Song of Solomon 7:4
Song of Solomon 7:4
Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus.

Your neck is as beautiful as an ivory tower. Your eyes are like the sparkling pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is as fine as the tower of Lebanon overlooking Damascus.

Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon, which looks toward Damascus.

"Your neck is like a tower of ivory, Your eyes like the pools in Heshbon By the gate of Bath-rabbim; Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, Which faces toward Damascus.

Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.

Your neck is like a tower of ivory, your eyes like pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon looking toward Damascus.

Your neck is like a tower of ivory. Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon, beside the gate of Beth-rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, which faces Damascus.

Your neck is like a tower made of ivory. Your eyes are the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon overlooking Damascus.

Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are like pools in Heshbon, pools by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like a Lebanese tower facing Damascus.

Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon by the gate of Bathrabbim; thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus.

Your neck is as a tower of ivory; your eyes like the pools of Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: your nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus.

Your neck is as a tower of ivory; your eyes like the fish pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: your nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus.

Thy neck is like the tower of ivory; Thine eyes as the pools in Heshbon, By the gate of Bath-rabbim; Thy nose is like the tower of Lebanon Which looketh toward Damascus.

Thy neck as a tower of ivory. Thy eyes like the fishpools in Hesebon, which are in the gate of the daughter of the multitude. Thy nose is as the tower of Libanus, that looketh toward Damascus.

Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; Thine eyes, like the pools in Heshbon, By the gate of Bath-rabbim; Thy nose like the tower of Lebanon, Which looketh toward Damascus;

Thy neck is like the tower of ivory; thine eyes as the pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim; thy nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.

Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thy eyes like the fish-pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh towards Damascus.

Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bathrabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus.

Thy neck as a tower of the ivory, Thine eyes pools in Heshbon, near the gate of Bath-Rabbim, Thy face as a tower of Lebanon looking to Damascus,

Kantiku i Kantikëve 7:4
Qafa jote është si një kullë fildishi, sytë e tu janë si ato të pellgjeve të Heshbonit pranë portës së Bath-Rabimit. Hunda jote është si kulla e Libanit, që shikon në drejtim të Damaskut.

ﻧﺸﻴﺪ ﺍﻷﻧﺸﺎ 7:4
عنقك كبرج من عاج. عيناك كالبرك في حشبون عند باب بث ربيم. انفك كبرج لبنان الناظر تجاه دمشق.

Dyr Minnensang 7:4
Und dein Nasn ragt wie eyn n Weissnberg der aine Turm, wo auf Zwötsch num luegt.

Песен на песните 7:4
Шията ти е като стълб от слонова кост; Очите ти са [като] водоемите в Есевон към портата Бат-рабим; Носът ти е като ливанската кула, Която гледа към Дамаск;

雅 歌 7:4
你 的 頸 項 如 象 牙 臺 ; 你 的 眼 目 像 希 實 本 、 巴 特 拉 併 門 旁 的 水 池 ; 你 的 鼻 子 彷 彿 朝 大 馬 色 的 利 巴 嫩 塔 。

你 的 颈 项 如 象 牙 ? ; 你 的 眼 目 像 希 实 本 、 巴 特 拉 并 门 旁 的 水 池 ; 你 的 鼻 子 彷 佛 朝 大 马 色 的 利 巴 嫩 塔 。



Song of Solomon 7:4
Vrat je tvoj kao kula bjelokosna. Oči su tvoje kao ribnjaci u Hešbonu kod vrata batrabimskih. Nos ti je kao kula libanska što gleda prema Damasku.

Píseň Šalomounova 7:4
Hrdlo tvé jako věže z kostí slonových, oči tvé rybníci v Ezebon podlé brány Batrabbim, nos tvůj věže Libánská patřící k Damašku.

Højsangen 7:4
din Hals som Elfenbenstaarnet, dine Øjne som Hesjbons Damme ved Bat-Rabbims Port, din Næse som Libanons Taarn, der ser mod Damaskus,

Hooglied 7:4
Uw hals is als een elpenbenen toren, uw ogen zijn als de vijvers te Hesbon, bij de poort van Bath-rabbim; uw neus is als de toren van Libanon, die tegen Damaskus ziet.

