Zechariah 1:21
Zechariah 1:21
I asked, "What are these coming to do?" He answered, "These are the horns that scattered Judah so that no one could raise their head, but the craftsmen have come to terrify them and throw down these horns of the nations who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter its people."

"What are these men coming to do?" I asked. The angel replied, "These four horns--these nations--scattered and humbled Judah. Now these blacksmiths have come to terrify those nations and throw them down and destroy them."

And I said, “What are these coming to do?” He said, “These are the horns that scattered Judah, so that no one raised his head. And these have come to terrify them, to cast down the horns of the nations who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter it.”

I said, "What are these coming to do?" And he said, "These are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man lifts up his head; but these craftsmen have come to terrify them, to throw down the horns of the nations who have lifted up their horns against the land of Judah in order to scatter it."

Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

I asked, "What are they coming to do?" He replied, "These are the horns that scattered Judah so no one could raise his head. These craftsmen have come to terrify them, to cut off the horns of the nations that raised their horns against the land of Judah to scatter it."

Then I asked, "What have they come to do?" He answered, "Those horns that dispersed Judah—so that no one could lift up his head—those artisans are coming to disrupt the power of nations, tearing them down now that they've come to power and dispersed the land of Judah."

I asked, "What are these going to do?" He answered, "These horns are the ones that have scattered Judah so that there is no one to be seen. But the blacksmiths have come to terrify Judah's enemies and cut off the horns of the nations that have thrust themselves against the land of Judah in order to scatter its people."

I asked, "What are they going to do?" He answered, "Those horns scattered Judah so widely that no one could lift up his head. But the craftsmen have come to terrify them, to throw down the horns of the nations. The nations raised their horns to scatter the land of Judah."

Then I said, What do these come to do? And he spoke, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no one lifted up his head, but these are come to cause them to tremble, to cut down the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

Then said I, What are these coming to do? And he spoke, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these have come to terrify them, to cast out the horns of the nations, who lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

Then said I, What come these to do? And he spoke, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head; but these are come to terrify them, to cast down the horns of the nations, which lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.

And I said: What come these to do? and he spoke, saying: These are the horns which have scattered Juda every man apart, and none of them lifted up his head: and these are come to fray them, to cast down the horns of the nations, that have lifted up the horn upon the land of Juda to scatter it.

And I said, What come these to do? And he spoke, saying, Those are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up his head; but these are come to affright them, to cast out the horns of the nations, which lifted up the horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.

Then said I, What come these to do? And he spake, saying, These are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast down the horns of the nations, which lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.

Then said I, What come these to do? And he spoke, saying, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up his head: but these are come to terrify them, to cast down the horns of the Gentiles, which lifted their horn over the land of Judah to scatter it.

Then I asked, "What are these coming to do?" He said, "These are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up his head; but these have come to terrify them, to cast down the horns of the nations, which lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it."

And I say, 'What are these coming in to do?' And He speaketh, saying: 'These are the horns that have scattered Judah, so that no one hath lifted up his head, and these come in to trouble them, to cast down the horns of the nations who are lifting up a horn against the land of Judah -- to scatter it.'

Zakaria 1:21
Unë pyeta: "Pse kanë ardhur këta, çfarë do të bëjnë?". Ai u përgjigj dhe tha: "Këta janë brirët që kanë shpërndarë Judën, kështu që askush nuk mund të çonte kokën lart, por këta kovaçë vijnë për t'i trembur, për të rrëzuar brirët e kombeve që e kanë ngritur bririn e tyre kundër vendit të Judës për ta shpërndarë".

ﺯﻛﺮﻳﺎ 1:21
فقلت جاء هؤلاء ماذا يفعلون. فتكلم قائلا هذه هي القرون التي بددت يهوذا حتى لم يرفع انسان راسه. وقد جاء هؤلاء ليرعبوهم وليطردوا قرون الامم الرافعين قرنا على ارض يهوذا لتبديدها

Dyr Zächeries 1:21
Daa gfraag i: Für war ghoernd n +die? Und er gantwortt: D Herner habnd Judau yso zstraeut, däß kainer meer s Mäul aufmacht. D Schmid aber seind kemmen, däß s yn de Haidnfürstn, öbn dene Herner, die wo Judau so roh verspraitt habnd, aynn gscheidn Schröckn einjagnd und die dyrmit z Fall bringend.

