Song of Solomon 8:1
Song of Solomon 8:1
If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me.

Oh, I wish you were my brother, who nursed at my mother's breasts. Then I could kiss you no matter who was watching, and no one would criticize me.

Oh that you were like a brother to me who nursed at my mother’s breasts! If I found you outside, I would kiss you, and none would despise me.

"Oh that you were like a brother to me Who nursed at my mother's breasts. If I found you outdoors, I would kiss you; No one would despise me, either.

O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised.

If only I could treat you like my brother, one who nursed at my mother's breasts, I would find you in public and kiss you, and no one would scorn me.

If only you were like a brother to me, like one who nursed at my mother's breasts. If I found you outside I would kiss you, and no one would view me with contempt.

Oh, how I wish you were my little brother, nursing at my mother's breasts; if I saw you outside, I could kiss you--surely no one would despise me!

If only you were my brother, one who nursed at my mother's breasts. If I saw you on the street, I would kiss you, and no one would look down on me.

O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; and I should not be despised.

O that you were as my brother, that nursed at the breasts of my mother! if I should find you outside, I would kiss you; yea, I would not be despised.

O that you were as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find you without, I would kiss you; yes, I should not be despised.

Oh that thou wert as my brother, That sucked the breasts of my mother! When I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; Yea, and none would despise me.

Who shall give thee to me for my brother, sucking the breasts of my mother, that I may find thee without, and kiss thee, and now no man may despise me?

Oh that thou wert as my brother, That sucked the breasts of my mother! Should I find thee without, I would kiss thee; And they would not despise me.

Oh that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, and none would despise me.

O that thou wert as my brother, that was nourished at the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yes, I should not be despised.

Oh that you were like my brother, who nursed from the breasts of my mother! If I found you outside, I would kiss you; yes, and no one would despise me.

Who doth make thee as a brother to me, Sucking the breasts of my mother? I find thee without, I kiss thee, Yea, they do not despise me,

Kantiku i Kantikëve 8:1
Ah, sikur të ishe ti si një vëllai im, që mënd në gjitë e nënës sime! Duke të gjetur jashtë do të të puthja, dhe askush nuk do të më përçmonte.

ﻧﺸﻴﺪ ﺍﻷﻧﺸﺎ 8:1
ليتك كاخ لي الراضع ثديي امي فاجدك في الخارج واقبلك ولا يخزونني.

Dyr Minnensang 8:1
Wärst halt mein Brueder du; haet di mein Männ gstillt! Traeff i di drausst, i busset di, und niemets zriss syr s Mäul.

Песен на песните 8:1
Дано ми беше ти като брат, Който е сукал от гърдите на майка ми! Когато те намерех вън щях да те целуна, Да! и никой не щеше да ме презре.

雅 歌 8:1
巴 不 得 你 像 我 的 兄 弟 , 像 吃 我 母 親 奶 的 兄 弟 ; 我 在 外 頭 遇 見 你 就 與 你 親 嘴 , 誰 也 不 輕 看 我 。

巴 不 得 你 像 我 的 兄 弟 , 像 吃 我 母 亲 奶 的 兄 弟 ; 我 在 外 头 遇 见 你 就 与 你 亲 嘴 , 谁 也 不 轻 看 我 。



Song of Solomon 8:1
O, da si mi brat, da si sisao prsa majke moje, našla bih te vani, poljubila bih te i nitko me zato ne bi prezirao.

Píseň Šalomounova 8:1
Ó bys byl jako bratr můj požívající prsí matky mé, abych tě naleznuc vně, políbila, a nebyla zahanbena.

Højsangen 8:1
Oh, var du min Broder, som died min Moders Bryst! Jeg kyssed dig derude, naar vi mødtes, og blev ikke agtet ringe,

Hooglied 8:1
Och, dat Gij mij als een Broeder waart, zuigende de borsten mijner moeder! dat ik U op de straat vond, ik zou U kussen, ook zouden zij mij niet verachten.

שיר השירים 8:1
מִ֤י יִתֶּנְךָ֙ כְּאָ֣ח לִ֔י יֹונֵ֖ק שְׁדֵ֣י אִמִּ֑י אֶֽמְצָאֲךָ֤ בַחוּץ֙ אֶשָּׁ֣קְךָ֔ גַּ֖ם לֹא־יָב֥וּזוּ לִֽי׃

א מי יתנך כאח לי יונק שדי אמי אמצאך בחוץ אשקך גם לא יבזו לי

מי יתנך כאח לי יונק שדי אמי אמצאך בחוץ אשקך גם לא־יבוזו לי׃

Énekek Éneke 8:1
Vajha lennél nékem én atyámfia, ki az én anyámnak emlõjét szopta,

Alta kanto de Salomono 8:1
Ho, se vi estus al mi kiel frato, Kiu sucxis la mamojn de mia patrino! Se mi renkontus vin ekstere, mi kisus vin; Kaj tamen neniu malestimus min.

Jospa minä sinun löytäisin ulkona, minun veljeni, sinä joka minun äitini nisiä imenyt olet, ja sinun suuta antaisin, ja ettei kenkään minua pilkkaisi.

Cantique des Cantiqu 8:1
Oh! que tu fusses pour moi comme un frère qui ait sucé les mamelles de ma mère! Si je te trouvais dehors, je t'embrasserais, sans qu'on m'en méprisât.

Oh! Que n'es-tu mon frère, Allaité des mamelles de ma mère! Je te rencontrerais dehors, je t'embrasserais, Et l'on ne me mépriserait pas.