שיר השירים 7:4
צַוָּארֵ֖ךְ כְּמִגְדַּ֣ל הַשֵּׁ֑ן עֵינַ֜יִךְ בְּרֵכֹ֣ות בְּחֶשְׁבֹּ֗ון עַל־שַׁ֙עַר֙ בַּת־רַבִּ֔ים אַפֵּךְ֙ כְּמִגְדַּ֣ל הַלְּבָנֹ֔ון צֹופֶ֖ה פְּנֵ֥י דַמָּֽשֶׂק׃

ה צוארך כמגדל השן עיניך ברכות בחשבון על שער בת רבים--אפך כמגדל הלבנון צופה פני דמשק

צוארך כמגדל השן עיניך ברכות בחשבון על־שער בת־רבים אפך כמגדל הלבנון צופה פני דמשק׃

Énekek Éneke 7:4
A te nyakad, mint az elefánttetembõl csinált torony;

Alta kanto de Salomono 7:4
Via kolo estas kiel turo el eburo; Viaj okuloj kiel la lagetoj en HXesxbon, cxe la pordego de Bat-Rabim; Via nazo estas kiel la turo de Lebanon rigardanta Damaskon;

Sinun kaulas on niinkuin elephantinluinen torni; sinun silmäs ovat niinkuin Hesbonin kalalammikot Batrabbimin portissa; sinun nenäs on niinkuin Libanonin torni, joka katsoo Damaskuun päin.

Cantique des Cantiqu 7:4
Ton cou est comme une tour d'ivoire; tes yeux sont comme les étangs qui sont à Hesbon, vers la porte de Bath-Rabbim; ton nez est comme la tour du Liban, qui regarde vers Damas;

Ton cou est comme une tour d'ivoire; Tes yeux sont comme les étangs de Hesbon, Près de la porte de Bath-Rabbim; Ton nez est comme la tour du Liban, Qui regarde du côté de Damas.

Ton cou est comme une tour d'ivoire; tes yeux sont [comme] les viviers qui sont en Hesbon, près de la porte de Bathrabbim; ton visage est comme la tour du Liban qui regarde vers Damas.

Hohelied 7:4
Dein Hals ist wie ein elfenbeinerner Turm. Deine Augen sind wie die Teiche zu Hesbon, am Tor Bathrabbim. Deine Nase ist wie der Turm auf Libanon, der gegen Damaskus siehet.

Dein Hals ist wie ein elfenbeinerner Turm. Deine Augen sind wie die Teiche zu Hesbon am Tor Bathrabbims. Deine Nase ist wie der Turm auf dem Libanon, der gen Damaskus sieht.

Dein Hals ist wie der Elfenbeinturm, deine Augen Teiche zu Hesbon am Thore Bathrabbim, deine Nase wie der Libanonturm der gen Damaskus schaut.

Cantico dei Cantici 7:4
(H7-5) Il tuo collo è come una torre d’avorio; i tuoi occhi son come le piscine d’Heshbon presso la porta di Bath-Rabbim. Il tuo naso e come la torre del Libano, che guarda verso Damasco.

Il tuo collo pare una torre d’avorio; E gli occhi tuoi le pescine che sono in Hesbon, Presso alla porta di Bat-rabbim; Il tuo naso pare la Torre del Libano Che riguarda verso Damasco.

Lehermu bagaikan menara gading, matamu bagaikan kolam yang di Hezbon dekat pintu Bat-Rabim; hidungmu bagaikan menara di Libanon, yang arah ke Damsyik.

아가 7:4
목은 상아 망대 같구나 눈은 헤스본 바드랍빔 문 곁의 못 같고 코는 다메섹을 향한 레바논 망대 같구나

Canticum Canticorum 7:4
collum tuum sicut turris eburnea oculi tui sicut piscinae in Esebon quae sunt in porta filiae multitudinis nasus tuus sicut turris Libani quae respicit contra Damascum

Giesmiø giesmës knyga 7:4
Tavo kaklas lyg dramblio kaulo bokštas. Tavo akys lyg Hešbono tvenkiniai prie Batrabimo vartų. Tavo nosis lyg Libano bokštas, nukreiptas Damasko link.