Захария 1:21
И рекох: Какво са дошли да правят тия? И в отговор рече: Ония са роговете които разпръснаха Юда тъй, че никой не повдигаше главата си; но тия са дошли да ги уплашат, и да повалят роговете на народите, които подигнаха рог против Юдовата земя за да я разпръснат.

撒 迦 利 亞 1:21
我 說 : 他 們 來 做 甚 麼 呢 ? 他 說 : 這 是 打 散 猶 大 的 角 , 使 人 不 敢 抬 頭 ; 但 這 些 匠 人 來 威 嚇 列 國 , 打 掉 他 們 的 角 , 就 是 舉 起 打 散 猶 大 地 的 角 。

我 说 : 他 们 来 做 甚 麽 呢 ? 他 说 : 这 是 打 散 犹 大 的 角 , 使 人 不 敢 抬 头 ; 但 这 些 匠 人 来 威 吓 列 国 , 打 掉 他 们 的 角 , 就 是 举 起 打 散 犹 大 地 的 角 。



Zechariah 1:21
A ja upitah: Što su došli ovi raditi? On mi odgovori: Ono su rogovi koji su raznijeli Judu te se nitko više ne usuđuje dići glavu; a ovi su došli da ih zastraše i da slome rogove narodima koji podizahu rog na zemlju Judinu kako bi je raznijeli.

Zachariáše 1:21
I řekl jsem: Co jdou dělati tito? I mluvil, řka: Tito jsou rohové, kteříž zmítali Judou, tak že žádný nemohl pozdvihnouti hlavy své. Protož přišli tito, aby je přestrašili, a srazili rohy těch národů, kteříž pozdvihli rohu proti zemi Judské, aby ní zmítali.

Zakarias 1:21
Jeg spurgte: »Hvad kommer de for?« Og han svarede: »Hine er de Horn, som spredte Juda, saa det ikke kunde løfte sit Hoved; og nu kommer disse for at hvæsse Økser til at slaa Hornene til Jorden paa de Hedninger, som løftede deres Horn mod Judas Land for at sprede det.«

Zacharia 1:21
Toen zeide ik: Wat komen die maken? En Hij sprak, zeggende: Dat zijn de hoornen, die Juda verstrooid hebben, zodat niemand zijn hoofd ophief; maar deze zijn gekomen om die te verschrikken, om de hoornen der heidenen neder te werpen, welke den hoorn verheven hebben tegen het land van Juda, om dat te verstrooien.

זכריה 1:21
וָאֹמַ֕ר מָ֛ה אֵ֥לֶּה בָאִ֖ים לַֽעֲשֹׂ֑ות וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לֵאמֹ֗ר אֵ֣לֶּה הַקְּרָנֹ֞ות אֲשֶׁר־זֵ֣רוּ אֶת־יְהוּדָ֗ה כְּפִי־אִישׁ֙ לֹא־נָשָׂ֣א רֹאשֹׁ֔ו וַיָּבֹ֤אוּ אֵ֙לֶּה֙ לְהַחֲרִ֣יד אֹתָ֔ם לְיַדֹּ֞ות אֶת־קַרְנֹ֣ות הַגֹּויִ֗ם הַנֹּשְׂאִ֥ים קֶ֛רֶן אֶל־אֶ֥רֶץ יְהוּדָ֖ה לְזָרֹותָֽהּ׃ ס

ד ואמר מה אלה באים לעשות ויאמר לאמר אלה הקרנות אשר זרו את יהודה כפי איש לא נשא ראשו ויבאו אלה להחריד אתם לידות את קרנות הגוים הנשאים קרן אל ארץ יהודה לזרותה  {ס}

