Zechariah 1:19
Zechariah 1:19
I asked the angel who was speaking to me, "What are these?" He answered me, "These are the horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem."

"What are these?" I asked the angel who was talking with me. He replied, "These horns represent the nations that scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

And I said to the angel who talked with me, “What are these?” And he said to me, “These are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.”

So I said to the angel who was speaking with me, "What are these?" And he answered me, "These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem."

And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

So I asked the angel who was speaking with me, "What are these?" And he said to me, "These are the horns that scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

I asked the angel who was talking to me, "What are those?" So he answered me, "Those are the forces that have dispersed Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

So I asked the angelic messenger who spoke with me, "What are these?" He replied, "These are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

So I asked the angel who was speaking with me, "What do these horns mean?" He said to me, "These are the horns [of the nations] that scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said to the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said to the angel that spoke to me: What are these? And he said to me: These are the horns that have scattered Juda, and Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these? And he said to me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

And I said to the angel that talked with me, What are these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.

I asked the angel who talked with me, "What are these?" He answered me, "These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

And I say unto the messenger who is speaking with me, 'What are these?' And he saith unto me, 'These are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.'

Zakaria 1:19
Unë e pyeta engjëllin që fliste me mua: "Çfarë janë këta?". Ai m'u përgjigj: "Këta janë brirët që kanë shpërndarë Judën, Izraelin dhe Jeruzalemin".

ﺯﻛﺮﻳﺎ 1:19
فقلت للملاك الذي كلمني. ما هذه. فقال لي هذه هي القرون التي بددت يهوذا واسرائيل واورشليم.

Dyr Zächeries 1:19
und i gfraag dönn Engl, wo mit mir grödt: Was bedeuttnd n die? Er gaab myr an: Dös seind de vier Herndln, wo Judau, Isryheel und Ruslham verstraeut habnd.

Захария 1:19
И рекох на ангела, който говореше с мене: Какви са тия? И той ми отговори: Тия са роговете, които разпръснаха Юда, Израиля и Ерусалим.

撒 迦 利 亞 1:19
我 就 問 與 我 說 話 的 天 使 說 : 這 是 甚 麼 意 思 ? 他 回 答 說 : 這 是 打 散 猶 大 、 以 色 列 , 和 耶 路 撒 冷 的 角 。

我 就 问 与 我 说 话 的 天 使 说 : 这 是 甚 麽 意 思 ? 他 回 答 说 : 这 是 打 散 犹 大 、 以 色 列 , 和 耶 路 撒 冷 的 角 。



Zechariah 1:19
Upitah anđela koji je govorio sa mnom: Što je ovo? On mi odgovori: To su rogovi koji su raznijeli Judu, Izraela i Jeruzalem.

Zachariáše 1:19
I řekl jsem andělu, kterýž mluvil se mnou: Co jest toto? I řekl mi: To jsou ti rohové, kteříž zmítali Judou, Izraelem a Jeruzalémem.

Zakarias 1:19
Jeg spurgte Engelen, som talte med mig: »Hvad betyder de?« Han svarede: »Det er de Horn, som har spredt Juda, Israel og Jerusalem.«

Zacharia 1:19
En ik zeide tot den Engel, Die met mij sprak: Wat zijn deze? En Hij zeide tot mij: Dat zijn de hoornen, welke Juda, Israel en Jeruzalem verstrooid hebben.

זכריה 1:19
וָאֹמַ֗ר אֶל־הַמַּלְאָ֛ךְ הַדֹּבֵ֥ר בִּ֖י מָה־אֵ֑לֶּה וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֵלַ֔י אֵ֤לֶּה הַקְּרָנֹות֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר זֵר֣וּ אֶת־יְהוּדָ֔ה אֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל וִירוּשָׁלָֽם ׃ ס

ב ואמר אל המלאך הדבר בי--מה אלה ויאמר אלי--אלה הקרנות אשר זרו את יהודה את ישראל וירושלם  {ס}

ואמר אל־המלאך הדבר בי מה־אלה ויאמר אלי אלה הקרנות אשר זרו את־יהודה את־ישראל וירושלם ׃ ס

Zakariás 1:19
És mondám az angyalnak, a ki beszél vala velem: Mik ezek? És monda nékem: Ezek azok a szarvak, a melyek szétszórták Júdát, Izráelt és Jeruzsálemet.

Zeĥarja 1:19
Kaj mi diris al la angxelo, kiu parolis kun mi:Kion tio signifas? Kaj li respondis al mi:Tio estas la kornoj, kiuj disjxetis Jehudan, Izraelon, kaj Jerusalemon.

Ja minä sanoin enkelille, joka puhui minun kanssani: mitä nämät ovat? Hän sanoi minulle: nämät ovat ne sarvet, jotka Juudan, Israelin ja Jerusalemin hajoittaneet ovat.

Zacharie 1:19
Et je dis à l'ange qui parlait avec moi: Que sont celles-ci? Et il me dit: Ce sont ici les cornes qui ont dispersé Juda, Israël et Jérusalem.

Je dis à l'ange qui parlait avec moi: Qu'est-ce que ces cornes? Et il me dit: Ce sont les cornes qui ont dispersé Juda, Israël et Jérusalem.

Alors je dis à l'Ange qui parlait avec moi : Que veulent dire ces choses? Et il me répondit : Ce sont les cornes qui ont dissipé Juda, Israël et Jérusalem.

Sacharja 1:19
Und ich sprach zum Engel, der mit mir redete: Wer sind diese? Er sprach zu mir: Es sind die Hörner, die Juda samt dem Israel und Jerusalem zerstreuet haben.

