Song of Solomon 7:8
Song of Solomon 7:8
I said, "I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit." May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples,

I said, "I will climb the palm tree and take hold of its fruit." May your breasts be like grape clusters, and the fragrance of your breath like apples.

I say I will climb the palm tree and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the scent of your breath like apples,

"I said, 'I will climb the palm tree, I will take hold of its fruit stalks.' Oh, may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of your breath like apples,

I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;

I said, "I will climb the palm tree and take hold of its fruit." May your breasts be like clusters of grapes, and the fragrance of your breath like apricots.

I told myself, "I'll go up the palm tree, and take hold of its fruit. May your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the smell of your breath like apples.

I want to climb the palm tree, and take hold of its fruit stalks. May your breasts be like the clusters of grapes, and may the fragrance of your breath be like apricots!

I thought, "I will climb the palm tree and take hold of its fruit." May your breasts be like clusters on the vine. May the fragrance of your breath be like apples.

I said, I will climb up the palm tree, I will take hold of the clusters thereof; now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine and the smell of thy nose like apples;

I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of its branches: may also your breasts be as clusters of the vine, and the fragrance of your breath like apples;

I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also your breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of your nose like apples;

I said, I will climb up into the palm-tree, I will take hold of the branches thereof: Let thy breasts be as clusters of the vine, And the smell of thy breath like apples,

I said: I will go up into the palm tree, and will take hold of the fruit thereof: and thy breasts shall be as the clusters of the vine: and the odour of thy mouth like apples.

I said, I will go up to the palm-tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof; And thy breasts shall indeed be like clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of thy nose like apples,

I said, I will climb up into the palm tree, I will take hold of the branches thereof: let thy breasts be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy breath like apples;

I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of its boughs: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;

I said, "I will climb up into the palm tree. I will take hold of its fruit." Let your breasts be like clusters of the vine, the smell of your breath like apples, Beloved

I said, 'Let me go up on the palm, Let me lay hold on its boughs, Yea, let thy breasts be, I pray thee, as clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of thy face as citrons,

Kantiku i Kantikëve 7:8
Kam thënë: "Do të ngjitem mbi palmë dhe do të kap degët e saj". Qofshin sisët e tua si vilet e rrushit, aroma e frymës sate si ajo e mollëve,

ﻧﺸﻴﺪ ﺍﻷﻧﺸﺎ 7:8
قلت اني اصعد الى النخلة وامسك بعذوقها. وتكون ثدياك كعناقيد الكرم ورائحة انفك كالتفاح

Dyr Minnensang 7:8
I krächslt nauf auf dö Palm und brock! Dein Buesn sei mir ayn reiffer Traubn! Wennst mi anschnaufst, waasst s frish wie Öpfl mir.

Песен на песните 7:8
Рекох: Ще се възкача на палмата, ще хвана клончетата й; И, ето, гърдите ти ще бъдат като клончетата на лоза, И благовонието на дъха ти като ябълки,

雅 歌 7:8
我 說 : 我 要 上 這 棕 樹 , 抓 住 枝 子 。 願 你 的 兩 乳 好 像 葡 萄 纍 纍 下 垂 , 你 鼻 子 的 氣 味 香 如 蘋 果 ;

我 说 : 我 要 上 这 棕 树 , 抓 住 枝 子 。 愿 你 的 两 乳 好 像 葡 萄 ? ? 下 垂 , 你 鼻 子 的 气 味 香 如 苹 果 ;



Song of Solomon 7:8
Rekoh: popet ću se na palmu da dohvatim vrške njezine, a grudi će tvoje biti kao grozdovi na lozi, miris daha tvoga kao jabuke.

Píseň Šalomounova 7:8
Řekl jsem: Vstoupím na palmu, dosáhnu vrchů jejích. Nechažť tedy jsou prsy tvé jako hroznové vinného kmene, a vůně chřípí tvých jako jablek vonných.

