pour la maison de Juda en jours d'allégresse et de joie, en fêtes de réjouissance. Mais aimez la vérité et la paix.

Ainsi a dit l'Eternel des armées : Le jeûne du quatrième mois, et le jeûne du cinquième, et le jeûne du septième, et le jeûne du dixième, seront changés pour la maison de Juda en joie et en allégresse, et en des fêtes solennelles de réjouissance; aimez donc la vérité et la paix.

Sacharja 8:19
So spricht der HERR Zebaoth: Die Fasten des vierten, fünften, siebenten und zehnten Monden sollen dem Hause Juda zur Freude und Wonne und zu fröhlichen Jahrfesten werden. Allein liebet Wahrheit und Frieden!

So spricht der HERR Zebaoth: Die Fasten des vierten, fünften, siebenten und zehnten Monats sollen dem Hause Juda zur Freude und Wonne und zu fröhlichen Jahrfesten werden; allein liebet die Wahrheit und Frieden.

So spricht Jahwe der Heerscharen: Die Fasten im vierten, fünften, siebenten und zehnten Monate werden dem Hause Juda zu Tagen der Freude und des Jubels und zu frohen Festzeiten werden; aber habt die Wahrheit und den Frieden lieb!

Zaccaria 8:19
Così parla l’Eterno degli eserciti: il digiuno del quarto, il digiuno del quinto, il digiuno del settimo e il digiuno del decimo mese diventeranno per la casa di Giuda una gioia, un gaudio, delle feste d’esultanza; amate dunque la verità e la pace.

Così ha detto il Signor degli eserciti: Il digiuno del quarto, e il digiuno del quinto, e il digiuno del settimo, e il digiuno del decimo mese, sarà convertito alla casa di Giuda in letizia, ed allegrezza, e in buone feste; amate dunque la verità, e la pace.

Demikianlah firman Tuhan serwa sekalian alam: Bahwa puasa pada bulan yang keempat dan puasa pada yang kelima dan puasa pada yang ketujuh dan puasa pada yang kesepuluh itu akan jadi suatu kesukaan dan keramaian dan masa raya bagi bangsa Yehuda; sahaja hendaklah kamu kasih akan kebenaran dan akan selamat.

스가랴 8:19
만군의 여호와가 말하노라 사월의 금식과, 오월의 금식과, 칠월의 금식이 변하여 유다 족속에게 기쁨과 즐거움과 희락의 절기가 되리니 오직 너희는 진실과 화평을 사랑할지니라 !

Zacharias 8:19
haec dicit Dominus exercituum ieiunium quarti et ieiunium quinti et ieiunium septimi et ieiunium decimi erit domui Iuda in gaudium et in laetitiam et in sollemnitates praeclaras veritatem tantum et pacem diligite

Zacharijo knyga 8:19
“Taip sako kareivijų Viešpats: ‘Ketvirto, penkto, septinto ir dešimto mėnesio pasninkų dienos bus Judo gyventojų džiaugsmas, linksmybė ir iškilmingos šventės, tik mylėkite tiesą ir taiką!’

Zechariah 8:19
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa o nga mano, Ko te nohopuku o te wha o nga marama, ko te nohopuku o te rima, ko te nohopuku o te whitu, ko te nohopuku o te ngahuru, hei oranga ngakau ena ki te whare o Hura, hei mea whakahari, hei hakari harakoa; na aroh aina te pono me te ata noho.

Sakarias 8:19
Så sier Herren, hærskarenes Gud: Fasten i den fjerde måned* og i den femte** og i den syvende** og i den tiende*** måned** skal bli Judas hus til fryd og glede og til glade høitider. Men elsk sannhet og fred!

Zacarías 8:19
Así dice el SEÑOR de los ejércitos: ``El ayuno del cuarto mes , el ayuno del quinto, el ayuno del séptimo y el ayuno del décimo se convertirán para la casa de Judá en gozo, alegría y fiestas alegres. Amad, pues, la verdad y la paz.

"Así dice el SEÑOR de los ejércitos: 'El ayuno del cuarto mes , el ayuno del quinto, el ayuno del séptimo y el ayuno del décimo mes se convertirán para la casa de Judá en gozo, alegría y fiestas alegres. Así que amen la verdad y la paz.'