Song of Solomon 7:4
Ko tou kaki ano he pourewa rei; ko ou kanohi, ano ko nga roto wai i Hehepona, i te kuwaha o Peterapimi; ko tou ihu, ano ko te pourewa o Repanona, e titiro atu nei ki Ramahiku.

Salomos Høisang 7:4
Din hals er som elfenbenstårnet, dine øine som vanndammene i Hesbon ved Batrabbims port, din nese som Libanon-tårnet, som skuer ut mot Damaskus.

Cantares 7:4
Tu cuello, como torre de marfil, tus ojos, como los estanques en Hesbón junto a la puerta de Bat-rabim; tu nariz, como la torre del Líbano que mira hacia Damasco.

Tu cuello, como torre de marfil, Tus ojos, como los estanques en Hesbón Junto a la Puerta de Bat Rabim; Tu nariz, como la torre del Líbano Que mira hacia Damasco.

Tu cuello, como torre de marfil; tus ojos, como los estanques de Hesbón junto a la puerta de Bat-rabim; tu nariz, como la torre del Líbano, que mira hacia Damasco.

Tu cuello, como torre de marfil; Tus ojos, como las pesqueras de Hesbón junto á la puerta de Bat-rabbim; Tu nariz, como la torre del Líbano, Que mira hacia Damasco.

Tu cuello, como torre de marfil; tus ojos, como las pesqueras de Hesbón junto a la puerta de Bat-rabim; tu nariz, como la torre del Líbano, que mira hacia Damasco.

Cantares de Salomâo 7:4
Teu pescoço, uma torre de marfim; teus olhos, as piscinas de Heshbon, junto às portas de Bat-Rabim; teu nariz é como a torre do Líbano voltada para Damasco.

O teu pescoço como a torre de marfim; os teus olhos como as piscinas de Hesbom, junto à porta de Bate-Rabim; o teu nariz é como torre do Líbano, que olha para Damasco.   

Cantarea Cantarilor 7:4
Gîtul tău este ca un turn de fildeş; ochii tăi sînt ca iazurile Hesbonului, de lîngă poarta Bat-Rabim; nasul tău este ca turnul Libanului, care priveşte spre Damasc.

Песни Песней 7:4
(7:5) шея твоя – как столп из слоновой кости; глаза твои – озерки Есевонские, что у ворот Батраббима; нос твой – башня Ливанская, обращеннаяк Дамаску;

(7-5) шея твоя--как столп из слоновой кости; глаза твои--озерки Есевонские, что у ворот Батраббима; нос твой--башня Ливанская, обращенная к Дамаску;[]

Hga Visan 7:4
Din hals liknar Elfenbenstornet, dina ögon dammarna i Hesbon, vid Bat-Rabbimsporten. Din näsa är såsom Libanonstornet, som skådar ut mot Damaskus.

Song of Solomon 7:4
Ang iyong leeg ay gaya ng moog na garing; ang iyong mga mata ay gaya ng mga lawa sa Hesbon sa siping ng pintuang-bayan ng Batrabbim; ang iyong ilong ay gaya ng moog ng Libano na nakaharap sa Damasco.

เพลงซาโลมอน 7:4
ลำคอของเธอประหนึ่งหอคอยสร้างด้วยงาช้าง เนตรทั้งสองของเธอดุจสระในเมืองเฮชโบนที่ริมประตูเมืองบัทรับบิม จมูกของเธอเหมือนหอแห่งเลบานอนซึ่งมองลงเห็นเมืองดามัสกัส

Ezgiler Ezgisi 7:4
Fildişi kule gibi boynun.
Bat-Rabim Kapısı yanındaki
Heşbon havuzları gibi gözlerin.
Şama bakan
Lübnan Kulesi gibi burnun.[]

Nhaõ Ca 7:4
Cổ nàng như một cái tháp ngà. Mắt nàng khác nào các ao tại Hết-bôn Ở bên cửa Bát-Ra-bim; Mũi nàng như ngọn tháp Li-ban Ngó về hướng Ða-mách.

Song of Solomon 7:3
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