Plût à Dieu que tu me fusses comme un frère qui a sucé les mamelles de ma mère! je t'irais trouver dehors, je te baiserais, et on ne m'en mépriserait point.

Hohelied 8:1
O daß ich dich, mein Bruder, der du meiner Mutter Brüste saugest, draußen fände und dich küssen müßte, daß mich niemand höhnete!

O, daß du mir gleich einem Bruder wärest, der meiner Mutter Brüste gesogen! Fände ich dich draußen, so wollte ich dich küssen, und niemand dürfte mich höhnen!

Ach, daß du mir wärst wie ein Bruder, den meiner Mutter Brust gesäugt! Träfe ich dich draußen, ich küßte dich; man würde mich doch nicht verachten.

Cantico dei Cantici 8:1
Oh perché non sei tu come un mio fratello, allattato dalle mammelle di mia madre! Trovandoti fuori, ti bacerei, e nessuno mi sprezzerebbe.

Oh fossi tu pur come un mio fratello, Che ha poppato le mammelle di mia madre! Trovandoti io fuori, ti bacerei, E pur non ne sarei sprezzata.

Hai! jikalau kiranya engkau bagiku akan saudara, yang sudah mengisap susu ibuku, apabila aku bertemu dengan dikau di luar, niscaya aku mencium engkau, maka seorangpun tiada mencelakan daku karena sebab itu.

아가 8:1
네가 내 어미의 젖을 먹은 오라비 같았었더면 내가 밖에서 너를 만날 때에 입을 맞추어도 나를 업신여길 자가 없었을 것이라

Canticum Canticorum 8:1
quis mihi det te fratrem meum sugentem ubera matris meae ut inveniam te foris et deosculer et iam me nemo despiciat

Giesmiø giesmës knyga 8:1
O kad tu būtum mano brolis, kurį maitino mano motina! Tada, sutikus tave lauke, galėčiau bučiuoti, niekas manęs neniekintų.

Song of Solomon 8:1
Aue me i rite koe ki toku tungane i ngote nei i nga u o toku whaea! Ka kite ahau i a koe i waho, ka kihia koe e ahau; ae, e kore tetahi e whakahawea ki ahau.

Salomos Høisang 8:1
Gid du var mig som en bror, ammet ved min mors bryst! Om jeg da fant dig der ute, skulde jeg kysse dig, og ingen skulde forakte mig for det.

Cantares 8:1
¡Ah, si tú fueras como mi hermano, amamantado a los pechos de mi madre! Si te encontrara afuera, te besaría, y no me despreciarían.

¡Ah, si tú fueras como mi hermano, Amamantado a los pechos de mi madre! Si te encontrara afuera, te besaría, Y no me despreciarían.

¡Oh que fueras tú como mi hermano, que mamó los pechos de mi madre; así, al encontrarte afuera yo te besaría, y no me menospreciarían!

OH quién te me diese como hermano Que mamó los pechos de mi madre; De modo que te halle yo fuera, y te bese, Y no me menosprecien!

¡Oh quién te me diese como hermano que mamó los pechos de mi madre; de modo que te halle yo fuera, y te bese, y no me menosprecien!

Cantares de Salomâo 8:1
Ah! Que bom seria se fosses meu irmão, meu igual, amamentado aos seios de minha mãe! Então, quando eu te encontrasse fora de casa, eu poderia te beijar à vontade e ninguém se desconcertaria.

Ah! quem me dera que foras como meu irmão, que mamou os seios de minha mãe! quando eu te encontrasse lá fora, eu te beijaria; e não me desprezariam!   

Cantarea Cantarilor 8:1
O! de ai fi fratele meu, care a supt la ţîţele mamei mele! Cînd te-aş întîlni în uliţă, te-aş săruta, şi nimeni nu m'ar ţinea de rău.

Песни Песней 8:1
О, если бы ты был мне брат, сосавший груди матери моей! тогда я, встретив тебя на улице, целовала бы тебя, и меня не осуждали бы.

О, если бы ты был мне брат, сосавший груди матери моей! тогда я, встретив тебя на улице, целовала бы тебя, и меня не осуждали бы.[]

Hga Visan 8:1
Ack att du vore såsom en min broder, ammad vid min moders bröst! Om jag då mötte dig därute, så finge jag kyssa dig, och ingen skulle tänka illa om mig därför.

Song of Solomon 8:1
Oh ikaw sana'y naging aking kapatid, na humitit ng mga suso ng aking ina! Pagka nasumpungan kita sa labas, hahagkan kita; Oo, at walang hahamak sa akin.

เพลงซาโลมอน 8:1
แหม ถ้าเธอได้เป็นเหมือนพี่ชายของดิฉัน ผู้ได้ดูดนมจากอกมารดาของดิฉันก็จะดี เพราะเมื่อดิฉันพบเธอนอกบ้าน ดิฉันจะได้จุบเธอได้ แล้วคนทั้งหลายจะได้ไม่ดูถูกดูหมิ่นดิฉัน

Ezgiler Ezgisi 8:1
Keşke kardeşim olsaydın,
Annemin memelerinden süt emmiş.
Dışarıda görünce öperdim seni,
Kimse de kınamazdı beni.[]

Nhaõ Ca 8:1
Ồ! chớ chi chàng làm anh em tôi, Kẻ đã bú mớm vú của mẹ tôi! Nếu tôi gặp chàng ngoài, Aét tôi sẽ hôn chàng, không ai khinh bỉ tôi được.

Song of Solomon 7:13
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