Así dice Jehová de los ejércitos: El ayuno del cuarto mes, y el ayuno del quinto, y el ayuno del séptimo, y el ayuno del décimo, se convertirán en gozo y alegría para la casa de Judá, y en fiestas de regocijo. Amad, pues, la verdad y la paz.

Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: El ayuno del cuarto mes, y el ayuno del quinto, y el ayuno del séptimo, y el ayuno del décimo, se tornarán á la casa de Judá en gozo y alegría, y en festivas solemnidades. Amad pues verdad y paz.

Así dijo el SEÑOR de los ejércitos: El ayuno del cuarto mes , y el ayuno del quinto, y el ayuno del séptimo, y el ayuno del décimo, se tornarán a la Casa de Judá en gozo y alegría, y en festivas solemnidades. Amad, pues, la Verdad y la Paz.

Zacarias 8:19
Assim diz Yahweh Soberano: “Os jejuns do quarto mês, bem como os do quinto, do sétimo e do décimo mês, de agora em diante, serão ocasiões festivas; alegres e cheias de júbilo. Encontros felizes para todo o povo de Judá. Por esta razão, amem a verdade e a paz!”

Assim diz o Senhor dos exércitos: O jejum do quarto mês, bem como o do quinto, o do sétimo, e o do décimo mês se tornarão para a casa de Judá em regozijo, alegria, e festas alegres; amai, pois, a verdade e a paz.   

Zaharia 8:19
,,Aşa vorbeşte Domnul oştirilor: ...Postul din luna a patra, postul din luna a cincea, postul din luna a şaptea şi postul din luna a zecea se vor preface pentru casa lui Iuda în zile de veselie şi de bucurie, în sărbători de voioşie. Dar iubiţi adevărul şi pacea!``...

Захария 8:19
так говорит Господь Саваоф: пост четвертого месяца и пост пятого, и пост седьмого, и пост десятого соделается для дома Иудина радостью и веселым торжеством; только любите истину и мир.

так говорит Господь Саваоф: пост четвертого месяца и пост пятого, и пост седьмого, и пост десятого соделается для дома Иудина радостью и веселым торжеством; только любите истину и мир.[]

Sakaria 8:19
Så säger HERREN Sebaot: Fastedagarna i fjärde, femte, sjunde och tionde månaden skola för Juda hus bliva till fröjd och glädje och till sköna högtider. Men älsken sanning och frid.

Zechariah 8:19
Ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon ng mga hukbo, Ang ayuno sa ikaapat na buwan, at ang ayuno sa ikalima, at ang ayuno sa ikapito, at ang ayuno sa ikasangpu, ay magiging sa sangbahayan, ni Juda'y kagalakan at kaligayahan, at mga masayang kapistahan; kaya't inyong ibigin ang katotohanan at kapayapaan.

เศคาริยาห์ 8:19
พระเยโฮวาห์จอมโยธาตรัสดังนี้ว่า การอดอาหารในเดือนที่สี่ การอดอาหารในเดือนที่ห้าและการอดอาหารในเดือนที่เจ็ด และการอดอาหารในเดือนที่สิบ จะเป็นที่ให้ความบันเทิงและความร่าเริง และเป็นการเลี้ยงที่ให้ชื่นชมแก่วงศ์วานยูดาห์ เหตุฉะนั้นเจ้าจงรักความจริงและสันติภาพ

Zekeriya 8:19
Her Şeye Egemen RAB diyor ki, ‹‹Dördüncü, beşinci, yedinci ve onuncu ayların oruçları Yahuda halkı için sevinç, coşku dolu mutlu bayramlar olacak. Bu nedenle gerçeği ve esenliği sevin.››[]

Xa-cha-ri 8:19
Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân có phán như vầy: Sự kiêng ăn về tháng tư, sự kiêng ăn về tháng năm, sự kiêng ăn về tháng bảy, sự kiêng ăn về tháng mười sẽ làm sự vui mừng hớn hở, và ngày lễ vui chơi cho nhà Giu-đa. Vậy hãy ưa sự chơn thật và bình an.

Zechariah 8:18
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