ואמר מה אלה באים לעשות ויאמר לאמר אלה הקרנות אשר־זרו את־יהודה כפי־איש לא־נשא ראשו ויבאו אלה להחריד אתם לידות את־קרנות הגוים הנשאים קרן אל־ארץ יהודה לזרותה׃ ס

Zakariás 1:21
És mondám: Mit jöttek ezek cselekedni? Õ pedig szóla, mondván: Ezek azok a szarvak, a melyek szétszórták Júdát annyira, hogy senki sem emelheti vala fel fejét: de eljöttek ezek, hogy elrettentsék õket, hogy letörjék a pogányok szarvait, a kik szarvakkal támadtak vala Júda földe ellen, hogy szétszórják azt.

Zeĥarja 1:21
Mi diris:Kion ili intencas fari? Li respondis jene:Tiuj kornoj disjxetis Jehudan tiel, ke neniu povis levi sian kapon; tial nun venas cxi tiuj, por fortimigi tiujn, por dehaki la kornojn de la nacioj, kiuj levis sian kornon kontraux la logxantojn de Judujo, por disjxeti ilin.

Silloin minä sanoin: mitä ne tahtovat tehdä? Hän sanoi: ne ovat ne sarvet, jotka Juudan hajoittaneet ovat, juuri niin, ettei kenkään ole voinut päätänsä nostaa; nämät ovat tulleet niitä karkottamaan, ja lohkaisemaan pakanain sarvia, jotka Juudan maan ylitse sarven nostaneet ovat sitä hajoittaaksensa.

Zacharie 1:21
Et je dis: Que viennent faire ceux-ci? Et il parla, disant: Ce sont là les cornes qui ont dispersé Juda, de manière que personne ne levait la tête; mais ceux-ci sont venus pour les effrayer, pour jeter loin les cornes des nations qui ont levé la corne contre le pays de Juda pour le disperser.

Je dis: Que viennent-ils faire? Et il dit: Ce sont les cornes qui ont dispersé Juda, tellement que nul ne lève la tête; et ces forgerons sont venus pour les effrayer, et pour abattre les cornes des nations qui ont levé la corne contre le pays de Juda, afin d'en disperser les habitants.

Et je dis: Que viennent faire ceux-ci? Et il répondit, et dit : Ce sont là les cornes qui ont dissipé Juda, tellement que personne ne levait la tête; mais ceux-ci sont venus pour les effrayer, et pour abattre les cornes des nations qui ont élevé la corne contre le pays de Juda, pour le dissiper.

Sacharja 1:21
Da sprach ich: Was wollen die machen? Er sprach: Die Hörner, die Juda so zerstreuet haben, daß niemand sein Haupt hat mögen aufheben, dieselbigen abzuschrecken, sind diese kommen, daß sie die Hörner der Heiden abstoßen, welche das Horn haben über das Land Juda gehoben, dasselbige zu zerstreuen.

2:4 Da sprach ich: Was sollen die machen? Er sprach: Die Hörner, die Juda so zerstreut haben, daß niemand sein Haupt hat mögen aufheben, sie abzuschrecken sind diese gekommen, daß sie die Hörner der Heiden abstoßen, welche das Horn haben über das Land Juda gehoben, es zu zerstreuen. {~}

und als ich fragte: Was wollen die thun? antwortete er folgendermaßen: Jenes sind die Hörner, die Juda dermaßen verstreut haben, daß niemand mehr sein Haupt erhob; diese aber sind gekommen, um sie in Schrecken zu setzen, um die Hörner der Nationen niederzuschlagen, die das Horn wider das Land Juda erhoben, um es zu verstreuen.

Zaccaria 1:21
E io dissi: "Questi, che vengono a fare?" Egli rispose e mi disse: "Quelle là son le corna che hanno disperso Giuda, sì che nessuno alzava più il capo; ma questi qui vengono per spaventarle, per abbattere le corna della nazioni, che hanno alzato il loro corno contro il paese di Giuda per disperderne gli abitanti".

Ed io dissi: Che vengono a far costoro? Ed egli rispose, e disse: Quelle son le corna, che han dissipato Giuda, secondo che niuno ha alzato il capo; ma costoro son venuti per dar loro lo spavento; per abbatter le corna delle genti, che hanno alzato il corno contro al paese di Giuda per dissiparlo.

