Romans 8:5
Romans 8:5
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For those who live according to the flesh think about the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, about the things of the Spirit.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit.

Those who are in the flesh are governed by the flesh, and those who are of The Spirit are governed by The Spirit.

Those who live by the corrupt nature have the corrupt nature's attitude. But those who live by the spiritual nature have the spiritual nature's attitude.

For those that are according to the flesh know the things that are of the flesh; but those that are according to the Spirit, the things that are of the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For they that are according to the flesh, mind the things that are of the flesh; but they that are according to the spirit, mind the things that are of the spirit.

For they that are according to flesh mind the things of the flesh; and they that are according to Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit.

For they that are according to the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh: but they that are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

For if men are controlled by their earthly natures, they give their minds to earthly things. If they are controlled by their spiritual natures, they give their minds to spiritual things.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

For those who are according to the flesh, the things of the flesh do mind; and those according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit;

Romakëve 8:5
Sepse ata që rrojnë sipas mishit e çojnë mendjen në gjërat e mishit, por ata që rrojnë sipas Frymës në gjërat e Frymës.

ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 8:5
فان الذين هم حسب الجسد فبما للجسد يهتمون ولكن الذين حسب الروح فبما للروح.

Արդարեւ մարմինին համաձայն ապրողները՝ կը մտածեն մարմինին բաները, իսկ Հոգիին համաձայն ապրողները՝ Հոգիին բաները.

Romanoetara. 8:5
Ecen haraguiaren arauezco diradenac haraguiaren gaucetara dirade affectionatu: baina Spirituaren arauezcoac, Spirituaren gaucetara.

D Roemer 8:5
Denn allsand, wo von n Fleish bestimmt seind, +trachtnd aau wie s Fleish; allsand aber, wo von n Geist glaitt seind, tuend aau, was yn n Geist entspricht.

Римляни 8:5
Защото тия, които са плътски, копнеят за плътското; а тия, които са духовни- за духовното.

羅 馬 書 8:5
因 為 隨 從 肉 體 的 人 體 貼 肉 體 的 事 , 隨 從 聖 靈 的 人 體 貼 聖 靈 的 事 。

因 为 随 从 肉 体 的 人 体 贴 肉 体 的 事 , 随 从 圣 灵 的 人 体 贴 圣 灵 的 事 。





Poslanica Rimljanima 8:5
Da, oni koji žive po tijelu, teže za onim što je tjelesno; a koji po Duhu, za onim što je Duhovo:

Římanům 8:5
Ti zajisté, kteříž jsou podle těla živi, chutnají to, což jest těla, ale ti, kteříž jsou živi podle Ducha, oblibují to, což jest Ducha.

Romerne 8:5
Thi de, som lade sig lede af Kødet, hige efter det kødelige; men de, som lade sig lede af Aanden, hige efter det aandelige.

Romeinen 8:5
Want die naar het vlees zijn, bedenken, dat des vleses is; maar die naar den Geest zijn, bedenken, dat des Geestes is.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν, οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν, οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν, οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

Οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν· οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν, οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν, οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν· οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος.

οἱ γὰρ κατὰ σάρκα ὄντες τὰ τῆς σαρκὸς φρονοῦσιν οἱ δὲ κατὰ πνεῦμα τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος

οι γαρ κατα σαρκα οντες τα της σαρκος φρονουσιν οι δε κατα πνευμα τα του πνευματος

οι γαρ κατα σαρκα οντες τα της σαρκος φρονουσιν οι δε κατα πνευμα τα του πνευματος

οι γαρ κατα σαρκα οντες τα της σαρκος φρονουσιν οι δε κατα πνευμα τα του πνευματος

οι γαρ κατα σαρκα οντες τα της σαρκος φρονουσιν· οι δε κατα πνευμα τα του πνευματος.

οι γαρ κατα σαρκα οντες τα της σαρκος φρονουσιν οι δε κατα πνευμα τα του πνευματος

οι γαρ κατα σαρκα οντες τα της σαρκος φρονουσιν οι δε κατα πνευμα τα του πνευματος

hoi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin, hoi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos.

hoi gar kata sarka ontes ta tes sarkos phronousin, hoi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos.

hoi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin, hoi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos.

hoi gar kata sarka ontes ta tes sarkos phronousin, hoi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos.

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tEs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tEs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tEs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tEs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tEs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tēs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

oi gar kata sarka ontes ta tEs sarkos phronousin oi de kata pneuma ta tou pneumatos

Rómaiakhoz 8:5
Mert a test szerint valók a test dolgaira gondolnak; a Lélek szerint valók pedig a Lélek dolgaira.

Al la romanoj 8:5
CXar kiuj estas laux la karno, tiuj sin interesas pri la aferoj de la karno; sed kiuj estas laux la spirito, pri la aferoj de la spirito.

Kirje roomalaisille 8:5
Sillä ne, jotka lihan jälkeen ovat, ajattelevat niitä, mitkä lihan ovat; mutta ne, jotka hengen jälkeen ovat, ajattelevat hengellisiä.

Romains 8:5
Car ceux qui sont selon la chair ont leurs pensées aux choses de la chair; mais ceux qui sont selon l' Esprit, aux choses de l'Esprit;

Ceux, en effet, qui vivent selon la chair, s'affectionnent aux choses de la chair, tandis que ceux qui vivent selon l'esprit s'affectionnent aux choses de l'esprit.

Car ceux qui sont selon la chair, sont affectionnés aux choses de la chair; mais ceux qui sont selon l'Esprit, [sont affectionnés] aux choses de l'Esprit.