2:2 Und ich sprach zu dem Engel, der mit mir redete: Wer sind diese? Er sprach zu mir: Es sind Hörner, die Juda samt Israel und Jerusalem zerstreut haben.

Als ich nun den Engel, der mit mir redete, fragte: Was haben diese zu bedeuten? sprach er zu mir: Das sind die Hörner, die Juda, Israel und Jerusalem verstreut haben.

Zaccaria 1:19
E io dissi all’angelo che parlava meco: "Che son queste?" Egli mi rispose: "Queste son le corna che hanno disperso Giuda, Israele e Gerusalemme".

Ed io dissi all’Angelo che parlava meco: Che voglion dire queste corna? Ed egli disse: Queste son le corna, che han dissipato Giuda, Israele, e Gerusalemme.

Maka kataku kepada malaekat yang berkata dengan aku itu: Apakah artinya ini? Maka sahutnya kepadaku: Bahwa tanduk inilah dia yang sudah menganiayakan Yehuda dan Israel dan Yeruzalem.

스가랴 1:19
이에 내게 말하는 천사에게 묻되 이들이 무엇이니이까 ? 내게 대답하되 이들은 유다와 이스라엘과 예루살렘을 헤친 뿔이니라

Zacharias 1:19
et dixi ad angelum qui loquebatur in me quid sunt haec et dixit ad me haec sunt cornua quae ventilaverunt Iudam et Israhel et Hierusalem

Zacharijo knyga 1:19
Aš klausiau angelą, kuris su manimi kalbėjo: “Ką reiškia šitie ragai?” Jis atsakė: “Šitie ragai išsklaidė Izraelį, Judą ir Jeruzalę”.

Zechariah 1:19
Na ka mea ahau ki te anahera i korero nei ki ahau, He aha enei? Ano ra ko ia ki ahau, Ko nga haona enei nana i whakamarara a Hura, a Iharaira, a Hiruharama.

Sakarias 1:19
Da spurte jeg engelen som talte med mig: Hvad er dette? Og han sa til mig: Dette er de horn som har adspredt Juda, Israel og Jerusalem.

Zacarías 1:19
Y dije al ángel que hablaba conmigo: ¿Qué son éstos? Y me respondió: Estos son los cuernos que dispersaron a Judá, a Israel y a Jerusalén.

Y dije al ángel que hablaba conmigo: "¿Qué son éstos?" "Estos son los cuernos que dispersaron a Judá, a Israel y a Jerusalén," me respondió.

Y dije al Ángel que hablaba conmigo: ¿Qué son éstos? Y me respondió: Éstos son los cuernos que dispersaron a Judá, a Israel y a Jerusalén.

Y dije al ángel que hablaba conmigo: ¿Qué son éstos? Y respondióme: Estos son los cuernos que aventaron á Judá, á Israel, y á Jerusalem.

Y dije al ángel que hablaba conmigo: ¿Qué son éstos? Y me respondió: Estos son los cuernos que aventaron a Judá, a Israel, y a Jerusalén.

Zacarias 1:19
Então perguntei ao anjo que interpretava a visão e falava comigo: O que significa isso? E ele replicou: “São os chifres que espalharam Judá, Israel e Jerusalém!”

Eu perguntei ao anjo que falava comigo: Que é isto? Ele me respondeu: Estes são os chifres que dispersaram a Judá, a Israel e a Jerusalém.   

Zaharia 1:19
Am întrebat îngerul, care vorbea cu mine: ,,Ce înseamnă coarnele acestea?`` Şi el mi -a zis: ,,Acestea sînt coarnele, cari au risipit pe Iuda, pe Israel şi Ierusalimul.``

Захария 1:19
И сказал я Ангелу, говорившему со мною: что это? И он ответил мне: это роги, которые разбросали Иуду, Израиля и Иерусалим.

И сказал я Ангелу, говорившему со мною: что это? И он ответил мне: это роги, которые разбросали Иуду, Израиля и Иерусалим.[]

Sakaria 1:19
Då frågade jag ängeln som talade med mig: »Vad betyda dessa?» Han svarade mig: »Detta är de horn som hava förstrött Juda, Israel och Jerusalem.»

Zechariah 1:19
At aking sinabi sa anghel na nakikipagusap sa akin, Ano ang mga ito? At siya'y sumagot sa akin, Ito ang mga sungay sa nagpangalat sa Juda, sa Israel, at sa Jerusalem.

เศคาริยาห์ 1:19
ข้าพเจ้าจึงถามทูตสวรรค์ที่สนทนาอยู่กับข้าพเจ้าว่า "เหล่านี้คืออะไร" ท่านจึงตอบข้าพเจ้าว่า "เหล่านี้คือเขาที่ขวิดยูดาห์ อิสราเอลและเยรูซาเล็ม ให้กระจัดกระจายไป"

Zekeriya 1:19
Benimle konuşan meleğe, ‹‹Bunlar ne?›› diye sordum. Melek, ‹‹Bunlar Yahuda, İsrail ve Yeruşalim halkını dağıtmış olan boynuzlardır›› diye karşılık verdi.[]

Xa-cha-ri 1:19
Ta bèn nói cùng thiên sứ đương nói với ta rằng: Những vật ấy là gì? Người đáp cùng ta rằng: Ấy là những sừng đã làm tan tác Giu-đa, Y-sơ-ra-ên, và Giê-ru-sa-lem.

Zechariah 1:18
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