Maka sembahku: Orang ini datang membuat apakah? Maka sahutnya: Ia inilah segala tanduk yang sudah menganiayakan Yehuda, sehingga seorangpun tiada berani mengangkat kepalanya, tetapi sekarang orang ini sudah datang mengejuti mereka itu dan mengempaskan tanduk segala bangsa yang sudah mengangkat tanduknya lawan negeri Yehuda hendak menganiayakan dia.

스가랴 1:21
내가 가로되 그들이 무엇하러 왔나이까 ? 하매 대답하여 가라사대 그 뿔들이 유다를 헤쳐서 사람으로 능히 머리를 들지 못하게 하매 이 공장들이 와서 그것들을 두렵게 하고 이전에 뿔들을 들어 유다 땅을 헤친 열국의 뿔을 떨어치려 하느니라 하시더라

Zacharias 1:21
et dixi quid isti veniunt facere qui ait dicens haec sunt cornua quae ventilaverunt Iudam per singulos viros et nemo eorum levavit caput suum et venerunt isti deterrere ea ut deiciant cornua gentium quae levaverunt cornu super terram Iuda ut dispergerent eam

Zacharijo knyga 1:21
Aš klausiau: “Ką šitie darys?” Jis atsakė: “Ragai išsklaidė Judą taip, kad niekas nebegalėjo pakelti galvos. O šitie atėjo numušti ragus toms tautoms, kurios pakėlė ragus prieš Judo žemę, kad ją išsklaidytų”.

Zechariah 1:21
Katahi ahau ka mea, I haere mai enei ki te aha? A ka korero tera, ka mea, Ko nga haona enei nana i whakamarara a Hura, i kore ai e ara te mahunga o tetahi: otira i haere mai enei ki te whakawehi i a ratou, ki te whakataka iho i nga haona o nga t auiwi, o te hunga i ara nei to ratou haona ki te whenua o Hura, ki te titaritari i a ia.

Sakarias 1:21
Da spurte jeg: Hvad kommer disse her for? Han svarte: Hornene har adspredt Juda, således at ingen vågde å løfte sitt hode, og nu er disse kommet for å forferde dem og slå av hornene på de hedningefolk som har løftet horn mot Juda land for å adsprede det.

Zacarías 1:21
Y dije: ¿Qué vienen a hacer éstos? Y él respondió, diciendo: Aquéllos son los cuernos que dispersaron a Judá, de modo que nadie ha podido levantar la cabeza; pero estos artesanos han venido para aterrorizarlos, para derribar los cuernos de las naciones que alzaron sus cuernos contra la tierra de Judá para dispersarla.

Y dije: "¿Qué vienen a hacer éstos?" Y él respondió: "Aquéllos son los cuernos que dispersaron a Judá, de modo que nadie ha podido levantar la cabeza; pero estos artesanos han venido para aterrorizarlos, para derribar los cuernos de las naciones que alzaron sus cuernos contra la tierra de Judá para dispersarla."

Y yo dije: ¿Qué vienen a hacer éstos? Y me respondió, diciendo: Éstos son los cuernos que dispersaron a Judá, tanto que ninguno alzó su cabeza; mas éstos han venido para hacerlos temblar, para derribar los cuernos de las naciones, que alzaron el cuerno sobre la tierra de Judá para dispersarla.

Y yo dije: ¿Qué vienen éstos á hacer? Y respondióme, diciendo: Estos son los cuernos que aventaron á Judá, tanto que ninguno alzó su cabeza; mas éstos han venido para hacerlos temblar, para derribar los cuernos de las gentes, que alzaron el cuerno sobre l

Y yo dije: ¿Qué vienen éstos a hacer? Y me respondió, diciendo: Estos son los cuernos que aventaron a Judá, tanto que ninguno alzó su cabeza; mas éstos han venido para hacerlos temblar, para derribar los cuernos de los gentiles que alzaron el cuerno sobre la tierra de Judá para aventarla.