Roemer 8:5
Denn die da fleischlich sind, die sind fleischlich gesinnet; die aber geistlich sind, die sind geistlich gesinnet.

Denn die da fleischlich sind, die sind fleischlich gesinnt; die aber geistlich sind, die sind geistlich gesinnt.

Denn wer nach des Fleisches Art ist, der geht auf des Fleisches Ziele aus, wer nach des Geistes Art ist, auf des Geistes Ziele.

Romani 8:5
Poiché quelli che son secondo la carne, hanno l’animo alle cose della carne; ma quelli che son secondo lo spirito, hanno l’animo alle cose dello spirito.

Perciocchè coloro che son secondo la carne, pensano, ed hanno l’animo alle cose della carne; ma coloro che son secondo lo Spirito, alle cose dello Spirito.

ROMA 8:5
Karena orang yang menurut tabiat duniawi, memikirkan hal dunia itu, tetapi orang yang menurut Roh itu, memikirkan hal rohani itu.

Romans 8:5
Wid yețɛicin s ṭṭbiɛa n wemdan țqelliben kan ɣef wayen yeɛnan lebɣi n wemdan, ma d wid ițɛicin s Ṛṛuḥ iqedsen țqelliben ɣef wayen yeɛnan lebɣi n Ṛṛuḥ iqedsen.

로마서 8:5
육신을 좇는 자는 육신의 일을 영을 좇는 자는 영의 일을 생각하나니

Romanos 8:5
qui enim secundum carnem sunt quae carnis sunt sapiunt qui vero secundum Spiritum quae sunt Spiritus sentiunt

Romiešiem 8:5
Jo tie, kas dzīvo saskaņā ar miesu, tiecas pēc tā, kas miesīgs, bet kas saskaņā ar garu, tie cenšas pēc garīgā.

Laiðkas romieèiams 8:5
Kurie gyvena pagal kūną, tie mąsto kūniškai, o kurie gyvena pagal Dvasią­dvasiškai.

Romans 8:5
Ko te hunga hoki i runga i ta te kikokiko, whakaaro ana ratou ki o te kikokiko; ko te hunga ia i runga i ta te Wairua, ki o te Wairua.

Romerne 8:5
For de som er efter kjødet, attrår det som hører kjødet til, men de som er efter Ånden, attrår det som hører Ånden til.

Romanos 8:5
Porque los que viven conforme a la carne, ponen la mente en las cosas de la carne, pero los que viven conforme al Espíritu, en las cosas del Espíritu.

Porque los que viven conforme a la carne, ponen la mente en las cosas de la carne, pero los que viven conforme al Espíritu, en las cosas del Espíritu.

Porque los que son de la carne, en las cosas de la carne piensan; pero los que son del Espíritu, en las cosas del Espíritu.

Porque los que viven conforme á la carne, de las cosas que son de la carne se ocupan; mas los que conforme al espíritu, de las cosas del espíritu.

Porque los que son conforme a la carne, las cosas que son de la carne saben; mas los que conforme al Espíritu, las cosas que son del Espíritu.

Romanos 8:5
Os que vivem segundo a carne têm a mente voltada para as vontades da natureza carnal, entretanto, os que vivem de acordo com o Espírito, têm a mente orientada para satisfazer o que o Espírito deseja.

Pois os que são segundo a carne inclinam-se para as coisas da carne; mas os que são segundo o Espírito para as coisas do Espírito.   

Romani 8:5
În adevăr, ceice trăiesc după îndemnurile firii pămînteşti, umblă după lucrurile firii pămînteşti; pe cînd cei ce trăiesc după îndemnurile Duhului, umblă după lucrurile Duhului.

К Римлянам 8:5
Ибо живущие по плоти о плотском помышляют, а живущие по духу – о духовном.

Ибо живущие по плоти о плотском помышляют, а живущие по духу--о духовном.

Romans 8:5
Ayash wakeramun umirainia nu, ayashnia nunak Enentßimtuiniawai. Antsu Yusa Wakanφ wakeramun Pßchinia nuka Y·snan Enentßimtuiniawai.

Romabrevet 8:5
Ty de som äro köttsliga, de hava sitt sinne vänt till vad köttet tillhör; men de som äro andliga, de hava sitt sinne vänt till vad Anden tillhör.

Warumi 8:5
Maana, wale wanaoishi kufuatana na matakwa ya mwili, hutawaliwa na fikira za mwili. Lakini wale wanaoishi kufuatana na matakwa ya Roho Mtakatifu, hutawaliwa na fikira za Roho.

Mga Taga-Roma 8:5
Sapagka't ang mga ayon sa laman ay nangagsisitalima sa mga bagay ng laman; datapuwa't ang mga ayon sa Espiritu ay sa mga bagay ng Espiritu.

โรม 8:5
เพราะว่า คนทั้งหลายที่อยู่ฝ่ายเนื้อหนังก็ปักใจในสิ่งซึ่งเป็นของของเนื้อหนัง แต่คนทั้งหลายที่อยู่ฝ่ายพระวิญญาณก็ปักใจในสิ่งซึ่งเป็นของของพระวิญญาณ

Romalılar 8:5
Benliğe uyanlar benlikle ilgili, Ruha uyanlarsa Ruhla ilgili işleri düşünürler.

Римляни 8:5
Которі бо по тїлу, ті думають про тілесне, которі ж по духу, - про духовне.

Romans 8:5

Roâ-ma 8:5
Thật thế, kẻ sống theo xác thịt thì chăm những sự thuộc về xác thịt; còn kẻ sống theo Thánh Linh thì chăm những sự thuộc về Thánh Linh.

Romans 8:4
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