Højsangen 7:8
Jeg tænker: Jeg vil op i Palmen, gribe fat i dens Stilke; dit Bryst skal være som Vinstokkens Klaser, din Næses Aande som Æbleduft,

Hooglied 7:8
Ik zeide: Ik zal op den palmboom klimmen, ik zal zijn takken grijpen; zo zullen dan uw borsten zijn als druif trossen aan den wijnstok, en de reuk van uw neus als appelen.

שיר השירים 7:8
אָמַ֙רְתִּי֙ אֶעֱלֶ֣ה בְתָמָ֔ר אֹֽחֲזָ֖ה בְּסַנְסִנָּ֑יו וְיִֽהְיוּ־נָ֤א שָׁדַ֙יִךְ֙ כְּאֶשְׁכְּלֹ֣ות הַגֶּ֔פֶן וְרֵ֥יחַ אַפֵּ֖ךְ כַּתַּפּוּחִֽים׃

ט אמרתי אעלה בתמר אחזה בסנסניו ויהיו נא שדיך כאשכלות הגפן וריח אפך כתפוחים

אמרתי אעלה בתמר אחזה בסנסניו ויהיו־נא שדיך כאשכלות הגפן וריח אפך כתפוחים׃

Énekek Éneke 7:8
Azt mondám: felhágok a pálmafára,

Alta kanto de Salomono 7:8
Mi diris:Mi suprengrimpos la palmotrunkon kaj tenigxos je gxiaj brancxoj; Kaj viaj mamoj estu kiel la penikoj de la vinbertrunko, Kaj la bonodoro de via nazo kiel la bonodoro de citronoj;

Minä sanoin: minun täytyy astua palmupuuhun ja ruveta sen oksiin: anna sinun rintas olla niinkuin viinapuun marjarypäleet, sinun sierantes haju on niinkuin omenain (haju),

Cantique des Cantiqu 7:8
J'ai dit: Je monterai sur le palmier, je saisirai ses rameaux; et que tes seins soient comme les grappes de la vigne, et le parfum de ton nez comme des pommes,

Je me dis: Je monterai sur le palmier, J'en saisirai les rameaux! Que tes seins soient comme les grappes de la vigne, Le parfum de ton souffle comme celui des pommes,

J'ai dit : Je monterai sur le palmier, et j'empoignerai ses branches? et tes mamelles me seront maintenant comme des grappes de vigne; et l'odeur de ton visage, comme l'odeur des pommes;

Hohelied 7:8
Ich sprach: Ich muß auf den Palmbaum steigen und seine Zweige ergreifen. Laß deine Brüste sein wie Trauben am Weinstock und deiner Nase Geruch wie Äpfel

Ich sprach: Ich muß auf dem Palmbaum steigen und seine Zweige ergreifen. Laß deine Brüste sein wie Trauben am Weinstock und deiner Nase Duft wie Äpfel

Ich denke, die Palme muß ich ersteigen, ihre Zweige ergreifen. Möchten doch deine Brüste den Trauben am Weinstocke gleichen, und deiner Nase Duft den Äpfeln,

Cantico dei Cantici 7:8
(H7-9) Io ho detto: "Io salirò sulla palma, e m’appiglierò ai suoi rami". Siano le tue mammelle come grappoli di vite, il profumo del tuo fiato, come quello de’ pomi,

Io ho detto: Io salirò sopra la palma, E mi appiglierò a’ suoi rami; Ed i tuoi seni saranno ora come grappoli di vite, E l’odor del tuo alito come quello de’ pomi;

Maka kataku: Aku memanjat kelak pokok kurma itu dan memegang pelepahnya; hendaklah kiranya kedua belah susumu seperti tandan buah anggur dan nafasmu seperti harum buah limau manis,

아가 7:8
내가 말하기를 종려나무에 올라가서 그 가지를 잡으리라 하였나니 네 유방은 포도송이 같고 네 콧김은 사과 냄새 같고

Canticum Canticorum 7:8
dixi ascendam in palmam adprehendam fructus eius et erunt ubera tua sicut botri vineae et odor oris tui sicut malorum

Giesmiø giesmës knyga 7:8
Aš tariau: “Įkopsiu į palmę, įsikibsiu į jos šakas”. Tavo krūtys bus kaip vynuogių kekės, tavo burnos kvapas­kaip obuolių.