Zacarias 1:21
E eu de novo indaguei: O que estes vêm realizar? Ele esclareceu: “Ali estão os chifres que dispersaram Judá ao ponto de ninguém conseguir sequer erguer a cabeça, mas os artesãos vieram aterrorizar e quebrar todo o poder desses chifres das nações que se levantaram contra o povo de Judá para dominá-los e espalhá-los!”

Então perguntei: Que vêm estes a fazer? Ele respondeu, dizendo: Estes são os chifres que dispersaram Judá, de maneira que ninguém levantou a cabeça; mas estes vieram para os amedrontarem, para derruburem os chifres das nações que levantaram os seus chifres contra a terra de Judá, a fim de a espalharem.   

Zaharia 1:21
Eu am întrebat: ,,Ce vor să facă aceştia?`` Şi el a zis: ,,Aceştia vin să sperie coarnele cari au risipit pe Iuda, de n'a mai putut ridica nimeni capul; ferarii aceştia au venit să sperie, şi să taie coarnele neamurilor cari au ridicat cornul împotriva ţării lui Iuda, ca să -i risipească locuitorii.``

Захария 1:21
И сказал я: что они идут делать? Он сказал мне так: эти роги разбросали Иуду, так что никто не может поднять головы своей; а сии пришли устрашить их, сбить роги народов, поднявших рог свой против земли Иуды, чтобы рассеять ее.

И сказал я: что они идут делать? Он сказал мне так: эти роги разбросали Иуду, так что никто не может поднять головы своей; а сии пришли устрашить их, сбить роги народов, поднявших рог свой против земли Иуды, чтобы рассеять ее.[]

Sakaria 1:21
Då frågade jag: »I vad ärende hava dessa kommit?» Han svarade: »De förra voro de horn som förströdde Juda, så att ingen kunde upplyfta sitt huvud; men nu hava dessa kommit för att injaga skräck hos dem, och för att slå av hornen på de hednafolk som hava lyft sitt horn mot Juda land, till att förströ dess inbyggare.»

Zechariah 1:21
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ko, Ano ang ipinaritong gawin ng mga ito? At siya'y nagsalita na nagsabi, Ito ang mga sungay na nagpangalat sa Juda, na anopa't walang lalake na nagtaas ng kaniyang ulo; nguni't ang mga ito'y naparito upang takutin sila, upang ihulog ang mga sungay ng mga bansa, na nagtaas ng kanilang mga sungay laban sa lupain ng Juda upang pangalatin.

เศคาริยาห์ 1:21
และข้าพเจ้าจึงถามว่า "คนเหล่านี้มาทำอะไรกัน" พระองค์ทรงตอบว่า "เขาเหล่านี้มาขวิดยูดาห์ให้กระจัดกระจายไป จนไม่มีผู้ใดยกศีรษะขึ้นได้อีก และช่างเหล่านี้มากระทำให้เขาหวาดกลัว เพื่อจะเหวี่ยงลงซึ่งเขาแห่งประชาชาติ ที่ยกเขาของตนมาขวิดแผ่นดินยูดาห์กระทำให้กระจัดกระจายไป"

Zekeriya 1:21
‹‹Bunlar ne yapmaya geliyor?›› diye sordum. Melek, ‹‹Şu boynuzlar Yahuda halkını öyle dağıttı ki, kimse başını kaldıramadı›› dedi, ‹‹Bu ustalar da Yahuda halkını dağıtmak için boynuz kaldıran ulusları yıldırıp boynuzlarını yere çalmaya geldiler.››[]

Xa-cha-ri 1:21
thì ta hỏi rằng: Những kẻ nầy đến làm chi? Ngài đáp rằng: Ấy đó là những sừng đã làm tan tác Giu-đa, cho đến nỗi không người nào ngóc đầu lên được; nhưng những kẻ nầy đã đến để làm kinh hãi chúng nó, và để ném xuống những sừng của các nước đã cất sừng lên nghịch cùng đất Giu-đa đặng làm tan tác nó.

Zechariah 1:20
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