Song of Solomon 7:8
I mea ahau, Ka pikitia e ahau te nikau, ka hopukia atu e ahau ona manga: kia rite ou u ki nga tautau o te waina, te kakara o tou ha ki te aporo;

Salomos Høisang 7:8
Jeg sier: Jeg vil stige op i palmetreet, ta fatt i dets grener. Måtte dine bryster være som vintreets druer, din ånde som duften av epler

Cantares 7:8
Yo dije: ``Subiré a la palmera, asiré sus frutos. ¡Sean tus pechos como racimos de la vid, el perfume de tu aliento como manzanas,

Yo dije: 'Subiré a la palmera, Tomaré sus frutos.' ¡Sean tus pechos como racimos de la vid, El perfume de tu aliento como manzanas,

Yo dije: Subiré a la palmera, asiré sus ramas: Y tus pechos serán ahora como racimos de vid, y el olor de tu boca como de manzanas;

Yo dije: Subiré á la palma, Asiré sus ramos: Y tus pechos serán ahora como racimos de vid, Y el olor de tu boca como de manzanas;

Yo dije: Subiré a la palma, asiré sus ramos. Y tus pechos serán ahora como racimos de vid, y el aliento de tu nariz como de manzanas;

Cantares de Salomâo 7:8
Então pensei: “Subirei essa palmeira e colherei os seus frutos. Sejam os teus seios como os mais generosos cachos da videira, o aroma da tua respiração como o perfume dos melhores damascos,

Disse eu: Subirei à palmeira, pegarei em seus ramos; então sejam os teus seios como os cachos da vide, e o cheiro do teu fôlego como o das maçãs,   

Cantarea Cantarilor 7:8
Îmi zic: ,,Mă voi sui în finic, şi -i voi apuca crăcile!`` Atunci ţîţele tale vor fi ca strugurii din vie, mirosul suflării tale ca al merelor.

Песни Песней 7:8
(7:9) Подумал я: влез бы я на пальму, ухватился бы за ветви ее; и груди твои были бы вместо кистей винограда, и запах от ноздрей твоих, как от яблоков;

(7-9) Подумал я: влез бы я на пальму, ухватился бы за ветви ее; и груди твои были бы вместо кистей винограда, и запах от ноздрей твоих, как от яблоков;[]

Hga Visan 7:8
Jag tänker: I det palmträdet vill jag stiga upp, jag vill gripa tag i dess kvistar. Må din barm då vara mig såsom vinträdets klasar och doften av din andedräkt såsom äpplens doft

Song of Solomon 7:8
Aking sinabi, ako'y aakyat sa puno ng palma, ako'y hahawak sa mga sanga niyaon; ang iyong mga suso ay maging gaya ng mga buwig ng puno ng ubas, at ang amoy ng iyong hinga ay gaya ng mga mansanas;

เพลงซาโลมอน 7:8
ฉันจึงคิดว่า ฉันจะปีนขึ้นต้นอินทผลัมนั้น ฉันจะจับพวงเหนี่ยวไว้ ขอให้ถันทั้งสองของเธองามดังพวงองุ่นเถอะ และขอให้ลมหายใจของเธอหอมดังผลแอบเปิ้ลเถิด

Ezgiler Ezgisi 7:8
‹‹Çıkayım hurma ağacına›› dedim,
‹‹Tutayım meyveli dallarını.››
Üzüm salkımları gibi olsun memelerin,
Elma gibi koksun soluğun,[]

Nhaõ Ca 7:8
Ta nói rằng: Ta sẽ trèo lên cây chà là, Vin lấy các tàu nó; Nguyên hai nương long mình như chùm nho, Mùi thơm mũi mình như trái bình bát,

Song of Solomon 7:7
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